CLI Reference

All CLI commands available

This is the complete list of DC/OS Percona XtraDB Cluster commands available:

dcos percona-pxc-mysql describe

View the configuration for this service

dcos percona-pxc-mysql endpoints [<name>]

View client endpoints

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan list

Show all plans for this service

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan status

Display the status of the plan with the provided plan name.

[<flags>] <plan>   
--json  Show raw JSON response instead of user-friendly tree

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan start

Start the plan with the provided name and any optional plan arguments

 <flags> <plan>
-p, --params=PARAMS ...  Envvar definition in VAR=value form; can be repeated for multiple variables

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan stop <plan>

Stop the running plan with the provided name

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan pause

<plan> [<phase>]

Pause the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID)

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan resume <plan>

Resume the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID)


dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan force-restart

<plan> <phase> <step>

Restart the plan with the provided name, or a specific phase in the plan with the provided name, or a specific step in a phase of the plan with the provided step name.

dcos percona-pxc-mysql plan force-complete


Force complete a specific step in the provided phase. Example uses include the following: Abort a sidecar operation due to observed failure or known required manual preparation that was not performed

[<phase>] [<step>]

dcos percona-pxc-mysql pod list

Display the list of known pod instances

dcos percona-pxc-mysql pod restart <pod>

Restarts a given pod without moving it to a new agent

dcos percona-pxc-mysql pod replace <pod>

Destroys a given pod and moves it to a new agent

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update start

Launches an update operation

--options=OPTIONS  Path to a JSON file that contains customized package installation options
The desired package version
--replace   Replace the existing configuration in whole. Otherwise, the existing configuration and options are merged.

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update force-complete

<phase> <step> 

Force complete a specific step in the provided phase

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update force-restart

Restart update plan, or specific step in the provided phase

[<phase> [<step>]

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update package-versions

View a list of available package versions to downgrade or upgrade to

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update pause

Pause update plan

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update resume

Resume update plan

dcos percona-pxc-mysql update status

View status of a running update

 --json  Show raw JSON response instead of user-friendly tree