Upgrade your Preprovisioned Cluster

Upgrade your Preprovisioned Cluster

Set Keepalived Interface in Konvoy 1.8 Configuration

If keepalived is enabled, update Konvoy 1.8 Configuration with the interface used by Keepalived.

  1. Run the following command on any of the control-plane machines to get the interface being used, replacing <control plane endpoint> with the cluster’s IP.

    ip route get "<control plane endpoint>" | grep -Po '(?<=(dev )).*(?= src| proto)'

    The output appears similar to this:

  2. Update cluster.yaml with the output of the previous command:

    kind: ClusterConfiguration
    apiVersion: konvoy.mesosphere.io/v1beta2
      name: konvoy-migration
      creationTimestamp: "2021-11-16T23:12:50Z"
            interface: ens192

Create DKP Bootstrap Controllers on Konvoy 1.8 Cluster

You must configure the adopted cluster as self-managed. The bootstrap controllers must successfully deploy on the cluster for it to become self-managed. Do not begin the other adoption steps until this is successful.

dkp --kubeconfig=admin.conf create bootstrap controllers

The output appears similar to this:

INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:52-08:00] Created bootstrap controllers                 src="bootstrap/controllers.go:106"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:52-08:00] Bootstrap controllers are ready               src="bootstrap/controllers.go:110"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:52-08:00] Initializing Tigera operator                  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:37"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:53-08:00] Created/Updated Tigera operator               src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:42"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:53-08:00] Initializing AWS EBS CSI CustomResourceSet    src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:95"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:53-08:00] Created/Updated AWS EBS CSI CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:100"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:53-08:00] Initializing Azure Disk CSI CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:102"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Created Azure Disk CustomResourceSet          src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:107"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Initializing Local Volume Provisioner CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:109"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Created/Updated Local Volume Provisioner CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:114"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Initializing Cluster Autoscaler CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:181"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Created/Updated Cluster Autoscaler CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:186"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Initializing Node Feature Discovery CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:239"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:54-08:00] Created/Updated Node Feature Discovery CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:244"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:55-08:00] Initializing NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:297"
INFO[2021-11-12T18:22:55-08:00] Created/Updated NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery CustomResourceSet  src="bootstrap/clusterresourceset.go:302"

Create Konvoy 2.1 Configuration from Konvoy 1.8 Configuration

  1. Create Konvoy 2.1 Configuration

    dkp --kubeconfig=admin.conf prepare-to-adopt cluster preprovisioned
    secret/konvoy-migration-ca prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-sa prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-etcd prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-proxy prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-etcd-encryption-config prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-ssh-key prepared
    preprovisionedinventory.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane prepared
    preprovisionedinventory.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-control-plane-containerd-configuration prepared
    cluster.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration prepared
    kubeadmcontrolplane.controlplane.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane prepared
    preprovisionedcluster.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration prepared
    preprovisionedmachinetemplate.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane prepared
    clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/calico-installation-konvoy-migration prepared
    configmap/calico-cni-konvoy-migration prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 prepared
    machinedeployment.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker prepared
    preprovisionedmachinetemplate.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker prepared
    kubeadmconfigtemplate.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-worker-containerd-configuration prepared
    machineset.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-worker-0 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-0 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-0 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker-0 prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-worker-1 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-1 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-1 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker-1 prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-worker-2 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-2 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-2 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker-2 prepared
    secret/konvoy-migration-worker-3 prepared
    kubeadmconfig.bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-3 prepared
    machine.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker-3 prepared
    preprovisionedmachine.infrastructure.cluster.konvoy.d2iq.io/konvoy-migration-worker-3 prepared
    INFO[2021-11-17T17:25:09-05:00] Run 'export CLUSTER_NAME=konvoy-migration' and follow the rest of the documentation  src="cluster/prepare-to-adopt.go:179"
  2. Update your environment with the cluster name for use in later steps by running the shell command from the last line of output in the previous step:

    INFO[2021-11-15T19:59:35-05:00] Run 'export CLUSTER_NAME=konvoy-migration' and follow the rest of the documentation  src="cluster/adopt.go:178"

    Then, verify that your environment has the cluster name:

    echo $CLUSTER_NAME

    The output should be your cluster name, for example:


Remove the Konvoy 1.8 Auto-Provisioner

  1. Delete the auto-provisioner helm Chart using the helm CLI (version 3):

    helm --kubeconfig=admin.conf --namespace konvoy uninstall auto-provisioning

    The output appears similar to this:

    release "auto-provisioning" uninstalled
  2. Remove the konvoy namespace.

