dcos marathon

Deploying and managing applications to DC/OS using Marathon


The dcos marathon commands allow you to deploy and manage applications to DC/OS.


dcos marathon [OPTIONS] COMMAND


Name Description
--config-schema Show the configuration schema for the Marathon subcommand.
--help, h Displays usage.
--info Displays a short description of this subcommand.
--version, v Displays version information.


dcos marathon about

Displays the info.json file for DC/OS Marathon…Read More

dcos marathon app add

Adding an application…Read More

dcos marathon app kill

Killing an active application instance…Read More

dcos marathon app list

Displaying all installed applications…Read More

dcos marathon app remove

Removing an application…Read More

dcos marathon app restart

Restarting an application…Read More

dcos marathon app show

Viewing the json file for an app…Read More

dcos marathon app start

Starting an application…Read More

dcos marathon app stop

Stopping an application…Read More

dcos marathon app version list

Displaying the version history of an application…Read More

dcos marathon debug details

Displaying debugging information for Marathon applications…Read More

dcos marathon debug list

Displaying the current queue of Marathon app deployments…Read More

dcos marathon debug summary

Display the debugging queue of waiting Marathon app deployments…Read More

dcos marathon deployment list

Displaying a list of currently deployed applications…Read More

dcos marathon deployment rollback

Removing a deployed application…Read More

dcos marathon deployment stop

Cancelling in-progress application deployment…Read More

dcos marathon deployment watch

Monitoring application deployments…Read More

dcos marathon group add

Adding a Marathon group…Read More

dcos marathon group list

Displaying the list of groups…Read More

dcos marathon group remove

Removing a Marathon application from DC/OS…Read More

dcos marathon group scale

Scaling a group…Read More

dcos marathon group show

Display a list of groups…Read More

dcos marathon group update

Updating Marathon group properties…Read More

dcos marathon pod add

Adding a pod…Read More

dcos marathon pod kill

Stopping one or more running pod instances…Read More

dcos marathon pod list

Viewing the deployed pods…Read More

dcos marathon pod remove

Removing a pod…Read More

dcos marathon pod show

Displaying detailed information for a specific pod…Read More

dcos marathon pod update

Updating a Marathon pod…Read More

dcos marathon task list

Displaying all tasks…Read More

dcos marathon task show

Displaying information about a specific task…Read More

dcos marathon task stop

Stopping a task…Read More