API Reference

DC/OS NiFi Service API Reference

The DC/OS NiFi Service implements a REST API that may be accessed from outside the cluster. The <dcos_url> parameter referenced below indicates the base URL of the DC/OS cluster on which the DC/OS Apache NiFfi Service is deployed.

REST API Authentication

REST API requests must be authenticated. This authentication is only applicable for interacting with the DC/OS Apache NiFi REST API directly. You do not need the token to access the Apache NiFi nodes themselves.

If you are using DC/OS Enterprise, follow these instructions to create a service account and an authentication token. You can then configure your service to automatically refresh the authentication token when it expires.

Once you have the authentication token, you can store it in an environment variable and reference it in your REST API calls:

export auth_token=uSeR_t0k3n

The curl examples in this document assume that an auth token has been stored in an environment variable named auth_token.

If you are using DC/OS Enterprise, the security mode of your installation may also require the --ca-cert flag when making REST calls. Refer to Obtaining and passing the DC/OS certificate in Curl requests for information on how to use the --cacert flag. If your security mode is disabled, do not use the --ca-cert flag.

Plan API

The Plan API provides endpoints for monitoring and controlling service installation and configuration updates.

List plans

You may list the configured plans for the service. By default, all services at least have a deploy plan and a recovery plan. Some services may have additional custom plans defined.

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/plans
dcos nifi --name=nifi plan list

View plan

You may view the current state of a listed plan:

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/plans/<plan>

The CLI may be used to show a formatted tree of the plan (default), or the underlying JSON data as retrieved from the above HTTP endpoint:

dcos nifi --name=nifi plan show <plan>
dcos nifi --name=nifi plan show <plan> --json

Pause plan

The installation will pause after completing installation of the current node and wait for user input before proceeding further.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/plans/deploy/interrupt
dcos nifi --name=nifi plan pause deploy

Resume plan

The REST API request below will resume installation at the next pending node.

curl -X PUT <dcos_surl>/service/nifi/v1/plans/deploy/continue
dcos nifi --name=nifi plan continue deploy

Connection API

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" dcos_url/service/nifi/v1/endpoints/<endpoint>

You will see a response similar to the following:

  "address": [
  "dns": [
  "vip": "node.nifi.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:1025"

The contents of the endpoint response contain details sufficient for clients to connect to the service.

Nodes API

The pod API provides endpoints for retrieving information about nodes, restarting them, and replacing them.

List Nodes

A list of available node ids can be retrieved by sending a GET request to /v1/pod:

CLI Example

dcos nifi pod list

HTTP Example

curl  -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/pod

You will see a response similar to the following:


Node Info

You can retrieve node information by sending a GET request to /v1/pod/<node-id>/info:

CLI Example

dcos nifi pod info node-0

HTTP Example

curl  -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/pod/node-0/info

You will see a response similar to the following:

[ {
  "info" : {
    "name" : "nifi-0-backup",
    "taskId" : {
      "value" : ""
    "slaveId" : {
      "value" : "f16589ce-d94e-44ee-9663-f2a6ca8809e0-S4"
    "resources" : [ {
      "providerId" : null,
      "name" : "cpus",
      "type" : "SCALAR",
      "scalar" : {
        "value" : 0.5
      "ranges" : null,
      "set" : null,
      "role" : null,
      "allocationInfo" : null,
      "reservation" : null,
      "reservations" : [ {
        "type" : "DYNAMIC",
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal",
        "labels" : {
          "labels" : [ {
            "key" : "resource_id",
            "value" : "600b5325-54d3-4375-b245-d1ec4657760d"
          } ]
      } ],
      "disk" : null,
      "revocable" : null,
      "shared" : null
    }, {
      "providerId" : null,
      "name" : "mem",
      "type" : "SCALAR",
      "scalar" : {
        "value" : 512.0
      "ranges" : null,
      "set" : null,
      "role" : null,
      "allocationInfo" : null,
      "reservation" : null,
      "reservations" : [ {
        "type" : "DYNAMIC",
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal",
        "labels" : {
          "labels" : [ {
            "key" : "resource_id",
            "value" : "23146ae9-272b-42fe-8aae-8c8546d4dd42"
          } ]
      } ],
      "disk" : null,
      "revocable" : null,
      "shared" : null
    }, {
      "providerId" : null,
      "name" : "disk",
      "type" : "SCALAR",
      "scalar" : {
        "value" : 1000.0
      "ranges" : null,
      "set" : null,
      "role" : null,
      "allocationInfo" : null,
      "reservation" : null,
      "reservations" : [ {
        "type" : "DYNAMIC",
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal",
        "labels" : {
          "labels" : [ {
            "key" : "resource_id",
            "value" : "9efcf4e8-f41e-4015-9265-b3091a5fd0e0"
          } ]
      } ],
      "disk" : {
        "persistence" : {
          "id" : "043c88e3-10d7-46fa-b92d-0023645683b0",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        "volume" : {
          "mode" : "RW",
          "containerPath" : "nifi-backup",
          "hostPath" : null,
          "image" : null,
          "source" : null
        "source" : null
      "revocable" : null,
      "shared" : null
    } ],
    "executor" : {
      "type" : "DEFAULT",
      "executorId" : {
        "value" : "nifi__4e03dd7d-8635-47e6-ade6-db0995dedb8a"
      "frameworkId" : {
        "value" : "f16589ce-d94e-44ee-9663-f2a6ca8809e0-0007"
      "command" : null,
      "container" : {
        "type" : "MESOS",
        "volumes" : [ ],
        "hostname" : null,
        "docker" : null,
        "mesos" : null,
        "networkInfos" : [ ],
        "linuxInfo" : null,
        "rlimitInfo" : {
          "rlimits" : [ {
            "type" : "RLMT_NOFILE",
            "hard" : 50000,
            "soft" : 50000
          }, {
            "type" : "RLMT_NPROC",
            "hard" : 10000,
            "soft" : 10000
          } ]
        "ttyInfo" : null
      "resources" : [ {
        "providerId" : null,
        "name" : "cpus",
        "type" : "SCALAR",
        "scalar" : {
          "value" : 0.1
        "ranges" : null,
        "set" : null,
        "role" : null,
        "allocationInfo" : null,
        "reservation" : null,
        "reservations" : [ {
          "type" : "DYNAMIC",
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "labels" : {
            "labels" : [ {
              "key" : "resource_id",
              "value" : "2f853459-817e-4b7d-aac4-734f77da6f87"
            } ]
        } ],
        "disk" : null,
        "revocable" : null,
        "shared" : null
      }, {
        "providerId" : null,
        "name" : "mem",
        "type" : "SCALAR",
        "scalar" : {
          "value" : 32.0
        "ranges" : null,
        "set" : null,
        "role" : null,
        "allocationInfo" : null,
        "reservation" : null,
        "reservations" : [ {
          "type" : "DYNAMIC",
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "labels" : {
            "labels" : [ {
              "key" : "resource_id",
              "value" : "d38648f9-9c11-4fea-97cc-65ba144e2b44"
            } ]
        } ],
        "disk" : null,
        "revocable" : null,
        "shared" : null
      }, {
        "providerId" : null,
        "name" : "disk",
        "type" : "SCALAR",
        "scalar" : {
          "value" : 256.0
        "ranges" : null,
        "set" : null,
        "role" : null,
        "allocationInfo" : null,
        "reservation" : null,
        "reservations" : [ {
          "type" : "DYNAMIC",
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "labels" : {
            "labels" : [ {
              "key" : "resource_id",
              "value" : "655888c9-885e-44c8-9105-fbdcd87a83fd"
            } ]
        } ],
        "disk" : null,
        "revocable" : null,
        "shared" : null
      } ],
      "name" : "nifi",
      "source" : null,
      "data" : null,
      "discovery" : null,
      "shutdownGracePeriod" : null,
      "labels" : {
        "labels" : [ {
          "key" : "DCOS_SPACE",
          "value" : "/nifi"
        } ]
    "command" : {
      "uris" : [ {
        "value" : "https://downloads.mesosphere.com/java/server-jre-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/bootstrap.zip",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-binary/nifi-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/executor.zip",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/nifi-toolkit/nifi-toolkit-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-janitor.jar",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-statsd.jar",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-api-access.jar",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-python/python-2.7.14.tar.gz",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      } ],
      "environment" : {
        "variables" : [ {
          "name" : "FRAMEWORK_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "FRAMEWORK_NAME",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "FRAMEWORK_VIP_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi.l4lb.thisdcos.directory",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "512",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "512",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CLUSTER_FIREWALL_FILE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "3",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1 mins",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "25",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "12000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "10",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1440",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1 mins",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "10 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "12 hours",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "50%",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "content-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "10 millis",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "10 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "500 ms",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "500 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 days",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1 mins",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "database-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2 mins",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "flowfile-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "256",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nobody",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "12 hours",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KERBEROS_DEFAULT_REALM",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1_000_000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "provenance-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "500 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "16",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "65536",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1 GB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "24 hours",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "file-provider",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "BC",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "4",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_VERSION",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1.5.0",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "32 KB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1026",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1025",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "200",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "./work/jetty",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "./lib",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "3 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "value" : "3 secs",
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              "type" : null,
              "value" : "",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER",
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              "value" : "file-provider",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "BC",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD",
              "type" : null,
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            }, {
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              "type" : null,
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            }, {
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              "type" : null,
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            }, {
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            }, {
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            }, {
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            }, {
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              "value" : "",
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              "secret" : null
            }, {
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            }, {
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            }, {
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              "type" : null,
              "value" : "1025",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SCHEDULER_API_HOSTNAME",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "api.nifi.marathon.l4lb.thisdcos.directory",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "false",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "false",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "2500",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "nifi",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_REALM",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "LOCAL",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "TASK_NAME",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "nifi-0-node",
              "secret" : null
            }, {
              "name" : "nifi-0-node",
              "type" : null,
              "value" : "true",
              "secret" : null
            } ]
          "shell" : null,
          "value" : "# The NiFi node has started when it logs a specific \n# \"${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}:$nifi_web_port is now connected\" log line. \n# An example is below:\n# 2018/03/05 11:11:37 nifi-0-node.nifi.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory:1025 is now connected.\nnifi_server_log_files=nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}/logs/nifi-app.log\nnifi_authorizations_file=$MESOS_SANDBOX/../../misc-repository/authorizations.xml\nnifi_host_name=${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}\nnifi_web_port=${PORT_WEB}\nreadiness_info=`cat misc-repository/readiness-info.txt`\necho \"Executing shell script.\"\necho \"$readiness_info\"\nif [ \"$readiness_info\" == \"INSTALL\" ] ; then\n  echo \"Checking for successful log line in $nifi_server_log_files.\"\n  echo \"Looking for \\\"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected or NiFi has started.\\\" in the server log file.\"\n  grep -q \"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected\\|NiFi has started.\" $nifi_server_log_files\n  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then\n    echo \"Found started log line.\"\n    echo \"READY\" > misc-repository/readiness-info.txt\n    echo \"HOST=$nifi_host_name\" > misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"PORT=$nifi_web_port\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE=$nifi_authorizations_file\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n  else\n    echo \"started log line not found. Exiting.\"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  echo \"Required log line found. NiFi is ready.\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"READY\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is ready.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"RUNNING\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is running.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nfi\nexit 0\n",
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      "tcp" : null,
      "delaySeconds" : 10.0,
      "intervalSeconds" : 5.0,
      "timeoutSeconds" : 120.0
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    "data" : null,
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      "value" : "f16589ce-d94e-44ee-9663-f2a6ca8809e0-S4"
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      "value" : "nifi__4e03dd7d-8635-47e6-ade6-db0995dedb8a"
    "timestamp" : 1.5266533810304341E9,
    "uuid" : "64gHf/tlSFCZIPKoCce8tQ==",
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    "labels" : null,
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      } ],
      "cgroupInfo" : null,
      "executorPid" : 7710
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  "info" : {
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        "extract" : null,
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      }, {
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        "executable" : null,
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      }, {
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        "executable" : null,
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        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-janitor.jar",
        "executable" : null,
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        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
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        "executable" : null,
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        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-api-access.jar",
        "executable" : null,
        "extract" : null,
        "cache" : null,
        "outputFile" : null
      }, {
        "value" : "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-python/python-2.7.14.tar.gz",
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        "outputFile" : null
      } ],
      "environment" : {
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          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
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        }, {
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          "type" : null,
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          "secret" : null
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        }, {
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        }, {
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        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
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        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
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        }, {
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        }, {
          "type" : null,
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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        }, {
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "secret" : null
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          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
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        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 days",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
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          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
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          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "database-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2 mins",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "flowfile-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "256",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nobody",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "12 hours",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KERBEROS_DEFAULT_REALM",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1_000_000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "provenance-repository",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "500 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "16",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "65536",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1 GB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "24 hours",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "20000",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "30 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "file-provider",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "BC",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "5 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "4",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_VERSION",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1.5.0",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "32 KB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "100 MB",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1026",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "1025",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "200",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "./work/jetty",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "./lib",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "3 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "3 secs",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "PLACEMENT_REFERENCED_ZONE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "POD_INSTANCE_INDEX",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "0",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SCHEDULER_API_HOSTNAME",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "api.nifi.marathon.l4lb.thisdcos.directory",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "false",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "2500",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "SECURITY_KERBEROS_REALM",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "LOCAL",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "TASK_NAME",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "nifi-0-restart-cleanup",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "nifi-0-restart-cleanup",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "true",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "REGION",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "aws/ap-southeast-2",
          "secret" : null
        }, {
          "name" : "ZONE",
          "type" : null,
          "value" : "aws/ap-southeast-2c",
          "secret" : null
        } ]
      "shell" : null,
      "value" : "# Clean NiFi Application i.e. remove all disconnected node.\nmisc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\nsleep 180\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\ncp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\ncp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\necho \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\njava -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\n",
      "arguments" : [ ],
      "user" : "nobody"
    "container" : {
      "type" : "MESOS",
      "volumes" : [ ],
      "hostname" : null,
      "docker" : null,
      "mesos" : null,
      "networkInfos" : [ ],
      "linuxInfo" : {
        "capabilityInfo" : null,
        "boundingCapabilities" : null,
        "effectiveCapabilities" : null,
        "sharePidNamespace" : false
      "rlimitInfo" : {
        "rlimits" : [ {
          "type" : "RLMT_NOFILE",
          "hard" : 50000,
          "soft" : 50000
        }, {
          "type" : "RLMT_NPROC",
          "hard" : 10000,
          "soft" : 10000
        } ]
      "ttyInfo" : null
    "healthCheck" : null,
    "check" : null,
    "killPolicy" : {
      "gracePeriod" : {
        "nanoseconds" : 0
    "data" : null,
    "labels" : {
      "labels" : [ {
        "key" : "goal_state",
        "value" : "ONCE"
      }, {
        "key" : "index",
        "value" : "0"
      }, {
        "key" : "offer_attributes",
        "value" : ""
      }, {
        "key" : "offer_hostname",
        "value" : ""
      }, {
        "key" : "offer_region",
        "value" : "aws/ap-southeast-2"
      }, {
        "key" : "offer_zone",
        "value" : "aws/ap-southeast-2c"
      }, {
        "key" : "target_configuration",
        "value" : "29bf852c-7e17-48ba-ac8e-84634fb99f86"
      }, {
        "key" : "task_type",
        "value" : "nifi"
      } ]
    "discovery" : null
  "status" : null
} ]

