Using the UI for DC/OS management

The DC/OS UI provides a rich graphical view of your DC/OS cluster. With the UI you can view the current state of your entire cluster and DC/OS services. The UI is installed as a part of your DC/OS installation.


Figure 1 - Dashboard

Header Bar Menus

On the header bar, the username and cluster name are displayed as menus.

In the user menu, there is a link to let you sign out or change the language of the display:

DC/OS UI User Menu

Figure 2 - Header Bar User Menu

In the cluster menu, there are links for: Cluster Overview, Documentation and CLI Installation.

DC/OS UI Cluster Menu

Figure 3 - Header Bar Cluster Menu

For DC/OS Enterprise, there is also a link for administering linked clusters.

DC/OS UI Cluster Menu with Linked Cluster

Figure 4 - Cluster Menu with Switch Cluster Option

Change UI language

You can change the language in which the UI is displayed.

From the header bar

  1. Click on your username in the header bar.

    Username Menu

    Figure 5 - User name menu

  2. From the drop-down menu, select “English (change)”.

    Drop Down menu

    Figure 6 - Username menu

  3. From the Language Preferences window, select your language.

    Language Preferences

    Figure 7 - Language preferences menu

  4. Click Save.

From the Settings menu

  1. Click on Settings > UI Settings.

    UI settings tab

    Figure 8 - UI Settings tab

  2. Click on the Edit button.

  3. From the Language Preferences window, select your language.

    Language Preferences

    Figure 9 - Language preferences menu

  4. Click Save.