Create the Cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster using the infrastructure definition

NOTE: When specifying the control-plane-endpoint, if the endpoint is a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), we recommend you make that explicit by adding a period to the end. This helps avoid unnecessary DNS queries using search paths. For example, --control-plane-endpoint-host

  1. With the inventory, and the control plane endpoint defined, use the dkp binary to create a Konvoy cluster. The following command relies on the pre-provisioned cluster API infrastructure provider to initialize the Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes on the hosts defined in the inventory.

    NOTE: When specifying the cluster-name, you must use the same cluster-name as used when defining your inventory objects.

    NOTE: To increase Docker Hub's rate limit use your Docker Hub credentials when creating the cluster, by setting the following flag --registry-mirror-url= --registry-mirror-username= --registry-mirror-password= on the dkp create cluster command.

    dkp create cluster preprovisioned --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --control-plane-endpoint-host <control plane endpoint host> --control-plane-endpoint-port <control plane endpoint port, if different than 6443>
    Generating cluster resources created created created created
    secret/preprovisioned-example-etcd-encryption-config created created created created created
    configmap/calico-cni-installation-preprovisioned-example created
    configmap/tigera-operator-preprovisioned-example created created
    configmap/local-volume-provisioner-preprovisioned-example created created
    configmap/node-feature-discovery-preprovisioned-example created created
    configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-preprovisioned-example created created
    configmap/metallb-installation-preprovisioned-example created
  2. Use the wait command to monitor the cluster control-plane readiness:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=30m condition met
  3. (Optional) If you have overrides for your clusters, you must specify the secret as part of the create cluster command.

    NOTE: If these are not specified, the overrides for your nodes will not be applied.

    dkp create cluster preprovisioned --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --control-plane-endpoint-host <control plane endpoint host> --control-plane-endpoint-port <control plane endpoint port, if different than 6443> --override-secret-name=$CLUSTER_NAME-user-overrides

    NOTE: If your cluster is air-gapped or you have a local docker registry you must provide additional arguments when creating the cluster.

    export DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL="<https/http>://<registry-address>:<registry-port>"
    export DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA="<path to the CA on the bastion>"
    export DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME="<username>"
    export DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME="<password>"
    • DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL: the address of an existing Docker registry accessible in the VPC that the new cluster nodes will be configured to use a mirror registry when pulling images.
    • DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA: (optional) the path on the bastion machine to the Docker registry CA. Konvoy will configure the cluster nodes to trust this CA. This value is only needed if the registry is using a self-signed certificate and the AMIs are not already configured to trust this CA.
    • DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME: optional, set to a user that has pull access to this registry.
    • DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: optional if username is not set.
    dkp create cluster preprovisioned --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --control-plane-endpoint-host <control plane endpoint host> \
    --control-plane-endpoint-port <control plane endpoint port, if different than 6443> \
    --registry-mirror-url=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL} \
    --registry-mirror-cacert=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA} \
    --registry-mirror-username=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME} \
  4. Depending on the cluster size, it will take a few minutes to create. After the creation, use this command to get the Kubernetes kubeconfig for the new cluster and begin deploying workloads:

    dkp get kubeconfig -c ${CLUSTER_NAME} > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

Modify the Calico installation

Set the interface

Before exploring the new cluster, confirm your calico installation is correct. By default, Calico automatically detects the IP to use for each node using the first-found method. This is not always appropriate for your particular nodes. In that case, you must modify Calico’s configuration to use a different method. An alternative is to use the interface method by providing the interface ID to use. Follow the steps outlined in this section to modify Calico’s configuration. In this example, all cluster nodes use ens192 as the interface name.

