dcos cluster setup

Configuring the CLI to communicate with a cluster


The dcos cluster setup command will configure the connection to a DC/OS cluster, authenticate to DC/OS, and attach to the cluster.

It will also automatically install the Core and Enterprise CLI plugins.


  dcos cluster setup <url> [flags]


Name Description
--ca-certs string Specify the path to a file with trusted CAs to verify requests against.
-h, --help Displays help for this command.
--insecure Allow requests to bypass TLS certificate verification (insecure).
--name string Specify a custom name for the cluster.
--no-check Do not check CA certficate downloaded from cluster (insecure). Applies to Enterprise DC/OS only. Enterprise
--password string Specify the password on the command line (insecure).
--password-file string Specify the path to a file that contains the password.
--private-key string Specify the path to a file that contains the service account private key.
--provider string Specify the login provider to use.
--username string Specify the username for login.

TLS options

If you do not specify one of the SSL options --insecure, --no-check, or --ca-certs, the CA certificate is downloaded from the cluster and a sha256 fingerprint of the certificate is presented for verification.

Positional arguments

Name Description
<url> A URL or IP address to an accessible master node


For examples, see Cluster Connections.

Parent command

Command Description
dcos cluster Manage DC/OS clusters.