Release notes for 1.13.2

Release notes for DC/OS 1.13.2, including Open Source attribution, and version policy.

DC/OS 1.13.2 was released on July 3, 2019.

Registered DC/OS Enterprise customers can access the DC/OS Enterprise configuration file from the support website. For new customers, contact your sales representative or before attempting to download and install DC/OS Enterprise.

DC/OS 1.13.2 includes the following components:

Release summary

DC/OS is a distributed operating system that enables you to manage resources, application deployment, data services, networking, and security in an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid cluster environment.

Issues fixed in DC/OS 1.13.2

The issues that have been fixed in DC/OS 1.13.2 are grouped by feature, functional area, or component.

Job management

  • COPS-4706, DCOS_OSS-5019 - Improves the validation performed for secrets when running jobs.
  • DCOS_OSS-5258, DCOS_OSS-5273 - Enables you to report the task IDs for finished jobs. With this release, you can query run details for jobs using the embed=history argument to return task IDs in the job history for both successful and failed finished jobs.


  • DCOS-53834 - Mesos task logs are sent to Fluent Bit with task metadata included.


  • DCOS_OSS-5260, DCOS-54927 - Fixed an issue where two independent deployments could interfere with each other resulting in too many tasks launched and/or possibly a errorneous deployment.


  • DCOS-54425 - Added Fluent Bit metrics to the pipeline.
  • DCOS-53589 - Telegraf reports procstat metrics only for DC/OS systemd services, instead of all processes.


Introduced a mechanism for protecting the Exhibitor service from unauthorized access from within the cluster, using state-of-the-art mutual TLS authentication. See documentation. This mechanism is intended to replace the rudimentary exhibitor_admin_password-based mechanism.


DCOS-43777- When creating a DC/OS storage volume using the DC/OS UI, the resulting persistent entry of the created JSON app definition does not have a type set. Hence, the default type value root is used. In this release, the DC/OS UI is bumped to v2.82.5.