    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf delete namespace konvoy

    The output appears similar to this:

    namespace "konvoy" deleted

Prepare Calico to be upgraded

  1. Patch the calico-node DaemonSet to trigger a rolling update of the calico-node pods.

    kubectl patch -n kube-system daemonset/calico-node --kubeconfig=admin.conf -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"$setElementOrder/containers":[{"name":"calico-node"},{"name":"bird-metrics"}],"affinity":null,"containers":[{"$setElementOrder/env":[{"name":"DATASTORE_TYPE"},{"name":"WAIT_FOR_DATASTORE"},{"name":"NODENAME"},{"name":"CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND"},{"name":"CLUSTER_TYPE"},{"name":"CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP"},{"name":"FELIX_IPINIPMTU"},{"name":"CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR"},{"name":"CALICO_DISABLE_FILE_LOGGING"},{"name":"FELIX_DEFAULTENDPOINTTOHOSTACTION"},{"name":"FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT"},{"name":"FELIX_LOGSEVERITYSCREEN"},{"name":"FELIX_HEALTHENABLED"},{"name":"FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSENABLED"},{"name":"FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSPORT"}],"env":[{"$patch":"delete","name":"IP"}],"name":"calico-node"}]}}}}'

    The output appears similar to this:

    daemonset.apps/calico-node patched
  2. Wait for the new pods to be rolled out:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf -n kube-system rollout status daemonset/calico-node

    The output appears similar to this:

    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 1 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 2 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 3 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 4 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 5 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "calico-node" rollout to finish: 6 out of 7 new pods have been updated...
    daemon set "calico-node" successfully rolled out

If the number of Pods is less than the number of nodes in the cluster, run the command again.

Remove the CSI Local Volume Provisioner Addon

The CSI Local Volume Provisioner provides persistent storage for cluster applications. Konvoy 1.8 deploys the provisioner as an Addon, but Konvoy 2.1 deploys it using a different mechanism.

Remove the Addon, so that Konvoy 2.1 can deploy the provisioner, by running this command:

kubectl delete clusteraddon/localvolumeprovisioner --kubeconfig=admin.conf

The output appears similar to this:

clusteraddon.kubeaddons.mesosphere.io "localvolumeprovisioner" deleted

Adopt the cluster

The dkp adopt command performs several steps.

Every Machine has a bootstrap configuration (KubeadmConfig) and bootstrap data (Secret). These must have owner references to be included in the “move” operation.

When the adoption process reconciles a Machine object that has not been bootstrapped, it creates the KubeadmConfig from the associated KubeadmConfigTemplate, and CABPK creates the Secret when it reconciles the KubeadmConfig. The owner references are set at this time.

DKP machines are already bootstrapped and also create the KubeadmConfigs and the Secrets. This command sets the appropriate owner references on these resources.

This command also stops the pause on the Cluster object, which then starts the reconcile process:

dkp --kubeconfig=admin.conf adopt cluster preprovisioned

The output appears similar to this:

INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-worker-0 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-worker-1 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-worker-2 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched KubeadmConfig default/konvoy-migration-worker-3 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:54"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-0 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-1 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-control-plane-2 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-worker-0 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-worker-1 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-worker-2 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] patched Secret default/konvoy-migration-worker-3 with an ownerReference  src="patch/ownerreferences.go:99"
INFO[2021-11-17T17:29:04-05:00] unpaused reconciliation of the cluster (konvoy-migration/default)  src="cluster/adopt.go:106"

Wait for Cluster to Reach a Steady State

Describe the cluster with the command:

dkp --kubeconfig=admin.conf describe cluster --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME

The output appears similar to this:

NAME                                                                 READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
/konvoy-migration                                                    True                     62s
├─ClusterInfrastructure - PreprovisionedCluster/konvoy-migration
├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/konvoy-migration-control-plane  True                     62s
│ └─3 Machines...                                                    True                     66s    See konvoy-migration-control-plane-0, konvoy-migration-control-plane-1, ...
  └─MachineDeployment/konvoy-migration-worker                        True                     52s
    └─4 Machines...                                                  True                     69s    See konvoy-migration-worker-0, konvoy-migration-worker-1, ...

The cluster, control plane, and worker node pool should all show the value True in the Ready column.

If the Cluster Never Reaches a Steady State

A race condition where the Machine objects are reconciled before the appropriate status is set on the Cluster object and it gets stuck, stopping it from reaching a steady state. If this happens, delete the CAPPP pod and let Kubernetes restart it to trigger a reconcile:

kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf delete pods -n cappp-system -l control-plane=controller-manager

The following output appears:

pod "cappp-controller-manager-56fcf85446-66z87" deleted

Wait for Calico to upgrade

Confirm that the calico-node DaemonSet is running in the calico-system namespace.

kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf -n calico-system get daemonset/calico-node

The output appears similar to this:

calico-node   7         7         7       7            7           kubernetes.io/os=linux   4h42m

If the number of up-to-date replicas is equal to the number of nodes in the cluster, the upgrade is complete. Otherwise, the upgrade is still in progress. Wait some time and run the command again.

If no Calico pods display

It may take some time before the DaemonSet is running. If you see that the process is not creating any Calico pods in the new namespace, trigger the DaemonSet to run using this command:

kubectl delete pods -n capi-system -l cluster.x-k8s.io/provider=cluster-api
pod "capi-controller-manager-d4b9c7c4c-hkqfl" deleted

Prepare the Dex Addon for Kubernetes v1.21.6

The Dex Addon acts as the cluster’s OpenID Connect identity provider. You must change its configuration so that it works correctly with both Kubernetes v1.21.6 and v1.20.11.

