Placement Constraints

Placement constraints

Placement constraints

You can use placement constraints to customize where in a DC/OS cluster services are deployed. Placement constraints use the Marathon operators syntax. For example, [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]] ensures that, at most, one pod instance is deployed per agent.

A common task is to specify a list of whitelisted systems to deploy to. To achieve this, use the following syntax for the placement constraint:

"placement_constraints": "hostname:LIKE:",

IMPORTANT: Include excess capacity so that if one of the whitelisted systems goes down, there is still enough capacity to repair your service.

Update placement constraints

Clusters change, and so will your placement constraints. Already-running service pods are not impacted by changes in placement constraints. Altering a placement constraint could invalidate the current placement of a running pod, and the pod is not relocated automatically, as doing so is a destructive action. To update the placement constraints of a pod:

  1. Update the placement constraint definition in the service.
  2. For each affected pod, perform a pod replace procedure, one at a time. This (destructively) moves the pod into accordance with the new placement constraints.

Grafana server placement constraints

To control where the Grafana server is placed, please specify the placement constraints, as in the following:

  "grafana": {
    "placement_constraints": "[[\"hostname\", \"IS\", \"\"]]"