Multiple AWS Accounts

Leverage Multiple AWS Accounts for Kubernetes Cluster Deployments

Leverage Multiple AWS Accounts for Kubernetes Cluster Deployments


You can leverage multiple AWS accounts in your organization to meet specific business purposes, reflect your organizational structure, or implement a multi-tenancy strategy. Specific scenarios include:

  • Implementing isolation between environment tiers such as development, testing, acceptance, and production.
  • Implementing separation of concerns between management clusters, and workload clusters.
  • Reducing the impact of security events and incidents.

You can see the additional benefits of using multiple AWS accounts in the following white paper

This document describes how to leverage the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) to deploy a management cluster, and multiple workload clusters, leveraging multiple AWS accounts.


This guide assumes you have some understanding of Cluster API concepts and basic DKP provisioning workflows on AWS.

Cluster API Concepts - cluster API concepts

Getting Started with DKP on AWS - getting started on AWS


  • Management cluster - The cluster that runs in AWS and is used to create target clusters in different AWS accounts.
  • Target account - The account where the target cluster is created.
  • Source account - The AWS account where the CAPA controllers for the management cluster runs.


Before you begin deploying DKP on AWS, you must:

Configure the prerequisites

Deploy DKP on AWS

  1. Deploy a management cluster in your AWS source account.
  1. Configure a trusted relationship between source and target accounts and create a management cluster:

Step 1:

DKP leverages the Cluster API provider for AWS (CAPA) to provision Kubernetes clusters in a declarative way. Customers declare the desired state of the cluster through a cluster configuration YAML file which is generated using:


dkp create cluster aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--dry-run \
--output=yaml \
> ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

Step 2:

Configure a trust relationship between the source and target accounts.

Follow all the prerequisite steps in both the source and target accounts

  1. Create all policies and roles in management and workload accounts a. The prerequisite IAM policies for DKP are documented here: white paper

  2. Establish a trust relationship in workload account for the management account

    a. Go to your target (workload) account b. Search for the role c. Navigate to the Trust Relationship tab and select Edit Trust Relationship d. Add the following relationship

  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
     "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::${mgmt-aws-account}:role/"
  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  1. Give permission to role in the source (management cluster) account to call the sts:AssumeRole API a. Log in to the source AWS account and attach the following inline policy to role
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
       "Resource": [
  1. Modify the management cluster configuration file and update the AWSCluster object with following details
kind: AWSCluster
     kind: AWSClusterRoleIdentity
     name: cross-account-role
kind: AWSClusterRoleIdentity
  name: cross-account-role
  allowedNamespaces: {}
  roleARN: "arn:aws:iam::${workload-aws-account}:role/"
    kind: AWSClusterControllerIdentity
    name: default

After performing the above steps, your Management cluster will be configured to create new managed clusters in the target AWS workload account.