Replace a Node

The replace endpoint can be used to replace a node with an instance running on another agent node.

CLI Example

dcos nifi pod replace <node-id>

HTTP Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/pod/<node-id>/replace

If the operation succeeds, a 200 OK is returned.

Restart a Node

The restart endpoint can be used to restart a node in place on the same agent node.

CLI Example

dcos nifi pod restart <node-id>

HTTP Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/pod/<node-id>/restart

If the operation succeeds a 200 OK is returned.

Pause a Node

The pause endpoint can be used to relaunch a node in an idle command state for debugging purposes.

CLI example

dcos nifi --name=nifi debug pod pause <node-id>

HTTP Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/pod/<node-id>/pause

Configuration API

The configuration API provides an endpoint to view current and previous configurations of the cluster.

View Target Config

You can view the current target configuration by sending a GET request to /v1/configurations/target.

CLI Example

dcos nifi config target

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/configurations/target

You will see a response similar to the following:

  "name" : "nifi",
  "role" : "nifi-role",
  "principal" : "nifi-principal",
  "web-url" : null,
  "zookeeper" : "master.mesos:2181",
  "pod-specs" : [ {
    "type" : "nifi",
    "user" : "nobody",
    "count" : 2,
    "image" : null,
    "networks" : [ ],
    "rlimits" : [ {
      "name" : "RLIMIT_NOFILE",
      "soft" : 50000,
      "hard" : 50000
    }, {
      "name" : "RLIMIT_NPROC",
      "soft" : 10000,
      "hard" : 10000
    } ],
    "uris" : [ "https://downloads.mesosphere.com/java/server-jre-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz", "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/bootstrap.zip", "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-binary/nifi-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz", "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/executor.zip", "https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/nifi-toolkit/nifi-toolkit-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-janitor.jar", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-statsd.jar", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-api-access.jar", "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-python/python-2.7.14.tar.gz" ],
    "task-specs" : [ {
      "name" : "metrics",
      "goal" : "RUNNING",
      "essential" : false,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "metrics-resource-set",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.2
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 32.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\necho \"Before running statsd\"\nsleep 180\ncp ../../misc-repository/url-info.properties .\njava -jar nifi-statsd.jar url-info.properties $STATSD_UDP_HOST $STATSD_UDP_PORT ${NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY} ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\necho \"After running statsd\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "init",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "node-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 4096.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "NamedVIPSpec",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "RANGES",
            "scalar" : null,
            "ranges" : {
              "range" : [ {
                "begin" : 1025,
                "end" : 1025
              } ]
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "env-key" : "PORT_WEB",
          "port-name" : "node",
          "protocol" : "tcp",
          "visibility" : "EXTERNAL",
          "vip-name" : "node",
          "vip-port" : 1025,
          "network-names" : [ ],
          "name" : "ports"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "database-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "flowfile-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "provenance-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "content-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "misc-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "./bootstrap\nkerb_enabled=false\nif [ \"$kerb_enabled\" == true ] ; then\n  echo \"Y\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nelse\n  echo \"N\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nfi\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ {
        "name" : "nifi.properties",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/nifi.properties",
        "template-content" : "# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\n# Core Properties #\nnifi.flow.configuration.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/flow.xml.gz\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.dir={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/archive\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_TIME}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.storage={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_STORAGE}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_COUNT}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.autoResumeState={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_AUTORESUMESTATE}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.flowservice.writedelay.interval={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWSERVICE_WRITEDELAY_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.administrative.yield.duration=30 secs\n# If a component has no work to do (is \"bored\"), how long should we wait before checking again for work?\nnifi.bored.yield.duration={{NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION}}\n\nnifi.authorizer.configuration.file=./conf/authorizers.xml\nnifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file=./conf/login-identity-providers.xml\nnifi.templates.directory=./conf/templates\nnifi.ui.banner.text={{NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT}}\nnifi.ui.autorefresh.interval={{NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.nar.library.directory=./lib\nnifi.nar.working.directory=./work/nar\nnifi.documentation.working.directory=./work/docs/components\n\nnifi.processor.scheduling.timeout={{NIFI_CORE_PROCESSOR_SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT}}\n\n\n# State Management #\n####################\nnifi.state.management.configuration.file=./conf/state-management.xml\n# The ID of the local state provider\nnifi.state.management.provider.local=local-provider\n# The ID of the cluster-wide state provider. This will be ignored if NiFi is not clustered but must be populated if running in a cluster.\nnifi.state.management.provider.cluster=zk-provider\n# Specifies whether or not this instance of NiFi should run an embedded ZooKeeper server\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start=false\n# Properties file that provides the ZooKeeper properties to use if <nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start> is set to true\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.properties=./conf/zookeeper.properties\n\n\n# H2 Settings\nnifi.database.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.h2.url.append=;LOCK_TIMEOUT=25000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER=FALSE\n\n# FlowFile Repository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.partitions={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_PARTITIONS}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.checkpoint.interval={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\n\n# Swap Management Properties\nnifi.swap.manager.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.FileSystemSwapManager\nnifi.queue.swap.threshold={{NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD}}\nnifi.swap.in.period={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.in.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS}}\nnifi.swap.out.period={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.out.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS}}\n\n# Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FileSystemRepository\n\n# File System Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.claim.max.appendable.size={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_APPENDABLE_SIZE}}\nnifi.content.claim.max.flow.files={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_FLOW_FILES}}\nnifi.content.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_USAGE_PERCENTAGE}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.content.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.content.viewer.url={{NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL}}\n\n#Volatile Content Repository Properties\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.max.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_MAX_SIZE}}\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.block.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_BLOCK_SIZE}}\n\n# Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.provenance.PersistentProvenanceRepository\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency=1_000_000\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key=\n\n# Persistent Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.query.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_QUERY_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.compress.on.rollover={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_COMPRESS_ON_ROLLOVER}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.journal.count={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_JOURNAL_COUNT}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.fields={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.attributes={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_ATTRIBUTES}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.shard.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_SHARD_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.attribute.length={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH}}\n\n# Volatile Provenance Respository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\n\n# Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\n# (In addition to Persistent Provenance Repository Properties)\nnifi.provenance.repository.concurrent.merge.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_CONCURRENT_MERGE_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.warm.cache.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_WARM_CACHE_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DEBUG_FREQUENCY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_IMPLEMENTATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_LOCATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY}}\n\n# Component Status Repository\nnifi.components.status.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.status.history.VolatileComponentStatusRepository\nnifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\nnifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_SNAPSHOT_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Site to Site properties\nnifi.remote.input.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.remote.input.secure={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE}}\nnifi.remote.input.socket.port={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.enabled={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TTL}}\n\n# Web Properties\nnifi.web.war.directory={{NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.web.http.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT}}\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port=\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host=\nnifi.web.http.port=\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\n#nifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT}}\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.jetty.working.directory={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.web.jetty.threads={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS}}\n\n# Security Properties\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.keystore\nnifi.security.keystoreType=jks\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.truststore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.truststore\nnifi.security.truststoreType=jks\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.needClientAuth=true\n\nnifi.security.user.authorizer=managed-authorizer\n{{#SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=kerberos-provider\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\n{{^SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore=\nnifi.security.keystoreType=\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=\nnifi.security.truststore=\nnifi.security.truststoreType=\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=\n\nnifi.security.needClientAuth={{NIFI_SECURITY_NEEDCLIENTAUTH}}\nnifi.security.user.authorizer={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Identity Mapping Properties\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.kerb=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.kerb=\n\n# Cluster Common Properties\nnifi.cluster.protocol.heartbeat.interval={{NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=false\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}} \n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=true\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Cluster Node Properties\nnifi.cluster.is.node={{NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.address={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.port={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_THREADS}}\nnifi.cluster.node.event.history.size={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_EVENT_HISTORY_SIZE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.read.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.firewall.file={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FIREWALL_FILE}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.wait.time={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FLOW_ELECTION_MAX_WAIT_TIME}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.candidates=\n\n# Zookeeper Properties\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.string={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.session.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.root.node=/nifi{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}\n\n# Kerberos Properties\nnifi.kerberos.krb5.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/nifi-{{NIFI_VERSION}}/conf/krb5.conf\nnifi.kerberos.service.principal={{NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL}}\nnifi.kerberos.service.keytab.location=node.keytab\n\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.principal=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.authentication.expiration=12 hours\n\n# Custom Properties\nnifi.variable.registry.properties={{NIFI_VARIABLE_REGISTRY_PROPERTIES}}\n"
      } ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "node",
      "goal" : "RUNNING",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "node-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 4096.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "NamedVIPSpec",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "RANGES",
            "scalar" : null,
            "ranges" : {
              "range" : [ {
                "begin" : 1025,
                "end" : 1025
              } ]
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "env-key" : "PORT_WEB",
          "port-name" : "node",
          "protocol" : "tcp",
          "visibility" : "EXTERNAL",
          "vip-name" : "node",
          "vip-port" : 1025,
          "network-names" : [ ],
          "name" : "ports"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "database-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
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          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
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          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "flowfile-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "provenance-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "content-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "misc-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "./bootstrap \nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\necho \"INSTALL\" > misc-repository/readiness-info.txt\ninit_status=`cat misc-repository/init-status.txt`\necho $init_status\nif [ \"$init_status\" == \"Y\" ] ; then\n  mv misc-repository/login-identity-providers.xml nifi-1.5.0/conf\n  mv misc-repository/authorizers.xml nifi-1.5.0/conf \n  echo \"N\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nfi\n./nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}/bin/nifi.sh run\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NODE_CPUS" : "1",
          "NODE_MEM" : "4096",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : {
        "command" : "# The NiFi node has started when it logs a specific \n# \"${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}:$nifi_web_port is now connected\" log line. \n# An example is below:\n# 2018/03/05 11:11:37 nifi-0-node.nifi.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory:1025 is now connected.\nnifi_server_log_files=nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}/logs/nifi-app.log\nnifi_authorizations_file=$MESOS_SANDBOX/../../misc-repository/authorizations.xml\nnifi_host_name=${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}\nnifi_web_port=${PORT_WEB}\nreadiness_info=`cat misc-repository/readiness-info.txt`\necho \"Executing shell script.\"\necho \"$readiness_info\"\nif [ \"$readiness_info\" == \"INSTALL\" ] ; then\n  echo \"Checking for successful log line in $nifi_server_log_files.\"\n  echo \"Looking for \\\"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected or NiFi has started.\\\" in the server log file.\"\n  grep -q \"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected\\|NiFi has started.\" $nifi_server_log_files\n  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then\n    echo \"Found started log line.\"\n    echo \"READY\" > misc-repository/readiness-info.txt\n    echo \"HOST=$nifi_host_name\" > misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"PORT=$nifi_web_port\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE=$nifi_authorizations_file\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n  else\n    echo \"started log line not found. Exiting.\"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  echo \"Required log line found. NiFi is ready.\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"READY\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is ready.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"RUNNING\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is running.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nfi\nexit 0\n",
        "delay" : 10,
        "interval" : 5,
        "timeout" : 120
      "config-files" : [ {
        "name" : "nifi.properties",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/nifi.properties",
        "template-content" : "# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\n# Core Properties #\nnifi.flow.configuration.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/flow.xml.gz\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.dir={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/archive\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_TIME}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.storage={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_STORAGE}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_COUNT}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.autoResumeState={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_AUTORESUMESTATE}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.flowservice.writedelay.interval={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWSERVICE_WRITEDELAY_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.administrative.yield.duration=30 secs\n# If a component has no work to do (is \"bored\"), how long should we wait before checking again for work?\nnifi.bored.yield.duration={{NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION}}\n\nnifi.authorizer.configuration.file=./conf/authorizers.xml\nnifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file=./conf/login-identity-providers.xml\nnifi.templates.directory=./conf/templates\nnifi.ui.banner.text={{NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT}}\nnifi.ui.autorefresh.interval={{NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.nar.library.directory=./lib\nnifi.nar.working.directory=./work/nar\nnifi.documentation.working.directory=./work/docs/components\n\nnifi.processor.scheduling.timeout={{NIFI_CORE_PROCESSOR_SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT}}\n\n\n# State Management #\n####################\nnifi.state.management.configuration.file=./conf/state-management.xml\n# The ID of the local state provider\nnifi.state.management.provider.local=local-provider\n# The ID of the cluster-wide state provider. This will be ignored if NiFi is not clustered but must be populated if running in a cluster.\nnifi.state.management.provider.cluster=zk-provider\n# Specifies whether or not this instance of NiFi should run an embedded ZooKeeper server\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start=false\n# Properties file that provides the ZooKeeper properties to use if <nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start> is set to true\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.properties=./conf/zookeeper.properties\n\n\n# H2 Settings\nnifi.database.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.h2.url.append=;LOCK_TIMEOUT=25000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER=FALSE\n\n# FlowFile Repository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.partitions={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_PARTITIONS}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.checkpoint.interval={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\n\n# Swap Management Properties\nnifi.swap.manager.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.FileSystemSwapManager\nnifi.queue.swap.threshold={{NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD}}\nnifi.swap.in.period={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.in.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS}}\nnifi.swap.out.period={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.out.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS}}\n\n# Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FileSystemRepository\n\n# File System Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.claim.max.appendable.size={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_APPENDABLE_SIZE}}\nnifi.content.claim.max.flow.files={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_FLOW_FILES}}\nnifi.content.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_USAGE_PERCENTAGE}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.content.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.content.viewer.url={{NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL}}\n\n#Volatile Content Repository Properties\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.max.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_MAX_SIZE}}\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.block.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_BLOCK_SIZE}}\n\n# Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.provenance.PersistentProvenanceRepository\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency=1_000_000\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key=\n\n# Persistent Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.query.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_QUERY_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.compress.on.rollover={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_COMPRESS_ON_ROLLOVER}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.journal.count={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_JOURNAL_COUNT}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.fields={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.attributes={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_ATTRIBUTES}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.shard.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_SHARD_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.attribute.length={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH}}\n\n# Volatile Provenance Respository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\n\n# Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\n# (In addition to Persistent Provenance Repository Properties)\nnifi.provenance.repository.concurrent.merge.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_CONCURRENT_MERGE_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.warm.cache.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_WARM_CACHE_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DEBUG_FREQUENCY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_IMPLEMENTATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_LOCATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY}}\n\n# Component Status Repository\nnifi.components.status.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.status.history.VolatileComponentStatusRepository\nnifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\nnifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_SNAPSHOT_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Site to Site properties\nnifi.remote.input.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.remote.input.secure={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE}}\nnifi.remote.input.socket.port={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.enabled={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TTL}}\n\n# Web Properties\nnifi.web.war.directory={{NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.web.http.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT}}\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port=\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host=\nnifi.web.http.port=\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\n#nifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT}}\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.jetty.working.directory={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.web.jetty.threads={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS}}\n\n# Security Properties\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.keystore\nnifi.security.keystoreType=jks\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.truststore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.truststore\nnifi.security.truststoreType=jks\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.needClientAuth=true\n\nnifi.security.user.authorizer=managed-authorizer\n{{#SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=kerberos-provider\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\n{{^SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore=\nnifi.security.keystoreType=\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=\nnifi.security.truststore=\nnifi.security.truststoreType=\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=\n\nnifi.security.needClientAuth={{NIFI_SECURITY_NEEDCLIENTAUTH}}\nnifi.security.user.authorizer={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Identity Mapping Properties\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.kerb=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.kerb=\n\n# Cluster Common Properties\nnifi.cluster.protocol.heartbeat.interval={{NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=false\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}} \n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=true\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Cluster Node Properties\nnifi.cluster.is.node={{NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.address={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.port={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_THREADS}}\nnifi.cluster.node.event.history.size={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_EVENT_HISTORY_SIZE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.read.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.firewall.file={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FIREWALL_FILE}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.wait.time={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FLOW_ELECTION_MAX_WAIT_TIME}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.candidates=\n\n# Zookeeper Properties\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.string={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.session.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.root.node=/nifi{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}\n\n# Kerberos Properties\nnifi.kerberos.krb5.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/nifi-{{NIFI_VERSION}}/conf/krb5.conf\nnifi.kerberos.service.principal={{NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL}}\nnifi.kerberos.service.keytab.location=node.keytab\n\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.principal=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.authentication.expiration=12 hours\n\n# Custom Properties\nnifi.variable.registry.properties={{NIFI_VARIABLE_REGISTRY_PROPERTIES}}\n"
