Using Custom Marathon


Deploying non-native instances of Marathon

This topic describes how to deploy non-native instances of Marathon to isolate Mesos roles, reservations, and quotas for your DC/OS cluster.


  • Native Marathon A Marathon instance that is installed as a part of your DC/OS installation. This instance runs on the master nodes.
  • Non-native Marathon A Marathon instance that you can install as a DC/OS service. Non-native Marathon instances run on private agent nodes. You may need additional private agent nodes to accommodate the increased resource demands.

Isolating Resources

DC/OS Enterprise security features provides robust fine-grained access control. However, there are situations when you might want a partitioned environment, for example:

  • Testing DC/OS upgrades or API changes.
  • Isolating developer groups from each other securely, such that developers in one group cannot negatively impact workloads running in another group. By default, each DC/OS service uses the same Mesos role that the native Marathon registered with for quotas and reservations. This means that Marathon users can run tasks under any Linux user that Marathon can run tasks under.

You can isolate workloads by using non-native Marathon and leveraging these Mesos features on DC/OS:

  • Reservations: used to reserve resources in specific agent nodes.
  • Roles: used to specify that certain resources are reserved for the use of one or more DC/OS services.
  • Quotas: used to specify the minimum amount of resources that the role is guaranteed to receive.

Dynamic and Static Reservations

You can reserve cluster resources for specific agent nodes. You can reserve resources directly in an agent node (static), or specify reserved resources in your app definition (dynamic).

  • Static: Configure an agent with resources reserved for a role. To modify a static reservation, you must drain and restart the agent with the new configuration.
  • Dynamic: Reserve and unreserve resources by specifying in your non-native Marathon app definition.

For more information, see Mesos reservations.