Percona Server for MongoDB Administration

Administrative options for Percona Sever for MongoDB

Backup and Restore

Please see the “Disaster Recovery” section.


Scaling of the number of MongoDB Replica Set nodes is possible using the service in both the web interface and CLI. Currently scaling up/down to 1, 3, 5 or 7 replica set member is possible, odd numbers are required for high-availability. A Replica Set with 1 node is not recommended as it has no redundancy or high availability.

Note that scaling “up” will cause the MongoDB Replica Set Primary to copy ALL of the replica set data to any new members. This may temporarily degrade database performance. In some cases it is possible your application will temporarily receive errors during a scale “down” if it was reading from a node that was killed in the process of the scale-down. Most MongoDB drivers expect this type of failure to occur.

To scale the Replica Set in the web interface:

  1. View the service in the Services section.
  2. Press Edit Configuration.
  3. Go to the Mongodb section of the service configuration.
  4. Change the count field to 1, 3, 5 or 7.
  5. Wait for the service scheduler process percona-server-mongodb to restart and apply the changes.

To scale the Replica Set using the CLI:

$ dcos percona-server-mongodb scale [up|down] [1|3|5|7]

To list the current count/scale using the CLI:

$ dcos percona-server-mongodb scale list


Monitoring of Percona Server for MongoDB is possible using the DC/OS Metrics component. Please see the Metrics API documentation for more information on using these metrics.

To enable DC/OS Metrics, ensure the Enabled flag in the Dcos Metrics section of the service configuration.

SSL/TLS Connections Enterprise

You can enable the SSL/TLS transport security capabilities of Percona Server for MongoDB using the Percona-Server-MongoDB service combined with the DC/OS Secret Store feature (DC/OS Enterprise Edition only).

3 x SSL security modes are possible with this feature:

  1. allowSSL - Both insecure and ssl-secured connections are allowed.
  2. preferSSL - Both insecure and ssl-secured connections are allowed. Replication and sharding will use ssl-secured connections.
  3. requireSSL - Insecure connections are not allowed.
Note: By default, "preferSSL" is used when SSL/TLS support is enabled

To start the service with MongoDB SSL/TLS support:

  1. Install the dcos-enterprise-cli:

    $ dcos package install dcos-enterprise-cli --cli
  2. Create a public-private keypair:

    $ dcos security org service-accounts keypair priv.pem pub.pem
  3. Create a service account for Percona-Server-MongoDB:

    $ dcos security org service-accounts create -p pub.pem -d "Percona-Server-MongoDB" percona-server-mongodb-service-acct
  4. Create a service acccount Secret:

    $ dcos security secrets create-sa-secret priv.pem percona-server-mongodb-service-acct percona-server-mongodb-service-acct-secret
  5. Grant the service account superuser privileges:

    $ dcos security org users grant percona-server-mongodb-service-acct dcos:superuser full
  6. In Services page of the DC/OS web interface, create a new Percona-Server-MongoDB service.

  7. Switch to the Service section of the service configuration.

  8. Enter the service account name (such as “percona-server-mongodb-service-acct”) in the field principal.

  9. Enter the service account secret name (such as “percona-server-mongodb-service-acct-secret”) in the field secret_name.

  10. Switch to the Mongodb Ssl section of the service configuration.

  11. Check the Enabled box to enable SSL support.

From this point on, deploy the service as usual.


The Percona Server for MongoDB Auditing feature allows detailed logging of actions in MongoDB. Auditing configuration is automated by the DC/OS Percona-Server-MongoDB service.

To enable auditing via the web interface:

  1. Edit a new or existing service configuration.
  2. Visit the Mongodb Auditlog tab of the service configuration.

In the Mongodb Auditlog tab there are fields to:

  1. Enable/disable the feature.
  2. Filter the output of the audit log.

Get auditLog from the web interface

  1. Visit the Files page of a MongoDB task (ending in -mongod).
  2. Download the file auditLog.bson in the sub-directory mongo-data.

Get auditLog from CLI

  1. Get the task ID of the MongoDB task using the dcos task CLI command:
    dcos task
  2. Get an interactive shell on the MongoDB container using the dcos task exec command:
    dcos task exec --tty --interactive <task-id> /bin/bash
  3. View the auditLog by reading the auditLog.bson file in the mongo-data sub-directory. You can use the bsondump command to parse the BSON format.


The MongoDB Log can be gathered in two ways, via the DC/OS web interface or the DC/OS CLI.

Get MongoDB Log from web interface

  1. Visit the Logs page of a MongoDB task (ending in -mongod).
  2. Click the Stdout to visit the stdout logging page.

The log can be downloaded from the DC/OS web interface by downloading the file stdout, seen in the Files* tab for the task.

Get MongoDB Log from CLI

  1. Get the task ID of the MongoDB task using the dcos task CLI command:
    dcos task
  2. Get an interactive shell on the MongoDB container using the dcos task exec command:
    dcos task exec --tty --interactive <task-id> /bin/bash
  3. View the MongoDB log by reading the stdout file in the current directory.


The Percona-Server-MongoDB service contains several custom plans for modifying MongoDB Users via the Percona-Server-MongoDB CLI tool.

All actions require the username and password of the MongoDB clusterAdmin (defined in service configuration).

DC/OS Percona-Server-MongoDB System Users

The Percona-Server-MongoDB service deploys 4 x default MongoDB users for various purposes.

Important: These users cannot be modified or removed! Tasks that modify the users below will receive an error.
Username (default): Service Config Field: MongoDB Role(s): Internal Purpose:
backup mongodb.backupUser backup, clusterMonitor Backup Tasks
clusteradmin mongodb.clusterAdminUser clusterAdmin Cluster Administration Tasks
clustermonitor mongodb.clusterMonitorUser clusterMonitor DC/OS Healthchecks
useradmin mongodb.userAdminUser userAdmin User Administration Tasks

Add user

To add a user:

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file containing a MongoDB User definition, example:

      "user": "prodapp",
      "pwd": "123456",
      "roles": [
        { "db": "app", "role": "readWrite" }
  2. Add the user to the Percona-Server-MongoDB service using the service CLI tool, providing the filename of the user definition.

    $ dcos percona-server-mongodb user add <database> <user-json-file>

Update user

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file containing a MongoDB User definition, example:

      "user": "prodapp",
      "pwd": "123456",
      "roles": [
        { "db": "app", "role": "readWrite" },
        { "db": "anotherApp", "role": "read" },
  2. Update the user using the Percona-Server-MongoDB CLI tool by providing the filename of the user definition:

    $ dcos percona-server-mongodb user update <database> <user-json-file>

Remove User

To remove a user, provide the database and username to the percona-server-mongodb CLI tool, as in the following example:

$ dcos percona-server-mongodb user remove <database> <username>

Reload Percona-Server-MongoDB Service/System users

To reload the Percona-Server-MongoDB System Users, run the following command using the Percona-Server-MongoDB CLI tool:

$ dcos percona-server-mongodb user reload-system

Stop a user change

To stop an add, update, remove or reload-system operation, run the following command with the action name you would like to stop:

$ dcos percona-server-mongodb user stop <action-name>

See ‘dcos percona-server-mongodb user stop --help’ for more information*