Base image override files

Base image override files

A base image is a specific AMI image used as the base for your new AMI image. By default, Konvoy Image Builder searches for the latest CentOS 7 ami for the base image. The current base image description, at images/ami/centos-7.yaml, is similar to the following:

# Example images/ami/centos-7.yaml
download_images: true
  ami_filter_name: "CentOS 7.9.2009 x86_64"
  ami_filter_owners: "125523088429"
  distribution: "CentOS"
  distribution_version: "7"
  source_ami: ""
  ssh_username: "centos"
  root_device_name: "/dev/sda1"
build_name: "centos-7"
packer_builder_type: "amazon"
python_path: ""

NOTE: You can specify a base image to build on, using the --source-ami command line flag:
konvoy-image build --source-ami=ami-12345abcdef

To override the above base image with another base image, create an override file and set the source_ami under the packer key. This overrides the image search and forces the use of the specified source_ami.

# Example override-source-ami.yaml
  source_ami: "ami-0123456789"

See Supported Operating Systems for details.