Release Notes Konvoy 2.1.3

View release-specific information for Konvoy 2.1.3

D2iQ® Konvoy® version 2.1.2 was released on August 31, 2022.

To get started with Konvoy, download and install the latest version of Konvoy.

NOTE: You must be a registered user and logged on to the support portal to download this product. New customers must contact their sales representative or before attempting to download or install Konvoy.

Release summary

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience, fix reported issues, integrate changes from previous releases, and maintain compatibility and support for other packages used in Konvoy.

Fixes and Improvements

Upgrade Konvoy 1.8 with Multiple Availability Zones (Incident 9448)

With this patch release, multiple Availability Zones are now supported when upgrading from Konvoy v1.8.

DKP custom credentials plugin restored (COPS-7343)

The mesosphere/dex-k8s-authenticator Docker container now includes the appropriate binaries that allow users to download the referenced konvoy-async-plugin after configuring a cluster using an external IDP for authentication.

Component updates

The following services and service components are upgraded to the listed version:

  • centralized-grafana: 18.1.3
  • centralized-kubecost: 0.20.0
  • cert-manager: 0.2.7
  • dex: 2.9.10
  • external-dns: 2.20.5
  • fluent-bit: 0.16.2
  • gatekeeper: 0.6.9
  • grafana-logging: 6.16.14
  • grafana-loki: 0.33.1
  • istio: 1.9.2
  • jaeger: 2.21.0
  • karma: 2.0.0
  • kiali: 1.29.1
  • knative: 0.18.3
  • kube-oidc-proxy: 0.2.5
  • kube-prometheus-stack: 18.1.3
  • kubecost: 0.20.0
  • kubefed: 0.9.0
  • kubernetes-dashboard: 5.0.2
  • kubetunnel: 0.0.8
  • logging-operator: 3.15.0
  • metallb: 0.12.2
  • minio-operator: 4.1.7
  • nfs-server-provisioner: 0.6.0
  • nvidia: 0.4.3
  • project-grafana-logging: 6.16.14
  • project-grafana-loki: 0.33.1
  • project-logging: 1.0.0
  • prometheus-adapter: 2.11.1
  • reloader: 0.0.99
  • thanos: 0.4.5
  • traefik: 10.3.0
  • traefik-forward-auth: 0.3.2
  • velero: 3.1.5

Additional resources

For more information about working with native Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

For a full list of attributed 3rd party software, see