      }, {
        "name" : "bootstrap.conf",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/bootstrap.conf",
        "template-content" : "#\n# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n#\n\n# Java command to use when running NiFi\njava=java\n\n# Username to use when running NiFi. This value will be ignored on Windows.\nrun.as=\n\n# Configure where NiFi's lib and conf directories live\nlib.dir=./lib\nconf.dir=./conf\n\n# How long to wait after telling NiFi to shutdown before explicitly killing the Process\ngraceful.shutdown.seconds={{NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD}}\n\n# Disable JSR 199 so that we can use JSP's without running a JDK\njava.arg.1=-Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true\n\n# JVM memory settings\njava.arg.2=-Xms{{NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN}}m\njava.arg.3=-Xmx{{NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX}}m\n\n# Enable Remote Debugging\n#java.arg.debug=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000\n\njava.arg.4=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true\n\n# allowRestrictedHeaders is required for Cluster/Node communications to work properly\njava.arg.5=-Dsun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders=true\njava.arg.6=-Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=sun.net.www.protocol\n\n# The G1GC is still considered experimental but has proven to be very advantageous in providing great\n# performance without significant \"stop-the-world\" delays.\njava.arg.13=-XX:+UseG1GC\n\n#Set headless mode by default\njava.arg.14=-Djava.awt.headless=true\n\n# Master key in hexadecimal format for encrypted sensitive configuration values\nnifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key=\n\n# Sets the provider of SecureRandom to /dev/urandom to prevent blocking on VMs\njava.arg.15=-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom\n\n# Requires JAAS to use only the provided JAAS configuration to authenticate a Subject, without using any \"fallback\" methods (such as prompting for username/password)\n# Please see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jgss/single-signon.html, section \"EXCEPTIONS TO THE MODEL\"\njava.arg.16=-Djavax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly=true\n\n###\n# Notification Services for notifying interested parties when NiFi is stopped, started, dies\n###\n\n# XML File that contains the definitions of the notification services\nnotification.services.file=./conf/bootstrap-notification-services.xml\n\n# In the case that we are unable to send a notification for an event, how many times should we retry?\nnotification.max.attempts=5\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi is started?\n#nifi.start.notification.services=email-notification\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi is stopped?\n#nifi.stop.notification.services=email-notification\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi dies?\n#nifi.dead.notification.services=email-notification\n"
      }, {
        "name" : "statemanagement.conf",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/state-management.xml",
        "template-content" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n<!--\n  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n  (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n  distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n  limitations under the License.\n-->\n<!--\n  This file provides a mechanism for defining and configuring the State Providers\n  that should be used for storing state locally and across a NiFi cluster. In order\n  to use a specific provider, it must be configured here and its identifier\n  must be specified in the nifi.properties file.\n-->\n<stateManagement>\n    <!--\n        State Provider that stores state locally in a configurable directory. This Provider requires the following properties:\n        \n        Directory - the directory to store components' state in. If the directory being used is a sub-directory of the NiFi installation, it\n                    is important that the directory be copied over to the new version when upgrading NiFi.\n        Always Sync - If set to true, any change to the repository will be synchronized to the disk, meaning that NiFi will ask the operating system not to cache the information. This is very\n                expensive and can significantly reduce NiFi performance. However, if it is false, there could be the potential for data loss if either there is a sudden power loss or the\n                operating system crashes. The default value is false.\n        Partitions - The number of partitions.\n        Checkpoint Interval - The amount of time between checkpoints.\n     -->\n    <local-provider>\n        <id>local-provider</id>\n        <class>org.apache.nifi.controller.state.providers.local.WriteAheadLocalStateProvider</class>\n        <property name=\"Directory\">./state/local</property>\n        <property name=\"Always Sync\">false</property>\n        <property name=\"Partitions\">16</property>\n        <property name=\"Checkpoint Interval\">2 mins</property>\n    </local-provider>\n  <!--\n        State Provider that is used to store state in ZooKeeper. This Provider requires the following properties:\n        \n        Root Node - the root node in ZooKeeper where state should be stored. The default is '/nifi', but it is advisable to change this to a different value if not using\n                   the embedded ZooKeeper server and if multiple NiFi instances may all be using the same ZooKeeper Server.\n                   \n        Connect String - A comma-separated list of host:port pairs to connect to ZooKeeper. For example, myhost.mydomain:2181,host2.mydomain:5555,host3:6666\n        \n        Session Timeout - Specifies how long this instance of NiFi is allowed to be disconnected from ZooKeeper before creating a new ZooKeeper Session. Default value is \"30 seconds\"\n        \n        Access Control - Specifies which Access Controls will be applied to the ZooKeeper ZNodes that are created by this State Provider. This value must be set to one of:\n                            - Open  : ZNodes will be open to any ZooKeeper client.\n                            - CreatorOnly  : ZNodes will be accessible only by the creator. The creator will have full access to create children, read, write, delete, and administer the ZNodes.\n                                             This option is available only if access to ZooKeeper is secured via Kerberos or if a Username and Password are set.\n    -->\n    <cluster-provider>\n        <id>zk-provider</id>\n        <class>org.apache.nifi.controller.state.providers.zookeeper.ZooKeeperStateProvider</class>\n        <property name=\"Connect String\">{{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Root Node\">/nifi/state{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Session Timeout\">{{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Access Control\">Open</property>\n    </cluster-provider>\n\n    <!--\n        Cluster State Provider that stores state in Redis. This can be used as an alternative to the ZooKeeper State Provider.\n\n        This provider requires the following properties:\n\n            Redis Mode - The type of Redis instance:\n                            - Standalone\n                            - Sentinel\n                            - Cluster (currently not supported for state-management due to use of WATCH command which Redis does not support in clustered mode)\n\n            Connection String - The connection string for Redis.\n                        - In a standalone instance this value will be of the form hostname:port.\n                        - In a sentinel instance this value will be the comma-separated list of sentinels, such as host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3.\n                        - In a clustered instance this value will be the comma-separated list of cluster masters, such as host1:port,host2:port,host3:port.\n        This provider has the following optional properties:\n\n            Key Prefix - The prefix for each key stored by this state provider. When sharing a single Redis across multiple NiFi instances, setting a unique\n                        value for the Key Prefix will make it easier to identify which instances the keys came from (default nifi/components/).\n\n            Database Index - The database index to be used by connections created from this connection pool.\n                        See the databases property in redis.conf, by default databases 0-15 will be available.\n\n            Communication Timeout - The timeout to use when attempting to communicate with Redis.\n\n            Cluster Max Redirects - The maximum number of redirects that can be performed when clustered.\n\n            Sentinel Master - The name of the sentinel master, require when Mode is set to Sentinel.\n\n            Password - The password used to authenticate to the Redis server. See the requirepass property in redis.conf.\n\n            Pool - Max Total - The maximum number of connections that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout).\n                        A negative value indicates that there is no limit.\n\n            Pool - Max Idle - The maximum number of idle connections that can be held in the pool, or a negative value if there is no limit.\n\n            Pool - Min Idle - The target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. If the configured value of Min Idle is\n                    greater than the configured value for Max Idle, then the value of Max Idle will be used instead.\n\n            Pool - Block When Exhausted - Whether or not clients should block and wait when trying to obtain a connection from the pool when the pool\n                    has no available connections. Setting this to false means an error will occur immediately when a client requests a connection and\n                    none are available.\n\n            Pool - Max Wait Time - The amount of time to wait for an available connection when Block When Exhausted is set to true.\n\n            Pool - Min Evictable Idle Time - The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction.\n\n            Pool - Time Between Eviction Runs - The amount of time between attempting to evict idle connections from the pool.\n\n            Pool - Num Tests Per Eviction Run - The number of connections to tests per eviction attempt. A negative value indicates to test all connections.\n\n            Pool - Test On Create - Whether or not connections should be tested upon creation (default false).\n\n            Pool - Test On Borrow - Whether or not connections should be tested upon borrowing from the pool (default false).\n            Pool - Test On Return - Whether or not connections should be tested upon returning to the pool (default false).\n\n            Pool - Test While Idle - Whether or not connections should be tested while idle (default true).\n\n        <cluster-provider>\n            <id>redis-provider</id>\n            <class>org.apache.nifi.redis.state.RedisStateProvider</class>\n            <property name=\"Redis Mode\">Standalone</property>\n            <property name=\"Connection String\">localhost:6379</property>\n        </cluster-provider>\n    -->\n\n</stateManagement>\n"
      } ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "restart-cleanup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-cleanupresources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "# Clean NiFi Application i.e. remove all disconnected node.\nmisc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\nsleep 180\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\ncp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\ncp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\necho \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\njava -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "nifi-access",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-cleanupresources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "# Provide access to initial admin to NiFi System Diagnostics.\nmisc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\nsleep 180\ncp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\ncp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\necho \"Executing NiFi API Access.\"\nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\njava -jar nifi-api-access.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "backup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*) ; sh $MESOS_SANDBOX/nifi-toolkit-${NIFI_VERSION}/bin/file-manager.sh -o backup -b nifi-backup -c $MESOS_SANDBOX/../../tasks/nifi-$POD_INSTANCE_INDEX-node*/nifi-1.5.0 -v;\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "upload-s3",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export PATH=$MESOS_SANDBOX/python-dist/bin:$PATH ; aws s3 cp nifi-backup s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/nifi-${POD_INSTANCE_INDEX}/ --recursive\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "cleanup-backup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre/) ; rm -r nifi-backup/*\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    } ],
    "placement-rule" : {
      "@type" : "AndRule",
      "rules" : [ {
        "@type" : "IsLocalRegionRule"
      }, {
        "@type" : "MaxPerHostnameRule",
        "max" : 1,
        "task-filter" : {
          "@type" : "RegexMatcher",
          "pattern" : "nifi-.*"
      } ]
    "volumes" : [ ],
    "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
    "secrets" : [ ],
    "share-pid-namespace" : false,
    "allow-decommission" : false
  } ],
  "replacement-failure-policy" : null,
  "user" : "nobody"

