
Using the Organization menu

You can manage user access from the Organization page. The Organization menu has 3 sub-menus:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Service Accounts

Organization Users

Figure 1 - Organization > Users tab


The default page for the Organization tab is the Users page. You can add, delete and manage individual users from this tab. There are two columns for this page:

Name Description
Username You can sort the username list on this field.
Full name This is the user’s full name.

You can also filter this list by:

Name Description
All Shows all users
Local Local user accounts exist only in DC/OS™.
External DC/OS stores only the user’s ID or user name, along with other DC/OS-specific information, such as permissions and group membership. DC/OS never receives or stores the passwords of external users. Instead, it delegates the verification of the user’s credentials to one of the following: LDAP directory, SAML, or OpenID Connect®. See Managing Users and Groups for more information.

If you click on the name of a user, the User page for that individual will be displayed. This page has three tabs: Permissions, Group Membership, and Details.


The Users > Permissions tab shows all the resources allocated to this user. From this screen you can delete a user. You can also manage permissions granted to this user.

Users Permissions

Figure 2 - Permissions tab

From this page, you can edit the user permissions or delete the user entirely. For more information see the Permissions Management documentation.

Group membership

The Users > Group Membership tab shows all the groups to which this individual user belongs. You can sort the Group ID column alphabetically. You can also edit the groups using the Edit button at the top right.

Group membership

Figure 3 - Group Membership tab

From this tab you can also add a user to a group.


The Users > Details tab shows details about this user:

Name Description
ID User ID of this user
Description This is the user’s full name.

Details tab

Figure 4 - Details tab


DC/OS Enterprise allows you to create groups of users and import groups of users from LDAP. Groups can make it easier to manage permissions. Instead of assigning permissions to each user account individually, you can assign the permissions to an entire group of users at once.

Groups tab

Figure 5 - Groups main page

If you click on the ID of a group, you can open a Details page for it. This page has 3 tabs: Permissions, Users, and Service Accounts.


The Organization > Groups > Permissions tab displays all the resources allocated to a specific group. From this page, you can add permissions using either the Edit menu under the vertical dots, or by using the Add Permission button.

Groups Permissions

Figure 6 - Groups > Permissions tab


From the Groups > Users tab, you can add already-established users to an existing group.

Groups Users

Figure 7 - Groups > Users tab

Service Accounts

From the Groups > Service Accounts tab, you can add already-established service accounts to your group.

Groups Users

Figure 8 - Groups > Service Accounts tab

For more information on managing groups, see the Managing Users and Groups documentation.