Prometheus UI

Prometheus UI

Access Prometheus UI

Access through Admin Router

You can access the Prometheus UI through Admin Router using the “Services” routes by default (unless prometheus.admin_router_proxy.enabled is set to false).

Assuming the service name is dcos-monitoring (default), you can access the Prometheus UI using the following URL:


The Admin Router URL can be configured to adapt to the FQDN of your DC/OS cluster. This step is not required if the users are not using the generatorURL field from an alert.

  "prometheus": {
    "admin_router_proxy": {
      "url": ""

Access through Marathon LB

You can choose to access the Prometheus UI through Marathon LB by configuring the service.

You must configure prometheus.marathon_lb_proxy.vhost field to be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the service. This is typically your cloud load balancer FQDN (for example ELB). You must turn off the Admin Router proxy support to enable the Marathon LB support.

  "prometheus": {
    "admin_router_proxy": {
      "enabled": false
    "marathon_lb_proxy": {
      "enabled": true,
      "vhost": ""

NOTE: Currently, there is a limitation where the service name cannot contain any character that is not allowed in a DNS name (for example /), which means the service cannot be installed in a Marathon folder.