List Configs

You can list all configuration IDs by sending a GET request to /v1/configurations.

CLI Example

dcos nifi config list

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/configurations

You will see a response similar to the following:


View Specified Config

You can view a specific configuration by sending a GET request to /v1/configurations/<config-id>.

CLI Example

dcos nifi config show 29bf852c-7e17-48ba-ac8e-84634fb99f86

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/configurations/29bf852c-7e17-48ba-ac8e-84634fb99f86

You will see a response similar to the following:

  "name" : "nifi",
  "role" : "nifi-role",
  "principal" : "nifi-principal",
  "web-url" : null,
  "zookeeper" : "master.mesos:2181",
  "pod-specs" : [ {
    "type" : "nifi",
    "user" : "nobody",
    "count" : 2,
    "image" : null,
    "networks" : [ ],
    "rlimits" : [ {
      "name" : "RLIMIT_NOFILE",
      "soft" : 50000,
      "hard" : 50000
    }, {
      "name" : "RLIMIT_NPROC",
      "soft" : 10000,
      "hard" : 10000
    } ],
    "uris" : [ "https://downloads.mesosphere.com/java/server-jre-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz", "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/bootstrap.zip", "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-binary/nifi-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz", "http://downloads.mesosphere.com/dcos-commons/artifacts/0.40.2/executor.zip", "https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/nifi-toolkit/nifi-toolkit-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-janitor.jar", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-statsd.jar", "https://devdcos3.s3.amazonaws.com/autodelete7d/nifi/20180518-141627-MKsCyLUzJH3VtAzw/nifi-api-access.jar", "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/nifi-python/python-2.7.14.tar.gz" ],
    "task-specs" : [ {
      "name" : "metrics",
      "goal" : "RUNNING",
      "essential" : false,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "metrics-resource-set",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.2
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 32.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\necho \"Before running statsd\"\nsleep 180\ncp ../../misc-repository/url-info.properties .\njava -jar nifi-statsd.jar url-info.properties $STATSD_UDP_HOST $STATSD_UDP_PORT ${NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY} ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\necho \"After running statsd\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "init",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "node-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 4096.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "NamedVIPSpec",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "RANGES",
            "scalar" : null,
            "ranges" : {
              "range" : [ {
                "begin" : 1025,
                "end" : 1025
              } ]
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "env-key" : "PORT_WEB",
          "port-name" : "node",
          "protocol" : "tcp",
          "visibility" : "EXTERNAL",
          "vip-name" : "node",
          "vip-port" : 1025,
          "network-names" : [ ],
          "name" : "ports"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "database-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "flowfile-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "provenance-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "content-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "misc-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "./bootstrap\nkerb_enabled=false\nif [ \"$kerb_enabled\" == true ] ; then\n  echo \"Y\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nelse\n  echo \"N\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nfi\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ {
        "name" : "nifi.properties",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/nifi.properties",
        "template-content" : "# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\n# Core Properties #\nnifi.flow.configuration.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/flow.xml.gz\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.dir={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/archive\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_TIME}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.storage={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_STORAGE}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_COUNT}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.autoResumeState={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_AUTORESUMESTATE}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.flowservice.writedelay.interval={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWSERVICE_WRITEDELAY_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.administrative.yield.duration=30 secs\n# If a component has no work to do (is \"bored\"), how long should we wait before checking again for work?\nnifi.bored.yield.duration={{NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION}}\n\nnifi.authorizer.configuration.file=./conf/authorizers.xml\nnifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file=./conf/login-identity-providers.xml\nnifi.templates.directory=./conf/templates\nnifi.ui.banner.text={{NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT}}\nnifi.ui.autorefresh.interval={{NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.nar.library.directory=./lib\nnifi.nar.working.directory=./work/nar\nnifi.documentation.working.directory=./work/docs/components\n\nnifi.processor.scheduling.timeout={{NIFI_CORE_PROCESSOR_SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT}}\n\n\n# State Management #\n####################\nnifi.state.management.configuration.file=./conf/state-management.xml\n# The ID of the local state provider\nnifi.state.management.provider.local=local-provider\n# The ID of the cluster-wide state provider. This will be ignored if NiFi is not clustered but must be populated if running in a cluster.\nnifi.state.management.provider.cluster=zk-provider\n# Specifies whether or not this instance of NiFi should run an embedded ZooKeeper server\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start=false\n# Properties file that provides the ZooKeeper properties to use if <nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start> is set to true\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.properties=./conf/zookeeper.properties\n\n\n# H2 Settings\nnifi.database.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.h2.url.append=;LOCK_TIMEOUT=25000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER=FALSE\n\n# FlowFile Repository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.partitions={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_PARTITIONS}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.checkpoint.interval={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\n\n# Swap Management Properties\nnifi.swap.manager.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.FileSystemSwapManager\nnifi.queue.swap.threshold={{NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD}}\nnifi.swap.in.period={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.in.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS}}\nnifi.swap.out.period={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.out.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS}}\n\n# Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FileSystemRepository\n\n# File System Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.claim.max.appendable.size={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_APPENDABLE_SIZE}}\nnifi.content.claim.max.flow.files={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_FLOW_FILES}}\nnifi.content.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_USAGE_PERCENTAGE}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.content.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.content.viewer.url={{NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL}}\n\n#Volatile Content Repository Properties\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.max.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_MAX_SIZE}}\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.block.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_BLOCK_SIZE}}\n\n# Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.provenance.PersistentProvenanceRepository\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency=1_000_000\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key=\n\n# Persistent Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.query.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_QUERY_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.compress.on.rollover={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_COMPRESS_ON_ROLLOVER}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.journal.count={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_JOURNAL_COUNT}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.fields={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.attributes={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_ATTRIBUTES}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.shard.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_SHARD_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.attribute.length={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH}}\n\n# Volatile Provenance Respository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\n\n# Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\n# (In addition to Persistent Provenance Repository Properties)\nnifi.provenance.repository.concurrent.merge.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_CONCURRENT_MERGE_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.warm.cache.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_WARM_CACHE_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DEBUG_FREQUENCY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_IMPLEMENTATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_LOCATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY}}\n\n# Component Status Repository\nnifi.components.status.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.status.history.VolatileComponentStatusRepository\nnifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\nnifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_SNAPSHOT_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Site to Site properties\nnifi.remote.input.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.remote.input.secure={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE}}\nnifi.remote.input.socket.port={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.enabled={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TTL}}\n\n# Web Properties\nnifi.web.war.directory={{NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.web.http.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT}}\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port=\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host=\nnifi.web.http.port=\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\n#nifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT}}\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.jetty.working.directory={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.web.jetty.threads={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS}}\n\n# Security Properties\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.keystore\nnifi.security.keystoreType=jks\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.truststore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.truststore\nnifi.security.truststoreType=jks\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.needClientAuth=true\n\nnifi.security.user.authorizer=managed-authorizer\n{{#SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=kerberos-provider\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\n{{^SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore=\nnifi.security.keystoreType=\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=\nnifi.security.truststore=\nnifi.security.truststoreType=\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=\n\nnifi.security.needClientAuth={{NIFI_SECURITY_NEEDCLIENTAUTH}}\nnifi.security.user.authorizer={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Identity Mapping Properties\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.kerb=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.kerb=\n\n# Cluster Common Properties\nnifi.cluster.protocol.heartbeat.interval={{NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=false\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}} \n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=true\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Cluster Node Properties\nnifi.cluster.is.node={{NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.address={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.port={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_THREADS}}\nnifi.cluster.node.event.history.size={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_EVENT_HISTORY_SIZE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.read.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.firewall.file={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FIREWALL_FILE}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.wait.time={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FLOW_ELECTION_MAX_WAIT_TIME}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.candidates=\n\n# Zookeeper Properties\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.string={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.session.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.root.node=/nifi{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}\n\n# Kerberos Properties\nnifi.kerberos.krb5.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/nifi-{{NIFI_VERSION}}/conf/krb5.conf\nnifi.kerberos.service.principal={{NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL}}\nnifi.kerberos.service.keytab.location=node.keytab\n\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.principal=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.authentication.expiration=12 hours\n\n# Custom Properties\nnifi.variable.registry.properties={{NIFI_VARIABLE_REGISTRY_PROPERTIES}}\n"
      } ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "node",
      "goal" : "RUNNING",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "node-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 4096.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "NamedVIPSpec",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "RANGES",
            "scalar" : null,
            "ranges" : {
              "range" : [ {
                "begin" : 1025,
                "end" : 1025
              } ]
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal",
          "env-key" : "PORT_WEB",
          "port-name" : "node",
          "protocol" : "tcp",
          "visibility" : "EXTERNAL",
          "vip-name" : "node",
          "vip-port" : 1025,
          "network-names" : [ ],
          "name" : "ports"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "database-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "flowfile-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "provenance-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "content-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "misc-repository",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "./bootstrap \nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\necho \"INSTALL\" > misc-repository/readiness-info.txt\ninit_status=`cat misc-repository/init-status.txt`\necho $init_status\nif [ \"$init_status\" == \"Y\" ] ; then\n  mv misc-repository/login-identity-providers.xml nifi-1.5.0/conf\n  mv misc-repository/authorizers.xml nifi-1.5.0/conf \n  echo \"N\" > misc-repository/init-status.txt\nfi\n./nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}/bin/nifi.sh run\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NODE_CPUS" : "1",
          "NODE_MEM" : "4096",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : {
        "command" : "# The NiFi node has started when it logs a specific \n# \"${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}:$nifi_web_port is now connected\" log line. \n# An example is below:\n# 2018/03/05 11:11:37 nifi-0-node.nifi.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory:1025 is now connected.\nnifi_server_log_files=nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}/logs/nifi-app.log\nnifi_authorizations_file=$MESOS_SANDBOX/../../misc-repository/authorizations.xml\nnifi_host_name=${TASK_NAME}.${FRAMEWORK_HOST}\nnifi_web_port=${PORT_WEB}\nreadiness_info=`cat misc-repository/readiness-info.txt`\necho \"Executing shell script.\"\necho \"$readiness_info\"\nif [ \"$readiness_info\" == \"INSTALL\" ] ; then\n  echo \"Checking for successful log line in $nifi_server_log_files.\"\n  echo \"Looking for \\\"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected or NiFi has started.\\\" in the server log file.\"\n  grep -q \"$nifi_host_name:$nifi_web_port is now connected\\|NiFi has started.\" $nifi_server_log_files\n  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then\n    echo \"Found started log line.\"\n    echo \"READY\" > misc-repository/readiness-info.txt\n    echo \"HOST=$nifi_host_name\" > misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"PORT=$nifi_web_port\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n    echo \"AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE=$nifi_authorizations_file\" >> misc-repository/url-info.properties\n  else\n    echo \"started log line not found. Exiting.\"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  echo \"Required log line found. NiFi is ready.\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"READY\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is ready.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nelif [ $readiness_info == \"RUNNING\" ] ; then\n  echo \"NiFi is running.\"\n  misc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\n  usernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\n  cp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\n  cp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\n  echo \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\n  export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\n  java -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\nfi\nexit 0\n",
        "delay" : 10,
        "interval" : 5,
        "timeout" : 120
      "config-files" : [ {
        "name" : "nifi.properties",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/nifi.properties",
        "template-content" : "# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\n# Core Properties #\nnifi.flow.configuration.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/flow.xml.gz\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.dir={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}/archive\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_TIME}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.storage={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_STORAGE}}\nnifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count={{NIFI_CORE_FLOW_CONFIGURATION_ARCHIVE_MAX_COUNT}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.autoResumeState={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_AUTORESUMESTATE}}\nnifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWCONTROLLER_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.flowservice.writedelay.interval={{NIFI_CORE_FLOWSERVICE_WRITEDELAY_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.administrative.yield.duration=30 secs\n# If a component has no work to do (is \"bored\"), how long should we wait before checking again for work?\nnifi.bored.yield.duration={{NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION}}\n\nnifi.authorizer.configuration.file=./conf/authorizers.xml\nnifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file=./conf/login-identity-providers.xml\nnifi.templates.directory=./conf/templates\nnifi.ui.banner.text={{NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT}}\nnifi.ui.autorefresh.interval={{NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.nar.library.directory=./lib\nnifi.nar.working.directory=./work/nar\nnifi.documentation.working.directory=./work/docs/components\n\nnifi.processor.scheduling.timeout={{NIFI_CORE_PROCESSOR_SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT}}\n\n\n# State Management #\n####################\nnifi.state.management.configuration.file=./conf/state-management.xml\n# The ID of the local state provider\nnifi.state.management.provider.local=local-provider\n# The ID of the cluster-wide state provider. This will be ignored if NiFi is not clustered but must be populated if running in a cluster.\nnifi.state.management.provider.cluster=zk-provider\n# Specifies whether or not this instance of NiFi should run an embedded ZooKeeper server\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start=false\n# Properties file that provides the ZooKeeper properties to use if <nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start> is set to true\nnifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.properties=./conf/zookeeper.properties\n\n\n# H2 Settings\nnifi.database.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.h2.url.append=;LOCK_TIMEOUT=25000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER=FALSE\n\n# FlowFile Repository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository\nnifi.flowfile.repository.directory={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.partitions={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_PARTITIONS}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.checkpoint.interval={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL}}\nnifi.flowfile.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\n\n# Swap Management Properties\nnifi.swap.manager.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.FileSystemSwapManager\nnifi.queue.swap.threshold={{NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD}}\nnifi.swap.in.period={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.in.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS}}\nnifi.swap.out.period={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD}}\nnifi.swap.out.threads={{NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS}}\n\n# Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FileSystemRepository\n\n# File System Content Repository Properties\nnifi.content.claim.max.appendable.size={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_APPENDABLE_SIZE}}\nnifi.content.claim.max.flow.files={{NIFI_CONTENT_CLAIM_MAX_FLOW_FILES}}\nnifi.content.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_MAX_USAGE_PERCENTAGE}}\nnifi.content.repository.archive.enabled={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ARCHIVE_ENABLED}}\nnifi.content.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.content.viewer.url={{NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL}}\n\n#Volatile Content Repository Properties\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.max.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_MAX_SIZE}}\nnifi.volatile.content.repository.block.size={{NIFI_VOLATILE_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_BLOCK_SIZE}}\n\n# Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.provenance.PersistentProvenanceRepository\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency=1_000_000\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id=\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key=\n\n# Persistent Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.directory.default={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/{{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.storage.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.time={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_TIME}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.rollover.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ROLLOVER_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.query.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_QUERY_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.compress.on.rollover={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_COMPRESS_ON_ROLLOVER}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.always.sync={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ALWAYS_SYNC}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.journal.count={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_JOURNAL_COUNT}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.fields={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.indexed.attributes={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_ATTRIBUTES}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.index.shard.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEX_SHARD_SIZE}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.max.attribute.length={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH}}\n\n# Volatile Provenance Respository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\n\n# Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\n# (In addition to Persistent Provenance Repository Properties)\nnifi.provenance.repository.concurrent.merge.threads={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_CONCURRENT_MERGE_THREADS}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.warm.cache.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_WARM_CACHE_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties\nnifi.provenance.repository.debug.frequency={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DEBUG_FREQUENCY}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.implementation={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_IMPLEMENTATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.provider.location={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PROVIDER_LOCATION}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key.id={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID}}\nnifi.provenance.repository.encryption.key={{NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_ENCRYPTION_KEY}}\n\n# Component Status Repository\nnifi.components.status.repository.implementation=org.apache.nifi.controller.status.history.VolatileComponentStatusRepository\nnifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_REPOSITORY_BUFFER_SIZE}}\nnifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency={{NIFI_COMPONENTS_STATUS_SNAPSHOT_FREQUENCY}}\n\n# Site to Site properties\nnifi.remote.input.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.remote.input.secure={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE}}\nnifi.remote.input.socket.port={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SOCKET_PORT}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.enabled={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED}}\nnifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl={{NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TTL}}\n\n# Web Properties\nnifi.web.war.directory={{NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.web.http.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT}}\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port=\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.http.host=\nnifi.web.http.port=\nnifi.web.http.network.interface.default=\nnifi.web.https.host={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\n#nifi.web.https.host=\nnifi.web.https.port={{NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT}}\nnifi.web.https.network.interface.default=\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.web.jetty.working.directory={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY}}\nnifi.web.jetty.threads={{NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS}}\n\n# Security Properties\n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.keystore\nnifi.security.keystoreType=jks\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.truststore={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/node.truststore\nnifi.security.truststoreType=jks\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=notsecure\nnifi.security.needClientAuth=true\n\nnifi.security.user.authorizer=managed-authorizer\n{{#SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=kerberos-provider\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\n{{^SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider=\n{{/SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.key.protected={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY_PROTECTED}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.algorithm={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.provider={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys={{NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ADDITIONAL_KEYS}}\n\nnifi.security.keystore=\nnifi.security.keystoreType=\nnifi.security.keystorePasswd=\nnifi.security.keyPasswd=\nnifi.security.truststore=\nnifi.security.truststoreType=\nnifi.security.truststorePasswd=\n\nnifi.security.needClientAuth={{NIFI_SECURITY_NEEDCLIENTAUTH}}\nnifi.security.user.authorizer={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER}}\nnifi.security.user.login.identity.provider={{NIFI_SECURITY_USER_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDER}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.url={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_URL}}\nnifi.security.ocsp.responder.certificate={{NIFI_SECURITY_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTIFICATE}}\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Identity Mapping Properties\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.dn=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.pattern.kerb=\nnifi.security.identity.mapping.value.kerb=\n\n# Cluster Common Properties\nnifi.cluster.protocol.heartbeat.interval={{NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}}\n{{^NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=false\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}} \n{{#NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\nnifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=true\n{{/NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE}}\n\n# Cluster Node Properties\nnifi.cluster.is.node={{NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.address={{TASK_NAME}}.{{FRAMEWORK_HOST}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.port={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_THREADS}}\nnifi.cluster.node.event.history.size={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_EVENT_HISTORY_SIZE}}\nnifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.node.read.timeout={{NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.cluster.firewall.file={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FIREWALL_FILE}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.wait.time={{NIFI_CLUSTER_FLOW_ELECTION_MAX_WAIT_TIME}}\nnifi.cluster.flow.election.max.candidates=\n\n# Zookeeper Properties\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.string={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}\nnifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.session.timeout={{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}\nnifi.zookeeper.root.node=/nifi{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}\n\n# Kerberos Properties\nnifi.kerberos.krb5.file={{MESOS_SANDBOX}}/nifi-{{NIFI_VERSION}}/conf/krb5.conf\nnifi.kerberos.service.principal={{NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL}}\nnifi.kerberos.service.keytab.location=node.keytab\n\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.principal=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location=\nnifi.kerberos.spnego.authentication.expiration=12 hours\n\n# Custom Properties\nnifi.variable.registry.properties={{NIFI_VARIABLE_REGISTRY_PROPERTIES}}\n"
      }, {
        "name" : "bootstrap.conf",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/bootstrap.conf",
        "template-content" : "#\n# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n# (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n#\n\n# Java command to use when running NiFi\njava=java\n\n# Username to use when running NiFi. This value will be ignored on Windows.\nrun.as=\n\n# Configure where NiFi's lib and conf directories live\nlib.dir=./lib\nconf.dir=./conf\n\n# How long to wait after telling NiFi to shutdown before explicitly killing the Process\ngraceful.shutdown.seconds={{NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD}}\n\n# Disable JSR 199 so that we can use JSP's without running a JDK\njava.arg.1=-Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true\n\n# JVM memory settings\njava.arg.2=-Xms{{NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN}}m\njava.arg.3=-Xmx{{NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX}}m\n\n# Enable Remote Debugging\n#java.arg.debug=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000\n\njava.arg.4=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true\n\n# allowRestrictedHeaders is required for Cluster/Node communications to work properly\njava.arg.5=-Dsun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders=true\njava.arg.6=-Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=sun.net.www.protocol\n\n# The G1GC is still considered experimental but has proven to be very advantageous in providing great\n# performance without significant \"stop-the-world\" delays.\njava.arg.13=-XX:+UseG1GC\n\n#Set headless mode by default\njava.arg.14=-Djava.awt.headless=true\n\n# Master key in hexadecimal format for encrypted sensitive configuration values\nnifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key=\n\n# Sets the provider of SecureRandom to /dev/urandom to prevent blocking on VMs\njava.arg.15=-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom\n\n# Requires JAAS to use only the provided JAAS configuration to authenticate a Subject, without using any \"fallback\" methods (such as prompting for username/password)\n# Please see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jgss/single-signon.html, section \"EXCEPTIONS TO THE MODEL\"\njava.arg.16=-Djavax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly=true\n\n###\n# Notification Services for notifying interested parties when NiFi is stopped, started, dies\n###\n\n# XML File that contains the definitions of the notification services\nnotification.services.file=./conf/bootstrap-notification-services.xml\n\n# In the case that we are unable to send a notification for an event, how many times should we retry?\nnotification.max.attempts=5\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi is started?\n#nifi.start.notification.services=email-notification\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi is stopped?\n#nifi.stop.notification.services=email-notification\n\n# Comma-separated list of identifiers that are present in the notification.services.file; which services should be used to notify when NiFi dies?\n#nifi.dead.notification.services=email-notification\n"
