CLI commands for DC/OS Kubernetes

DC/OS Kubernetes CLI

A CLI is provided as a way to interact with the cluster manager and allow complete control over the life-cycle of Kubernetes clusters running on DC/OS.


The kubernetes CLI has two useful top level commands that each refer to the particular objects you can run actions against.

  • manager - commands run against the cluster manager.
  • cluster - commands run against a specific Kubernetes cluster.

For more details on available commands, run:

$ dcos kubernetes --help

usage: dcos kubernetes [<flags>] <command>

  -h, --help     Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --verbose  Enable extra logging of requests/responses
      --version  Show application version.

Manager Commands

$ dcos kubernetes manager <subcommand> [<flags>]

Manager Describe

View the configuration for this service:

$ dcos kubernetes manager describe

Manager Plans

Plan List

Show all plans for this service:

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan list
Plan Status

Display the status of the plan with the provided plan name:

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan status [<flags>] <plan>
Plan Start

Start the plan with the provided name and any optional plan arguments:

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan start [<flags>] <plan>
Plan Stop

Stop the running plan with the provided name:

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan stop <plan>

Plan Stop differs from Plan Pause in the following ways:

  • Pause can be issued for a specific phase or for all phases within a plan. Stop can only be issued for a plan.
  • Pause updates the underlying Phase/Step state. Stop both ceases execution and of the plan and resets the plan to its initial pending state.
Plan Pause

Pause the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID):

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan pause <plan> [<phase>]
Plan Resume

Resume the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID):

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan resume <plan> [<phase>]
Plan Force-Restart

Restart the plan with the provided name, or a specific phase in the plan with the provided name, or a specific step in a phase of the plan with the provided step name.

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan force-restart <plan> [<phase> [<step>]]
Plan Force-Complete

Force complete a specific step in the provided phase. Example uses include the following: Abort a sidecar operation due to observed failure or known required manual preparation that was not performed.

$ dcos kubernetes manager plan force-complete <plan> <phase> <step>

Manager Pod

Pod List

Display the list of known pod instances:

$ dcos kubernetes manager pod list
Pod Status

Display the status for tasks in one pod or all pods:

$ dcos kubernetes manager pod status [<flags>] [<pod>]
Pod Info

Display the full state information for tasks in a pod:

$ dcos kubernetes manager pod info <pod>
Pod Restart

Restarts a given pod without moving it to a new agent:

$ dcos kubernetes manager pod restart <pod>  
Pod Replace

Replace should be used only when the current instance of the pod should be completely destroyed. All persistent data (read: volumes) of the pod will be destroyed. Replace should be used when a DC/OS agent is being removed, is permanently down, or pod placement constraints need to be updated. Destroys a given pod and moves it to a new agent:

$ dcos kubernetes manager pod replace <pod>

Manager Update

Update Start

Launches an update operation:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update start [<flags>]
Update Force-Complete

Force complete a specific step in the provided phase:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update force-complete <phase> <step>
Update Force-Restart

Restart update plan, or specific step in the provided phase:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update force-restart [<phase> [<step>]]
Update Package-Version

View a list of available package versions to downgrade or upgrade to:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update package-versions
Update Pause

Pause update plan:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update pause
Update Resume

Resume update plan:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update resume
Update Status

View status of a running update:

$ dcos kubernetes manager update status [<flags>]

Manager Debug

Debug Config

List IDs of all available configurations:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug config list

Display a specified configuration:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug config show <config_id>

Display the target configuration:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug config target

List ID of the target configuration:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug config target_id
Debug Pod

Pauses a pod’s tasks for debugging:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug pod pause [<flags>] <pod>

Resumes a pod’s normal execution following a pause command:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug pod resume [<flags>] <pod>
Debug State

Display the Mesos framework ID:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug state framework_id

List names of all custom properties:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug state properties

Display the content of a specified property:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug state property <name>

Refresh the state cache, used for debugging:

$ dcos kubernetes manager debug state refresh_cache

Cluster Commands

The cluster sub-command itself represents a list of actions that can be made against a cluster, existing or otherwise (such as the case of create).

$ dcos kubernetes cluster <sub-command> [<flags>]

Cluster List

Lists Kubernetes clusters:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster list

Cluster Kubeconfig

Generates a kubeconfig entry for a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster kubeconfig --apiserver-url=APISERVER-URL [<flags>]

Cluster Describe

View the configuration for a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster describe [<flags>]

Cluster Default

Default Show

Print the name of the default Kubernetes cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster default show
Default Unset

Unset the default Kubernetes cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster default unset
Default Set

Set the default Kubernetes cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster default set <cluster_name>

Cluster Create

Create a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster create [<flags>]

Cluster Update

Update a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster update [<flags>]

Cluster Delete

Delete a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster delete [<flags>]

Cluster Backup

Create a backup of the state of a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster backup [<flags>]

Cluster Restore

Restore a backup of the state of a cluster:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster restore [<flags>]

Cluster Debug

Debug Config

List IDs of all available configurations:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] config list

Display a specified configuration:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] config show <config_id>

Display the target configuration:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] config target

List ID of the target configuration:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] config target_id
Debug Pod

Pauses a pod’s tasks for debugging:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug pod pause [<flags>] <pod>

Resumes a pod’s normal execution following a pause command:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug pod resume [<flags>] <pod>

Display the list of known pod instances:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] pod list

Display the status for tasks in one pod or all pods:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug pod status [<flags>] [<pod>]

Display the full state information for tasks in a pod:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] pod info <pod>

Restarts a given pod without moving it to a new agent:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] pod restart <pod>

Destroys a given pod and moves it to a new agent:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] pod replace <pod>
Debug State

Display the Mesos framework ID:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] state framework_id

List names of all custom properties:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] state properties

Display the content of a specified property:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] state property <name>

Refresh the state cache, used for debugging:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] state refresh_cache
Debug Plan

Show all plans for this service:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan list

Display the status of the plan with the provided plan name:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug plan status [<flags>] <plan>

Start the plan with the provided name and any optional plan arguments:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug plan start [<flags>] <plan>

Stop the running plan with the provided name:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan stop <plan>

Pause the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID):

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan pause <plan> [<phase>]

Resume the plan, or a specific phase in that plan with the provided phase name (or UUID):

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan resume <plan> [<phase>]

Restart the plan with the provided name, or a specific phase in the plan with the provided name, or a specific step in a phase of the plan with the provided step name.

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan force-restart <plan> [<phase> [<step>]]

Force complete a specific step in the provided phase. Example uses include the following: Abort a sidecar operation due to observed failure or known required manual preparation that was not performed.

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] plan force-complete <plan> <phase> <step>
Debug Endpoints

View client endpoints for this DC/OS service:

dcos kubernetes cluster debug [<flags>] endpoints [<name>]