Get the pods running on your cluster with this command:

kubectl get pods -A --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
NAMESPACE                NAME                                                                READY   STATUS            RESTARTS        AGE
calico-system            calico-kube-controllers-57fbd7bd59-vpn8b                            1/1     Running           0               16m
calico-system            calico-node-5tbvl                                                   1/1     Running           0               16m
calico-system            calico-node-nbdwd                                                   1/1     Running           0               4m40s
calico-system            calico-node-twl6b                                                   0/1     PodInitializing   0               9s
calico-system            calico-node-wktkh                                                   1/1     Running           0               5m35s
calico-system            calico-typha-54f46b998d-52pt2                                       1/1     Running           0               16m
calico-system            calico-typha-54f46b998d-9tzb8                                       1/1     Running           0               4m31s
default                  cuda-vectoradd                                                      0/1     Pending           0               0s
kube-system              coredns-78fcd69978-frwx4                                            1/1     Running           0               16m
kube-system              coredns-78fcd69978-kkf44                                            1/1     Running           0               16m
kube-system                          0/1     Running           0               8s
kube-system                           1/1     Running           1               16m
kube-system                          1/1     Running           1               5m35s
kube-system                0/1     Running           6               7s
kube-system                 1/1     Running           1               16m
kube-system                1/1     Running           1               5m34s
kube-system       0/1     Running           0               7s
kube-system        1/1     Running           1 (5m25s ago)   15m
kube-system       1/1     Running           0               5m34s
kube-system              kube-proxy-gclmt                                                    1/1     Running           0               16m
kube-system              kube-proxy-gptd4                                                    1/1     Running           0               9s
kube-system              kube-proxy-mwkgl                                                    1/1     Running           0               4m40s
kube-system              kube-proxy-zcqxd                                                    1/1     Running           0               5m35s
kube-system                0/1     Running           1               7s
kube-system                 1/1     Running           3 (5m25s ago)   16m
kube-system                1/1     Running           1               5m34s
kube-system              local-volume-provisioner-2mv7z                                      1/1     Running           0               4m10s
kube-system              local-volume-provisioner-vdcrg                                      1/1     Running           0               4m53s
kube-system              local-volume-provisioner-wsjrt                                      1/1     Running           0               16m
node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-master-84c67dcbb6-m78vr                      1/1     Running           0               16m
node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-vpvpl                                 1/1     Running           0               4m10s
tigera-operator          tigera-operator-d499f5c8f-79dc4                                     1/1     Running           1 (5m24s ago)   16m

NOTE: If a calico-node pod is not ready on your cluster, you must edit the installation file.

To edit the installation file, run the command:

kubectl edit installation default --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

Change the value for spec.calicoNetwork.nodeAddressAutodetectionV4 to interface: ens192, and save the file:

      interface: ens192

Save this file. You may need to delete the node feature discovery worker pod in the node-feature-discovery namespace if that pod has failed. After you delete it, Kubernetes replaces the pod as part of its normal reconciliation.

Change the encapsulation type

Calico can leverage different network encapsulation methods to route traffic for your workloads. Encapsulation is useful when running on top of an underlying network that is not aware of workload IPs. Common examples of this include:

- public cloud environments where you don’t own the hardware
- AWS across VPC subnet boundaries
- environments where you cannot peer Calico over BGP to the underlay or easily configure static routes.

IPIP is the default encapsulation method.

To change the encapsulation, run the following command:

kubectl edit installation default --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

Change the value for spec.calicoNetwork.ipPools[0].encapsulation

      - encapsulation: VXLAN

The supported values are “IPIPCrossSubnet”, “IPIP”, “VXLAN”, “VXLANCrossSubnet”, and “None”.


VXLAN is a tunneling protocol that encapsulates layer 2 Ethernet frames in UDP packets, enabling you to create virtualized layer 2 subnets that span Layer 3 networks. It has a slightly larger header than IP-in-IP which creates a slight reduction in performance over IP-in-IP.


IP-in-IP is an IP tunneling protocol that encapsulates one IP packet in another IP packet. An outer packet header is added with the tunnel entrypoint and the tunnel exit point. The calico implementation of this protocol uses BGP to determine the exit point making this protocol unusable on networks that don’t pass BGP.

Be aware that switching encapsulation modes can cause disruption to in-progress connections. Plan accordingly.

For more information, see:

Use the built-in Virtual IP

As explained in Define the Control Plane Endpoint, we recommend using an external load balancer for the control plane endpoint, but provide a built-in virtual IP when an external load balancer is not available.

The built-in virtual IP uses the kube-vip project. If you use the default kube-vip for the endpoint, ensure that:

  • The control plane nodes are in the same subnet and layer-2 network.
  • The virtual IP address you specify for the --control-plane-endpoint is a free IP address from that subnet
  • The network interface for virtual IP address --virtual-ip-interface is the same interface on which kube-apiserver listens. kube-apiserver listens on a default interface.
  • Any Layer 2 (L2) switches in your infrastructure do not block Gratuitous ARP packets. kube-vip uses Gratuitous ARP to advertise the virtual IP for the control plane; if the switch blocks these packets then fail-over between control plane nodes will not work.

