Configuring a SAML Identity Provider


Configuring a SAML Identity Provider and OneLogin IdP

This section discusses the general requirements of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) IdPs, and provides a step-by-step procedure for setting up a OneLogin IdP.

Adding a SAML identity provider

DC/OS Enterprise requires the SAML identity provider (IdP) to:

  • Sign its authentication assertion.
  • Not use urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient as its NameIDFormat.

Upon receiving the SAML response from the IdP, DC/OS searches it for a value that it can use as the DC/OS user ID. It does so in the following sequence, stopping upon locating the necessary value.

  1. If the NameID of the Subject appears to contain an email address, DC/OS uses the email address value.
  2. If the response contains an attribute statement, DC/OS uses the first attribute value that appears to be an email address, especially if is of the LDAP mail attribute type.
  3. DC/OS uses the NameID.

While DC/OS Enterprise supports the full range of SAML 2.0 IdPs, the following procedure takes the OneLogin IdP as an example and provides step-by-step instructions.

Adding a OneLogin identity provider

Obtaining the identity provider metadata

  1. Log into the OneLogin dashboard as a OneLogin superuser.
  2. Create an IdP app that can send attributes and sign the auth assertion.
  3. Click to add the app.
  4. Type a descriptive name for this IdP in the Display Name field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the SSO tab.
  7. Copy the Issuer URL value.
  8. Make a GET request to the Issuer URL from either a browser or using curl.
  9. It should return the identity provider XML.
<?xml version="1.0?>
<EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="">
  1. Copy the XML to a clipboard or into a text editor.
  2. Click the Access tab. Activate all roles you want to be able to log in to your cluster. For example: Employee and Engineer.

WARNING: Do not click Save* at this stage; it will fail.

Configuring DC/OS

This procedure will show you how to configure DC/OS to act as a SAML service provider.

  1. Log in to the DC/OS GUI as a user in the superuser group or with the dcos:superuser permission.
  2. Open the Settings -> Identity Providers tab.
  3. Click the + icon in the top right.
  4. Click SAML 2.0.
  5. In the Provider ID field, type an identifier for your IdP that can be passed in a URL, i.e., only lowercase alphanumeric and - characters. Each SAML IdP that you configure needs a unique identifier. If you have another SAML IdP, you must pick a different identifier for this one. Example: my-saml-idp.
  6. Type a descriptive name for the IdP in the Description field. This string will appear in a button presented to the user to allow them to select the IdP that they want to use. For example, if you type Fantastic SAML IdP in the Description field, the button will read Login with Fantastic SAML IdP.
  7. Paste the identity provider XML metadata obtained in the previous section into the IDP Metadata field.
  8. Copy the URL in the top of your browser, everything before the first slash, and paste it into the Service Provider Base URL field.
  9. Click Submit.

Obtain the DC/OS callback URL

This procedure uses the Identity and Access Management API (IAM API). For more details on the IAM API, you can visit the IAM API documentation.

  1. Make a GET request to <your-cluster-URL>/acs/api/v1/auth/saml/providers using either your browser or curl.

  2. It will return a JSON object containing the provider IDs and descriptions of each identity provider you have configured.

      "my-saml-idp": "SAML IdP"
  3. Locate your identity provider in the list and copy its provider ID to your clipboard or a text editor. In the previous example, the provider ID is my-saml-idp.

  4. Make a GET request to <your-cluster-URL>/acs/api/v1/auth/saml/providers/{provider-id}/acs-callback-url, replacing {provider-id} with the provider ID you obtained in the previous step.

  5. This request returns the callback URL.

      "acs-callback-url": ""
  6. Copy this value to your clipboard or a text editor.

Provide the callback URL

  1. Click to open the Configuration tab in the OneLogin dashboard.
  2. Paste the callback URL obtained in the previous procedure into the following three fields: Recipient, ACS (Consumer) URL Validator, and ACS (Consumer) URL.
  3. Paste your cluster URL into the Audience field. Append the following to it: /acs/api/v1/auth/saml/providers/{provider-id}/sp-metadata.
  4. Replace {provider-id} with your provider ID. Example,
  5. Click Save.

Verify the connection

  1. Clear your cookies or start a new browser session.

  2. Navigate to the login page of the DC/OS GUI.

  3. Click on the button of the SAML provider you just configured.

  4. You should receive an “Access denied” message from DC/OS.

    NOTE: This indicates that DC/OS verified your account with the third party provider and imported it into DC/OS. Since your account has no permissions by default, it returns "Access denied."

Assign permissions

  1. Log into the DC/OS GUI as a user with the dcos:superuser permission.
  2. Locate the email address of the user you just tried to log in as in the Organization -> Users tab and double-click it.
  3. Assign the desired permissions to the account. For more information about assigning permissions, visit the Permissions documentation.


User logons may fail with the following message.

SAML SSO authentication not successful. Could not extract the subject identity from the SAML response.

Check to see if the IdP’s SAML response includes urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient. DC/OS does not support urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient.