

Common commands for Edge-LB usage

This page covers common commands for Edge-LB usage. For a more detailed list of CLI commands, consult the dcos edgelb cli reference.


Create pools

After launching a service and creating a pool configuration file, you can use the CLI to deploy it:

dcos edgelb create <pool-configuration-file>

Please refer to the tutorials sections for examples of pool configs.

Update pools

Update a pool’s configuration with the following command:

dcos edgelb update <pool-configuration-file>

Normal reload scenario

A change to a service (such as scaling up) that is load balanced by a pool will trigger a reload of its load balancers. This reload has the following properties:

  • No traffic is dropped (unless the service instance that was serving the request was killed).

  • The load balancer will keep the long-running connections intact, while all the new connections will be proxied using the new configuration.

  • A reload will occur at most once every 3 seconds.

The properties of this reload enable strategies like Blue/Green Deployment.

Load balancer relaunch scenario

A change to the load balancer pool (such as adding a secret) will trigger a relaunch of all load balancers in the pool. This relaunch has the following properties:

  • Traffic currently flowing through the given load balancer is dropped when it is stopped. To minimize the impact, we suggest running more than one load balancer within the pool.
  • During pool updates, only one load balancer is stopped at a time.
  • The load balancer will be relaunched on the same node (unless the node itself has failed).

WARNING: The number of instances of load balancers cannot be scaled down. This limitation will be addressed in a future Edge-LB release.

Replacing a failed pod

By default, Edge-LB load balancer instances are tied to a given node; when the node goes down, Edge-LB does not automatically relocate the pod containing the Edge-LB load balancer instance to a new node. You must issue a pod replace command to the pool scheduler to tell it to start the load balancer instance on a new node. If a machine hosting a pod is permanently lost, manual intervention is required to discard the missing pod and start it on a new node.

This can all be done using the dcos CLI edgelb-pool subcommand (note that this is distinct from the edgelb subcommand, and must be installed separately if it has not yet been installed).

  1. Install the edgelb-pool CLI subcommand:
$ dcos package install edgelb-pool --cli --yes
  1. Get the name of the pool that owns the pod you need to relocate:
$ dcos edgelb list

This should show all pool configurations. The pool that has a missing pod will be your value for <pool-name> below.

  1. Get the name of the pod you need to replace (the one that was running on the removed public agent). This will be your value for <pod-id>.
$ dcos edgelb-pool --name=/dcos-edgelb/pools/<pool-name> pod list
  1. Use <pod-id> with the pod replace command:
$ dcos edgelb-pool --name=/dcos-edgelb/pools/<pool-name> pod replace <pod-id>

This will destroy the pool server and re-launch a new one on the new public agent.

For a list of Edge-LB commands, see the CLI Reference page.