DC/OS™ 2.1.3 was released on 17 December, 2020.
New customers, contact your sales representative or sales@mesosphere.io before attempting to download and install DC/OS Enterprise.
Release Summary
DC/OS is a distributed operating system that enables you to manage resources, application deployment, data services, networking, and security in an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid cluster environment.
Component Versions
DC/OS 2.1.3 includes the following component versions:
- Apache Mesos 1.10.1
- Marathon 1.10.36
- DC/OS UI 6.1.16
- Fluentbit 1.4.6
DC/OS Fixed and Improved Issues
DC/OS 2.1.3 fixes the following issues:
- Etcd is now disabled when calico is disabled via
(D2IQ-73299). - Fixed dcos-net startup script to configure network ignore file for on-prem (COPS-6519 / D2IQ-73113).
- Calico CNI will not be configured when
(D2IQ-73141). - Package registry fixed to work with intermediate certificates (COPS-6561 / D2IQ-72615).
- Python cryptography package updated (CVE-2020-25659 / D2IQ-73273).
- Don’t respect instances that are about to be restarted in placement constraints (COPS-5617 / MARATHON-8771).
Mesos Fixed and Improved Issues
For a detailed description on updates to Mesos, see the changelog
Marathon Fixed and Improved Issues
For a detailed description on updates to Marathon, see the changelog.
Metronome Fixed and Improved Issues
- Job ids allow double
s again. (MARATHON-8730)
For a detailed description on updates to Metronome, see the changelog.