Expose and load balance a sample service


Illustrates the basic steps for load balancing a single service running on DC/OS

This tutorial demonstrates how to prepare load balancing for access to a single DC/OS service. For this tutorial, the access requests originate outside of the DC/OS cluster and are routed into the cluster through a public-facing IP address. This scenario illustrates the most common way organizations get started with a load balancing solution.

Before you begin

  • You must have Edge-LB installed as described in the Edge-LB installation instructions.
  • You must have the core DC/OS command-line interface (CLI) installed and configured to communicate with the DC/OS cluster.
  • You must have the edgelb command-line interface (CLI) installed.
  • You must have an active and properly-configured DC/OS Enterprise cluster.
  • The DC/OS Enterprise cluster must have at least one DC/OS private agent node to run the load-balanced service and at least one DC/OS public agent node for exposing the load-balanced service.

Preview of what you’ll do

This tutorial illustrates how to configure an Edge-LB instance to provide public access to a simple Marathon app. In this tutorial, you will:

  • Create and deploy a sample Marathon app called ping.
  • Expose the ping app through the Edge-LB pool instance called ping-lb.
  • Access the sample ping app through the public agent URL.

Create the sample app definition

  1. Open a text editor, then copy and paste the following sample app definition to create the ping.json file:

      "id": "/ping",
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "mem": 32,
      "instances": 1,
      "cmd": "echo \"pong\" > index.html && python -m http.server $PORT0",
      "container": {
        "type": "DOCKER",
        "docker": {
          "image": "python:3"
      "healthChecks": [
        "protocol": "MESOS_HTTP",
        "path": "/",
        "portIndex": 0,
        "gracePeriodSeconds": 5,
        "intervalSeconds": 10,
        "timeoutSeconds": 10,
        "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
      "portDefinitions": [
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "port": 0,
        "name": "pong-port"
      "requirePorts": true

    In this sample app defintion, notice that the portDefinitions.name field matches the haproxy.backends.endpoint.portName setting. If these fields don’t match, the pool will not deploy successfully.

  2. Deploy the ping service by installing the ping.json app definition by running the following command:

    dcos marathon app add ping.json

    This command displays a confirmation message similar to the following if deployment is successful:

    Created deployment dfeec06f-5d64-44e0-b6f2-4ddb61fb0887

Create the Edge-LB pool configuration file

  1. Open a text editor, then copy and paste the following Edge-LB pool configuration settings to create the ping-lb.json Edge-LB pool instance:

      "apiVersion": "V2",
      "name": "ping-lb",
      "count": 5,
      "haproxy": {
        "frontends": [
          "bindPort": 15001,
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "linkBackend": {
            "defaultBackend": "ping-backend"
        "backends": [
          "name": "ping-backend",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "services": [
            "marathon": {
              "serviceID": "/ping"
            "endpoint": {
              "portName": "pong-port"
        "stats": {
          "bindPort": 0
  2. Review the configuration settings to verify they meet the following requirements:

    • The name indicates the pool instance name. In this sample pool configuration file, the instance name is ping-lb and you must have this information to edit, update, or delete the Edge-LB pool instance after you deploy it.

    • The haproxy.frontends.linkBackend.defaultBackend must match the haproxy.backends.name value. In this sample pool configuration file, the backend name is ping-backend.

    • The haproxy.backends.endpoint.portName in the pool configuration file must match the portDefinitions.name in the app definition file. In this sample pool configuration file, the name is pong-port.

    • The haproxy.frontends.bindPort setting indicates the port used to access the app. In this sample pool configuration file, the app is accessible on port 15001.

    • The haproxy.stats.bindPort setting indicates that the port for accessing load-balancing statistics. In this sample configuration file, the setting of 0 specifies that the port be dynamically allocated.

    • The haproxy.backends.marathon.serviceID must match the name of the app definition. In this sample pool configuration file, the service name is \ping.