      }, {
        "name" : "statemanagement.conf",
        "relative-path" : "nifi-1.5.0/conf/state-management.xml",
        "template-content" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n<!--\n  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with\n  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n  (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at\n  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n  distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n  limitations under the License.\n-->\n<!--\n  This file provides a mechanism for defining and configuring the State Providers\n  that should be used for storing state locally and across a NiFi cluster. In order\n  to use a specific provider, it must be configured here and its identifier\n  must be specified in the nifi.properties file.\n-->\n<stateManagement>\n    <!--\n        State Provider that stores state locally in a configurable directory. This Provider requires the following properties:\n        \n        Directory - the directory to store components' state in. If the directory being used is a sub-directory of the NiFi installation, it\n                    is important that the directory be copied over to the new version when upgrading NiFi.\n        Always Sync - If set to true, any change to the repository will be synchronized to the disk, meaning that NiFi will ask the operating system not to cache the information. This is very\n                expensive and can significantly reduce NiFi performance. However, if it is false, there could be the potential for data loss if either there is a sudden power loss or the\n                operating system crashes. The default value is false.\n        Partitions - The number of partitions.\n        Checkpoint Interval - The amount of time between checkpoints.\n     -->\n    <local-provider>\n        <id>local-provider</id>\n        <class>org.apache.nifi.controller.state.providers.local.WriteAheadLocalStateProvider</class>\n        <property name=\"Directory\">./state/local</property>\n        <property name=\"Always Sync\">false</property>\n        <property name=\"Partitions\">16</property>\n        <property name=\"Checkpoint Interval\">2 mins</property>\n    </local-provider>\n  <!--\n        State Provider that is used to store state in ZooKeeper. This Provider requires the following properties:\n        \n        Root Node - the root node in ZooKeeper where state should be stored. The default is '/nifi', but it is advisable to change this to a different value if not using\n                   the embedded ZooKeeper server and if multiple NiFi instances may all be using the same ZooKeeper Server.\n                   \n        Connect String - A comma-separated list of host:port pairs to connect to ZooKeeper. For example, myhost.mydomain:2181,host2.mydomain:5555,host3:6666\n        \n        Session Timeout - Specifies how long this instance of NiFi is allowed to be disconnected from ZooKeeper before creating a new ZooKeeper Session. Default value is \"30 seconds\"\n        \n        Access Control - Specifies which Access Controls will be applied to the ZooKeeper ZNodes that are created by this State Provider. This value must be set to one of:\n                            - Open  : ZNodes will be open to any ZooKeeper client.\n                            - CreatorOnly  : ZNodes will be accessible only by the creator. The creator will have full access to create children, read, write, delete, and administer the ZNodes.\n                                             This option is available only if access to ZooKeeper is secured via Kerberos or if a Username and Password are set.\n    -->\n    <cluster-provider>\n        <id>zk-provider</id>\n        <class>org.apache.nifi.controller.state.providers.zookeeper.ZooKeeperStateProvider</class>\n        <property name=\"Connect String\">{{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Root Node\">/nifi/state{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Session Timeout\">{{NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT}}</property>\n        <property name=\"Access Control\">Open</property>\n    </cluster-provider>\n\n    <!--\n        Cluster State Provider that stores state in Redis. This can be used as an alternative to the ZooKeeper State Provider.\n\n        This provider requires the following properties:\n\n            Redis Mode - The type of Redis instance:\n                            - Standalone\n                            - Sentinel\n                            - Cluster (currently not supported for state-management due to use of WATCH command which Redis does not support in clustered mode)\n\n            Connection String - The connection string for Redis.\n                        - In a standalone instance this value will be of the form hostname:port.\n                        - In a sentinel instance this value will be the comma-separated list of sentinels, such as host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3.\n                        - In a clustered instance this value will be the comma-separated list of cluster masters, such as host1:port,host2:port,host3:port.\n        This provider has the following optional properties:\n\n            Key Prefix - The prefix for each key stored by this state provider. When sharing a single Redis across multiple NiFi instances, setting a unique\n                        value for the Key Prefix will make it easier to identify which instances the keys came from (default nifi/components/).\n\n            Database Index - The database index to be used by connections created from this connection pool.\n                        See the databases property in redis.conf, by default databases 0-15 will be available.\n\n            Communication Timeout - The timeout to use when attempting to communicate with Redis.\n\n            Cluster Max Redirects - The maximum number of redirects that can be performed when clustered.\n\n            Sentinel Master - The name of the sentinel master, require when Mode is set to Sentinel.\n\n            Password - The password used to authenticate to the Redis server. See the requirepass property in redis.conf.\n\n            Pool - Max Total - The maximum number of connections that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout).\n                        A negative value indicates that there is no limit.\n\n            Pool - Max Idle - The maximum number of idle connections that can be held in the pool, or a negative value if there is no limit.\n\n            Pool - Min Idle - The target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. If the configured value of Min Idle is\n                    greater than the configured value for Max Idle, then the value of Max Idle will be used instead.\n\n            Pool - Block When Exhausted - Whether or not clients should block and wait when trying to obtain a connection from the pool when the pool\n                    has no available connections. Setting this to false means an error will occur immediately when a client requests a connection and\n                    none are available.\n\n            Pool - Max Wait Time - The amount of time to wait for an available connection when Block When Exhausted is set to true.\n\n            Pool - Min Evictable Idle Time - The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction.\n\n            Pool - Time Between Eviction Runs - The amount of time between attempting to evict idle connections from the pool.\n\n            Pool - Num Tests Per Eviction Run - The number of connections to tests per eviction attempt. A negative value indicates to test all connections.\n\n            Pool - Test On Create - Whether or not connections should be tested upon creation (default false).\n\n            Pool - Test On Borrow - Whether or not connections should be tested upon borrowing from the pool (default false).\n            Pool - Test On Return - Whether or not connections should be tested upon returning to the pool (default false).\n\n            Pool - Test While Idle - Whether or not connections should be tested while idle (default true).\n\n        <cluster-provider>\n            <id>redis-provider</id>\n            <class>org.apache.nifi.redis.state.RedisStateProvider</class>\n            <property name=\"Redis Mode\">Standalone</property>\n            <property name=\"Connection String\">localhost:6379</property>\n        </cluster-provider>\n    -->\n\n</stateManagement>\n"
      } ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "restart-cleanup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-cleanupresources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "# Clean NiFi Application i.e. remove all disconnected node.\nmisc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\nsleep 180\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\ncp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\ncp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\necho \"Executing Janitor program to clean the NiFi disconnected node.\"\nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\njava -jar nifi-janitor.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED} ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "nifi-access",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-cleanupresources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "# Provide access to initial admin to NiFi System Diagnostics.\nmisc_repo_path=../../misc-repository\nsleep 180\ncp $misc_repo_path/readiness-info.txt .\ncp $misc_repo_path/url-info.properties .\nusernodesecret=`cat usernode.keytab`\necho \"Executing NiFi API Access.\"\nexport JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*/) && export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME%/} && export PATH=$(ls -d $JAVA_HOME/bin):$PATH\njava -jar nifi-api-access.jar readiness-info.txt url-info.properties ${NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL} \"$usernodesecret\"\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "backup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre*) ; sh $MESOS_SANDBOX/nifi-toolkit-${NIFI_VERSION}/bin/file-manager.sh -o backup -b nifi-backup -c $MESOS_SANDBOX/../../tasks/nifi-$POD_INSTANCE_INDEX-node*/nifi-1.5.0 -v;\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "upload-s3",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export PATH=$MESOS_SANDBOX/python-dist/bin:$PATH ; aws s3 cp nifi-backup s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/nifi-${POD_INSTANCE_INDEX}/ --recursive\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    }, {
      "name" : "cleanup-backup",
      "goal" : "ONCE",
      "essential" : true,
      "resource-set" : {
        "id" : "sidecar-resources",
        "resource-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "cpus",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 0.5
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        }, {
          "@type" : "DefaultResourceSpec",
          "name" : "mem",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 512.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "volume-specifications" : [ {
          "@type" : "DefaultVolumeSpec",
          "type" : "ROOT",
          "container-path" : "nifi-backup",
          "name" : "disk",
          "value" : {
            "type" : "SCALAR",
            "scalar" : {
              "value" : 1000.0
            "ranges" : null,
            "set" : null,
            "text" : null
          "role" : "nifi-role",
          "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
          "principal" : "nifi-principal"
        } ],
        "role" : "nifi-role",
        "principal" : "nifi-principal"
      "command-spec" : {
        "value" : "export JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d $MESOS_SANDBOX/jdk*/jre/) ; rm -r nifi-backup/*\n",
        "environment" : {
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MAX" : "512",
          "NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_JVM_MIN" : "512",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE" : "true",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT" : "12000",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_READ_TIMEOUT" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_CLUSTER_PROTOCOL_IS_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_CN_DN_NODE_IDENTITY" : "nifi",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "content-repository",
          "NIFI_CONTENT_VIEWER_URL" : "/nifi-content-viewer/",
          "NIFI_CORE_BORED_YIELD_DURATION" : "10 millis",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL" : "30 secs",
          "NIFI_CORE_UI_BANNER_TEXT" : "",
          "NIFI_DATABASE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "database-repository",
          "NIFI_FLOWFILE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "flowfile-repository",
          "NIFI_FRAMEWORK_USER" : "nobody",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiprincipal@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KERBEROS_USER_PRINCIPAL" : "nifiadmin@LOCAL",
          "NIFI_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD" : "20",
          "NIFI_METRICS_FREQUENCY" : "20",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY" : "provenance-repository",
          "NIFI_PROVENANCE_REPOSITORY_INDEXED_FIELDS" : "EventType, FlowFileUUID, Filename, ProcessorID, Relationship",
          "NIFI_QUEUE_SWAP_THRESHOLD" : "20000",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_HTTP_ENABLED" : "true",
          "NIFI_REMOTE_INPUT_SECURE" : "false",
          "NIFI_SECURITY_USER_AUTHORIZER" : "file-provider",
          "NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY" : "",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_IN_THREADS" : "1",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_PERIOD" : "5 secs",
          "NIFI_SWAP_OUT_THREADS" : "4",
          "NIFI_VERSION" : "1.5.0",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_PORT" : "1026",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST" : "",
          "NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT" : "1025",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_THREADS" : "200",
          "NIFI_WEB_JETTY_WORKING_DIRECTORY" : "./work/jetty",
          "NIFI_WEB_WAR_DIRECTORY" : "./lib",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING" : "master.mesos:2181",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "NIFI_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT" : "3 secs",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_DEBUG" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_ENABLED" : "false",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_HOSTNAME" : "kdc.marathon.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_KDC_PORT" : "2500",
          "SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRIMARY" : "nifi",
      "health-check-spec" : null,
      "readiness-check-spec" : null,
      "config-files" : [ ],
      "discovery-spec" : null,
      "kill-grace-period" : 0,
      "transport-encryption" : [ ]
    } ],
    "placement-rule" : {
      "@type" : "AndRule",
      "rules" : [ {
        "@type" : "IsLocalRegionRule"
      }, {
        "@type" : "MaxPerHostnameRule",
        "max" : 1,
        "task-filter" : {
          "@type" : "RegexMatcher",
          "pattern" : "nifi-.*"
      } ]
    "volumes" : [ ],
    "pre-reserved-role" : "*",
    "secrets" : [ ],
    "share-pid-namespace" : false,
    "allow-decommission" : false
  } ],
  "replacement-failure-policy" : null,
  "user" : "nobody"