To use the virtual IP, add these flags to the create cluster command:

Virtual IP Configuration Flag
Network interface to use for Virtual IP. Must exist on all control plane machines. --virtual-ip-interface string
IPv4 address. Reserved for use by the cluster. --control-plane-endpoint string

Virtual IP Example

Example If we have the following networking configurations on the control plane nodes:

Control plane node 1:
Control plane node 2:
Control plane node 3:

Then the following command should look like:

dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
    --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --control-plane-endpoint-host \
    --virtual-ip-interface eth1

Confirm that your Calico installation is correct.

Provision on the Flatcar Linux OS

When provisioning onto the Flatcar Container Linux distribution, you must instruct the bootstrap cluster to make some changes related to the installation paths. To accomplish this, add the --os-hint flatcar flag to the above create cluster command.

Flatcar Linux Example

dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
    --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --os-hint flatcar

Confirm that your Calico installation is correct.

Use an HTTP Proxy

If you require HTTP proxy configurations, you can apply them during the create operation by adding the appropriate flags to the create cluster command:

Proxy configuration Flag
HTTP proxy for control plane machines --control-plane-http-proxy string
HTTPS proxy for control plane machines --control-plane-https-proxy string
No Proxy list for control plane machines --control-plane-no-proxy strings
HTTP proxy for worker machines --worker-http-proxy string
HTTPS proxy for worker machines --worker-https-proxy string
No Proxy list for worker machines --worker-no-proxy strings

NOTE: You must also add the same configuration as an override. For more information, refer to this documentation.

HTTP Proxy Example

NOTE: To increase Docker Hub's rate limit use your Docker Hub credentials when creating the cluster, by setting the following flag --registry-mirror-url= --registry-mirror-username= --registry-mirror-password= on the dkp create cluster command.

dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
    --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --control-plane-http-proxy \
    --control-plane-https-proxy \
    --control-plane-no-proxy ",,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local" \
    --worker-http-proxy \
    --worker-https-proxy \
    --worker-no-proxy ",,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local"

Confirm that your Calico installation is correct.

Use an alternative mirror

To apply Docker registry configurations during the create operation, add the appropriate flags to the create cluster command:

Docker registry configuration Flag
CA certificate chain to use while communicating with the registry mirror using TLS --registry-mirror-cacert file
URL of a container registry to use as a mirror in the cluster --registry-mirror-url string

This is useful when using an internal registry and when Internet access is not available (air-gapped installations).

When the cluster is up and running, you can deploy and test workloads.

Alternative Mirror Example

dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
    --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --registry-mirror-cacert /tmp/registry.pem \

Confirm that your Calico installation is correct.

Use alternate pod or service subnets

In Konvoy, the default pod subnet is, and the default service subnet is If you wish to change the subnets you can do so with the following steps:

  1. Generate the yaml manifests for the cluster using the --dry-run and -o yaml flags, along with the desired dkp cluster create command:

    dkp create cluster preprovisioned --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --control-plane-endpoint-host <control plane endpoint host> --control-plane-endpoint-port <control plane endpoint port, if different than 6443> --dry-run -o yaml > cluster.yaml
  2. To modify the service subnet, add or edit the field of the Cluster object:

    kind: Cluster
  3. To modify the pod subnet, edit the Cluster and calico-cni ConfigMap resources:

    Cluster: Add or edit thespec.clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks field:

    kind: Cluster

    ConfigMap: Edit the data."custom-resources.yaml".spec.calicoNetwork.ipPools.cidr field with your desired pod subnet:

    apiVersion: v1
      custom-resources.yaml: |
        kind: Installation
          name: default
          # Configures Calico networking.
            # Note: The ipPools section cannot be modified post-install.
            - blockSize: 26
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: calico-cni-<cluter-name>

When you provision the cluster, the configured pod and service subnets will be applied.

Confirm that your Calico installation is correct.

NOTE: When you complete this procedure, move on to Make Cluster Self-managed to continue the process.