Deploy a Edge-LB pool to expose the service

  1. Deploy the ping-lb.json pool configuration file to create the ping-lb pool instance for load balancing access to the ping service:

    dcos edgelb create ping-lb.json

    This command displays a confirmation message similar to the following:

    Successfully created ping-lb. Check "dcos edgelb show ping-lb" or "dcos edgelb status ping-lb" for deployment status
  2. Verify the service and the pool instance have been deployed sucessfully by running the following command:

    dcos marathon app list

    This command displays information similar to the following:

    ID                          MEM   CPUS  TASKS  HEALTH  DEPLOYMENT  WAITING  CONTAINER  CMD                             
    /dcos-edgelb/api            1024   1     1/1    1/1       ---      False      MESOS    cp -vR /dcosfilestmp/*...       
    /dcos-edgelb/pools/ping-lb  2048   1     1/1    1/1       ---      False      MESOS    export...                       
    /ping                        32   0.1    1/1    1/1       ---      False      DOCKER   echo "pong" > index.html &&...
  3. Verify the pool configuration for the frontend and statistics ports by running the following command:

    dcos edgelb list

    This command displays information similar to the following:

    NAME     APIVERSION  COUNT  ROLE          PORTS     
    ping-lb  V2          5      slave_public  0, 15001
  4. Verify the tasks associated with the deployed services and the pool instance by running the following command:

    dcos task

    This command displays information similar to the following:

    NAME                       HOST        USER  STATE  ID                                                              MESOS ID                                     REGION          ZONE       
    api.dcos-edgelb    root    R    dcos-edgelb_api.17a52ec2-5177-11e9-9149-e2160eee24f2            e9153020-fe99-49d7-9d10-773adf12e726-S1  aws/us-west-2  aws/us-west-2c  
    ping               root    R    ping.1b56da33-5179-11e9-9149-e2160eee24f2                       e9153020-fe99-49d7-9d10-773adf12e726-S1  aws/us-west-2  aws/us-west-2c  
    ping-lb.pools.dcos-edgelb  root    R    dcos-edgelb_pools_ping-lb.88344f14-517a-11e9-9149-e2160eee24f2  e9153020-fe99-49d7-9d10-773adf12e726-S1  aws/us-west-2  aws/us-west-2c
  5. Verify that the Edge-LB pool instance was deployed successfully with the configured frontend and backend ports by running the following command:

    dcos edgelb endpoints ping-lb

    This command displays information similar to the following:

    NAME            PORT   INTERNAL IP  
    frontend_port0  15001   
    stats_port      1025

    Optionally, you can view the Edge-LB pool configuration as formatted output or in JSON file format by running one of the the following command:

    dcos edgelb show ping-lb
    dcos edgelb show ping-lb --json

    For example, you might see output similar to the following:

      NAME         ping-lb          
      APIVERSION   V2               
      COUNT        5                
      ROLE         slave_public     
      CONSTRAINTS  hostname:UNIQUE  
      STATSPORT    0                
      NAME                    PORT   PROTOCOL  
      frontend_0.0.0.0_15001  15001  HTTP      
      FRONTEND                NAME          PROTOCOL  BALANCE     
      frontend_0.0.0.0_15001  ping-backend  HTTP      roundrobin  
    Marathon Services:
      ping-backend  AUTO_IP  /ping               pong-port  enabled  
    Mesos Services:

Access the sample load balanced service

After you have configured and tested the ping service and ping-lb pool configuration file, you can verify you have access the service.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the public-facing IP address.

    If your DC/OS Enterprise cluster is 1.13, or newer, you can view the public-facing IP address by clicking Nodes in the DC/OS web-based console or by running the following command:

    dcos node list

    In most cases, this command returns node information that includes both the private and public IP addresses for each node. You should keep in mind, however, that the public and private IP addresses returned might not be accurate if the Edge-LB pool uses virtual networks.

    For more information about finding the public IP address for a public agent node, see Finding a public agent IP.

  2. Verify that you can access the deployed service using the public-facing IP address and the frontend port 15001:


    For example, if the public IP address for the public agent node is, access the pong service by opening