
Service account and user permissions required to use the Edge-LB package

Since Edge-LB is installed as a DC/OS service, not as a built-in component, superuser permissions (dcos:superuser) or the user or group permissions listed below are required to use Edge-LB.

Permission Considerations

  • Superuser permissions allow a user to manage all Edge-LB pools. Use this option if you do not need to configure fine-grained access.
  • Grant a user or group the permissions below for finer grained access to the Edge-LB pools. Using this method, you can restrict service accounts to have access to pools you specify.

Install Permissions

In order to install Edge-LB, the user must have the following permissions:

  • dcos:adminrouter:package
  • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb
  • dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon
  • dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb

Service Account Permissions

In order for Edge-LB to operate, it must be configured to use a service account.

For easier administration, add the service account principal to the superusers group.

Or, if you prefer to grant only the individual permissions necessary, grant the following permissions to the service account principal:

  • dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon
  • dcos:adminrouter:package
  • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb
  • dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb
  • dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1
  • dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1/scheduler
  • dcos:mesos:master:framework:principal:edge-lb-principal
  • dcos:mesos:master:framework:role
  • dcos:mesos:master:reservation:principal:edge-lb-principal
  • dcos:mesos:master:reservation:role
  • dcos:mesos:master:volume:principal:edge-lb-principal
  • dcos:mesos:master:volume:role
  • dcos:mesos:master:task:user:root
  • dcos:mesos:master:task:app_id

Additionally, this permission must be granted for each Edge-LB pool created:

  • dcos:adminrouter:service:dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME>

Multitenant Usage Permissions

To grant limited permission to manage only a single Edge-LB pool, the user must have the following permissions:

  • dcos:adminrouter:package
  • dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon
  • dcos:adminrouter:service:dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME>
  • dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME>

The following permissions for endpoints are used by the dcos edgelb CLI subcommand. Permissions can be granted individually:

  • Ping:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/ping
  • List Pools:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/config
  • Read Pool:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/pools/<POOL-NAME>
  • Create V1 Pool:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/v1/loadbalancers
  • Update V1 Pool:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/v1/loadbalancers/<POOL-NAME>
    • dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME>
  • Create V2 Pool:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/v2/pools
  • Update V2 Pool:
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/v2/pools/<POOL-NAME>
    • dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME>
  • Delete Pool
    • dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/v2/pools/<POOL-NAME>