  1. Edit the Dex configuration

    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf edit -n kubeaddons addon dex

    Paste the following into the YAML document nested in the spec.chartReference.values field of the Addon resource:

            fieldPath: metadata.namespace

    Do not change any other values in the Addon resource. The Addon should now look like this. Make sure that the env field is vertically aligned with the image field.

    apiVersion: kubeaddons.mesosphere.io/v1beta2
    kind: Addon
      name: dex
      namespace: kubeaddons
        chart: dex
        values: |
          # Temporarily we're going to use our custom built container. Documentation
          # for how to build a new version: https://github.com/mesosphere/dex/blob/v2.27.0-d2iq/README.d2iq.md
                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
          image: mesosphere/dex

Update pre-provisioned machine templates to include proxy overrides

NOTE: If you are not utilizing proxies you can skip this section and procedures.

When adopting the DKP cluster, there is no parameter to include the proxy override secret. Therefore, if you require proxy settings in this environment, you need to manually update the pre-provisioned machine templates to include them.

Follow these steps:

  1. Set up the http proxy override file, as described in HTTP proxy override files.

  2. Set up the http proxy override secret, as described in Create a secret.

  3. Update the Control Plane Preprovisioned Machine Template:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster name> # (if not set already)
    kubectl edit preprovisionedmachinetemplate ${CLUSTER_NAME}-control-plane --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    Within spec.template.spec, add the following section aligned with the inventoryRef section, e.g.:

            name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-control-plane
            name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-user-overrides
  4. Update Worker Preprovisioned Machine Template:

    kubectl edit preprovisionedmachinetemplate ${CLUSTER_NAME}-worker --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    Within spec.template.spec, add the following section aligned with the inventoryRef section, e.g.:

            name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-worker
            name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-user-overrides

NOTE: Replace <cluster name> with the actual name of your cluster to be upgraded.

Update the cluster control plane Kubernetes version to v1.21.6

  1. Prepare a patch with the Kubernetes version.

    cat <<EOF > control-plane-kubernetes-version-patch.yaml
    apiVersion: controlplane.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
    kind: KubeadmControlPlane
      version: v1.21.6
          maxSurge: 0
  2. Start the update.

    Patch the KubeadmControlPlane to use the new Kubernetes version.

    NOTE: Patching the KubeadmControlPlane starts the control plane update. The process updates machines with updated properties, and deletes machines with out-of-date properties, in a "rolling" update. New machines replace old machines one at a time. The update waits for each new machine to join the control plane successfully. Regardless of the specified replica count, the update works in the same way.

    KUBEADMCONTROLPLANE_NAME=$(set -o nounset -o pipefail; kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get kubeadmcontrolplanes --selector=cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get kubeadmcontrolplane ${KUBEADMCONTROLPLANE_NAME} --output=yaml \
      | kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf patch --local=true -f- --patch-file=control-plane-kubernetes-version-patch.yaml --type=merge --output=yaml \
      | kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf apply -f-

    The output appears similar to this:

    kubeadmcontrolplane.controlplane.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migrate-control-plane configured
  3. Wait for the update to complete. When the condition Ready is true, the update is complete.

    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf wait --timeout=10m kubeadmcontrolplane ${KUBEADMCONTROLPLANE_NAME} --for=condition=Ready

Update the cluster worker node pool to Kubernetes version v1.21.6

  1. Prepare a patch with the Kubernetes version.

    cat <<EOF > node-pool-kubernetes-version-patch.yaml
    apiVersion: cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
    kind: MachineDeployment
          version: v1.21.6
          maxSurge: 0
          maxUnavailable: 0
  2. Start the update.

    Patch the MachineDeployment to use the new Kubernetes version.

    NOTE: Patching the MachineDeployment starts the worker node pool update. This process creates machines with updated properties, and deletes machines with out-of-date properties, in a "rolling" update. New machines replace old machines one at a time. The update waits for each new machine to join the cluster successfully.

    MACHINEDEPLOYMENT_NAME=$(set -o nounset -o pipefail; kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get machinedeployments --selector=cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get machinedeployment ${MACHINEDEPLOYMENT_NAME} --output=yaml \
      | kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf patch --local=true -f- --patch-file=node-pool-kubernetes-version-patch.yaml --type=merge --output=yaml \
      | kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf apply -f-

    The output appears similar to this:

    machinedeployment.cluster.x-k8s.io/konvoy-migration-worker configured
  3. Wait for the update to complete.

    When the number of replicas is equal to the number of updated replicas, the update is complete.

    timeout 10m bash -c \
      "until [[ $(kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get machinedeployment ${MACHINEDEPLOYMENT_NAME} -ojsonpath='{.status.replicas}') \
                == \
                $(kubectl --kubeconfig=admin.conf get machinedeployment ${MACHINEDEPLOYMENT_NAME} -ojsonpath='{.status.updatedReplicas}')
      ]]; do sleep 30; done"