

Accessing the DC/OS Data Science Engine with Edge-LB configuration

  1. Follow the documentation available here to deploy Edge-LB to your cluster.

  2. Create DC/OS Data Science Engine config dse.json specifying hostname:

      "service": {
        "name" : "dse"
      "networking": {
        "ingress": {
          "enabled": true,
          "hostname": "external.host.com"
  3. Deploy DC/OS Data Science Engine:

    dcos package install data-science-engine --options=dse.json 
  4. Create Edge-LB pool configuration file dse-pool.json.

  5. For HTTPS, ssl certificates should be specified:

      "secrets": [
          "secret": "dse-sslcert",
          "file": "dse-sslcert"
  6. For port discovery point backend to DC/OS Data Science Engine notebook task:

     "mesos" : {
       "frameworkName": "dse",
       "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
  7. SparkUI should have additional backend rules to handle Jobs and Executors pages:

    • sparkuiJobs:
          "name": "sparkuiJobs",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "rewriteHttp": {
            "path": {
              "fromPath": "/sparkui/jobs",
              "toPath": "/jobs/"
            "request" : {
              "rewritePath": false
    • sparkuiApplications:
          "name": "sparkuiApplications",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "rewriteHttp": {
            "path": {
              "fromPath": "/api/v1/",
              "toPath": "/sparkui/api/v1/"
            "request" : {
              "rewritePath": false
    • sparkuiExecutorspage:
          "name": "sparkuiExecutorspage",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "rewriteHttp": {
            "path": {
              "fromPath": "/static/executorspage-template.html",
              "toPath": "/sparkui/static/executorspage-template.html"
            "request" : {
              "rewritePath": false
  8. Example Edge-LB pool configuration dse-pool.json for DC/OS Data Science Engine named dse and external hostname external.host.com:

      "apiVersion": "V2",
      "name": "dse-pool",
      "count": 1,
      "secrets": [
          "secret": "dse-sslcert",
          "file": "dse-sslcert"
      "haproxy": {
        "frontends": [
            "bindPort": 80,
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "redirectToHttps": {
              "items": {
                "host": "external.host.com"
            "bindPort": 443,
            "protocol": "HTTPS",
            "certificates": [
            "linkBackend": {
              "defaultBackend" : "notebook",
              "map": [
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "tensorboard",
                  "pathBeg": "/tensorboard"
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "sparkhistory",
                  "pathBeg": "/sparkhistory"
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "sparkui",
                  "pathBeg": "/sparkui"
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "sparkuiJobs",
                  "pathBeg": "/jobs"
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "sparkuiApplications",
                  "pathBeg": "/api/v1/"
                  "hostEq": "external.host.com",
                  "backend": "sparkuiExecutorspage",
                  "pathBeg": "/static/executorspage-template.html"
        "backends": [
            "name": "notebook",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "notebook"
             "name": "tensorboard",
             "protocol": "HTTP",
             "services": [
                 "mesos" : {
                   "frameworkName": "dse",
                   "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                 "endpoint": {
                   "type": "AUTO_IP",
                   "portName": "tensorboard"
            "name": "sparkhistory",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "rewriteHttp": {
              "path": {
                "fromPath": "/sparkhistory/",
                "toPath": "/"
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "sparkhistory"
            "name": "sparkui",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "rewriteHttp": {
              "path": {
                "fromPath": "/sparkui",
                "toPath": "/"
              "response" : {
                "rewriteLocation": false
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "sparkui"
            "name": "sparkuiJobs",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "rewriteHttp": {
              "path": {
                "fromPath": "/sparkui/jobs",
                "toPath": "/jobs/"
              "request" : {
                "rewritePath": false
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "sparkui"
            "name": "sparkuiApplications",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "rewriteHttp": {
              "path": {
                "fromPath": "/api/v1/",
                "toPath": "/sparkui/api/v1/"
              "request" : {
                "rewritePath": false
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "sparkui"
            "name": "sparkuiExecutorspage",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "rewriteHttp": {
              "path": {
                "fromPath": "/static/executorspage-template.html",
                "toPath": "/sparkui/static/executorspage-template.html"
              "request" : {
                "rewritePath": false
            "services": [
                "mesos" : {
                  "frameworkName": "dse",
                  "taskName": "data-science-engine-0-notebook"
                "endpoint": {
                  "type": "AUTO_IP",
                  "portName": "sparkui"
  9. Add permissions for Edge-LB pool dse-pool:

    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal
    dcos:adminrouter:service:dcos-edgelb/pools/dse-pool full
  10. Deploy Edge-LB Pool:

    dcos edgelb create dse-pool.json
  11. Confirm that our Edge-LB pool can see the backend and the backend is healthy by checking


    Screenshot of HAProxy stats.

  1. For dse-pool.json example access URLs will be:
    • Jupyter Notebook UI - https://external.host.com/service/dse/
    • TensorBoard - https://external.host.com/tensorboard
    • SparkHistory - https://external.host.com/sparkhistory
    • SparkUI - https://external.host.com/sparkui/