Release Notes


Release notes for 1.0.0

Release notes for DC/OS Data Science Engine version 1.0.0

This is the first release for DC/OS Data Science Engine.

DC/OS Data Science Engine was released on 6 August 2019.

DC/OS Data Science Engine works on any infrastructure (cloud, bare metal and virtual).

DC/OS Data Science Engine components

DC/OS Data Science Engine 1.0.0 includes the following components:

  • Framework lifecycle for upgrades and updates
  • 24/7 Mesosphere engineering support for all components included in the stack
    • DC/OS Data Science Engine
    • Spark and Spark History Server 2.4.0
    • TensorFlow 1.13.1
    • TensorFlow on Spark
    • Tensorboard
    • Integration to pool CPU and GPU compute resources in the entire cluster
    • Easy configurable resource quota to dynamically share cluster resources
    • Secure AuthN+Z to the Notebook UI with OpenID Connect
    • Secured access to datasets on Kerberized HDFS and Authenticated S3 Buckets
    • Pre-installed Python, R, Scala, and many more kernels
    • Pre-installed Apache Toree kernels (Spark, R, Scala)
    • Pre-installed popular Python and R libraries