
在 DC/OS 管理节点上运行的 Admin Router

Admin Router 在 DC/OS 管理节点上运行。它显示下面所示的 API 路由。Admin Router 侦听端口 80 (HTTP) 和 443 (HTTPS)。

有关 API 路由方式的详细信息,请参阅 DC/OS API 参考.

    • File /

      DC/OS GUI
    • Proxy /(slave|agent)/(?<agentid>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)(?<url>.+)

      API proxy to a specific agent node
    • File /acs/acl-schema.json

      Access Control List schema
    • Proxy /acs/api/v1

      Access Control Service
    • Proxy /acs/api/v1/auth/(login|logout|jwks|providers|oidc/callback|oidc/providers/?|saml/providers/?)

      Access Control Service (unauthenticated)
    • Proxy /acs/api/v1/auth/saml/providers/[0-9a-zA-Z-]+/acs-callback

      Access Control Service SAML provider callback (unauthenticated)
    • Proxy /acs/api/v1/users/(?<uid_path>.*)/permissions

      Access Control List schema
    • Proxy /internal/acs/api/v1/

      Access Control Service policy query (unauthenticated, internal-only)
    • Proxy /capabilities

      List of capabilities supported by DC/OS
    • Proxy /ca/api/v2/(newcert|newkey|sign)

      Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
    • Proxy /ca/api/v2/bundle

      Retrieve certificate chain without root CA cert for provided certificate
    • Proxy /ca/api/v2/info

      Certificate and basic signing information
    • File /ca/cacerts.jks

      Get CA public key Java Key Store file (unauthenticated)
    • File /ca/dcos-ca.crt

      Get CA public key Privacy Enhanced Mail file (unauthenticated)
    • Redirect /cockroachdb

      Redirect to the CockroachDB Admin UI
    • Proxy /cockroachdb/

      The CockroachDB Admin UI
    • Proxy /cosmos/service/

      Start a DC/OS service from a DC/OS package
    • Proxy /navstar/lashup/key

    • Rewrite /marathon/

    • Proxy /mesos/

      Apache Mesos
    • File /dcos-metadata/bootstrap-config.json

      DC/OS bootstrap configuration
    • File /dcos-metadata/dcos-version.json

      DC/OS version (unauthenticated)
    • File /dcos-metadata/ui-config.json

      DC/OS GUI configuration (unauthenticated)
    • Lua /metadata

      Public IP and Cluster ID
    • Proxy /net/v1/nodes

      Exposes the public IP addresses for nodes in a cluster
    • Proxy /networking/api/v1/

      Networking-related metrics
    • Proxy /package/

      Package Management
    • Proxy /secrets/v1/

      Securely store and retrieve secrets
    • Proxy /service/(?<service_path>.+)

      Proxy to services running on DC/OS
    • Proxy /system/health/v1

      Component service status
    • Proxy /system/v1/agent/(?<agentid>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)(?<url>/logs.*|/metrics/v0.*|/dcos-metadata/dcos-version.json)

      System proxy to a specific agent node
    • Proxy /system/v1/backup/

      Backup & Restore DC/OS Components
    • Proxy /system/v1/leader/marathon(?<url>.*)

      System proxy to the master node with the Marathon leader
    • Proxy /system/v1/leader/mesos(?<url>.*)

      System proxy to the master node with the Mesos leader
    • Proxy /system/v1/logs/

      Node, component service, and container (task) logs
    • Proxy /system/v1/metrics/

      Node, container, and application metrics