Versioning and Release Policy

Understanding DC/OS versioning and releases

The format of Mesosphere DC/OS version number is: <Release>.<Version>.<Minor>.

Release numbering


Modifications or enhancements to the same software product as designated by a change in the R release number. An R release may include new changes and breaking changes. R Releases do not include separate or different products marketed by Mesosphere under a different name even if such products are compatible with the relevant software product.


Modifications or enhancements to the same software product as designated by a change in the V release number. V releases will continue to provide backward compatibility to all released APIs.


Bug fixes and new enhancements to the same software product as designated by a change in the patch release number. For example, version 5.6.3, means R is 5, V is 6, and M is 3.

Mesosphere Software End of Life Policy

Mesosphere will support product releases for the currently released version (Release N) and the previous 2 feature (major or minor release) releases (Releases N-1 and N-2). At the time of Release N-1, Mesosphere will announce End of Life (EOL) date of Release N-2. When Release N is generally available, Mesosphere will EOL Release N-2.

Here is a hypothetical example to help you understand which version is the supported version.

  1. May 2020 - Product X v1.0 is released.
  2. Aug 2020 - Product X v1.1 is released, v1.0 EOL date is announced.
  3. Nov 2020 - Product X v1.2 is released, v1.0 is EOL’d, v1.1 EOL date is announced.

DC/OS Versions and Mesos Interoperability Matrix

All versions of DC/OS come bundled with a compatible Mesos version, and its release number will be noted in the appropriate DC/OS Release Version release notes.

DC/OS Versions and Service Scheduler Interoperability Matrix

All Mesosphere-driven Service Frameworks and their attached baseline technology will be tested to interoperate with the current DC/OS and the previous DC/OS release. Similarly, every release of DC/OS will support the current available (GA) software that the service scheduler leverages and its previous release. If a DC/OS release supports an older version of the service scheduler, the older service scheduler may not support all of the features provided by the newer version of DC/OS.

For example, if we have three pieces of technology: DC/OS, Framework, and Apache Kafka.

version policy framework

Figure 1. Version policy framework

Our interoperability guarantees in the scenario above will be as follows:

DC/OS Release Current DC/OS Release N
Framework and Baseline Tech (eg. Apache Kafka ) Current Framework Version (M+Apache Kafka K) and (M-1+Apache Kafka K-1)

Mesosphere Versioning and Upgrade Policy

version policy framework

Figure 1. Version policy framework