Service Status Info

Send a GET request to the /v1/state/properties/suppressed endpoint to learn if DC/OS Apache NiFi is in a suppressed state and not receiving offers. If a service does not need offers, Mesos can “suppress” it so that other services are not starved for resources. You can use this request to troubleshoot: if you think DC/OS Apache NiFi should be receiving resource offers, but is not, you can use this API call to see if DC/OS Apache NiFi is suppressed.

curl -H "Authorization: token=$auth_token" "<dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/state/properties/suppressed"

Apache NiFi Node Operations

These operations provide access to the NiFi cluster node using the available NiFi REST API. The Rest API provides programmatic access to command and control a NiFi instance in real time. You can see the NiFi REST API for more about the available API.

List NiFi Cluster Summary

CLI Example

dcos nifi cluster summary

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/cluster/

List NiFi Node

CLI Example

dcos nifi node list

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nodes/

List NiFi Node for a status

CLI Example

dcos nifi node status <nifi_node_status>

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nodes/status/<nifi_node_status>

Details of a NiFi Node

CLI Example

dcos nifi node <nifi_node_id>

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nodes/<nifi_node_id>

Remove a NiFi Node

CLI Example

dcos nifi node remove <nifi_node_id>

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nodes/remove/<nifi_node_id>

Control NiFi Node using GET endpoint

All NiFi endpoints uses GET method are accessable using below DC/OS cli and http.

CLI Example

dcos nifi api get <nifi_get_endpoints_uri>

HTTP Example

curl -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nifi-api/get?uri=<nifi_get_endpoints_uri>

Control NiFi Node using POST endpoint

All NiFi endpoints uses POST method are accessable using below DC/OS cli and http.

CLI Example

dcos nifi api post <nifi_post_endpoints_uri> stdin
  "id": "",
  "service": ""


dcos nifi api post <nifi_post_endpoints_uri> <json_payload_file>

HTTP Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nifi-api/post?uri=<nifi_post_endpoints_uri>
  "id": "",
  "service": ""

Control NiFi Node using PUT endpoint

All NiFi endpoints uses PUT method are accessable using below DC/OS cli and http.

CLI Example

dcos nifi api put <nifi_put_endpoints_uri> stdin
  "id": "",
  "service": ""


dcos nifi api post <nifi_put_endpoints_uri> <json_payload_file>

HTTP Example

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nifi-api/put?uri=<nifi_put_endpoints_uri>
  "id": "",
  "service": ""

Control NiFi Node using DELETE endpoint

All NiFi endpoints uses DELETE method are accessable using below DC/OS cli and http.

CLI Example

dcos nifi api delete <nifi_delete_endpoints_uri>

HTTP Example

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization:token=$auth_token" <dcos_url>/service/nifi/v1/nifi-api/delete?uri=<nifi_delete_endpoints_uri>