Before you begin, you must:
Replace a worker node
In certain situations, you may want to delete a worker node and have Cluster API replace it with a newly provisioned machine.
Identify the name of the node to delete.
List the nodes:
kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get nodes
The output from this command resembles the following:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready control-plane,master 36m v1.21.6 Ready <none> 42m v1.21.6 Ready control-plane,master 44m v1.21.6 Ready control-plane,master 40m v1.21.6 Ready <none> 42m v1.21.6
Export a variable with the node name to use in the next steps:
This example uses the name
Delete the Machine resource
NAME_MACHINE_TO_DELETE=$(kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get machine -ojsonpath="{.items[?(\"$NAME_NODE_TO_DELETE\")]}") kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf delete machine "$NAME_MACHINE_TO_DELETE" "my-azure-example-md-0-7fbfb98fcf-4xcv9" deleted
The command will not return immediately. It will return once the Machine resource has been deleted.
A few minutes after the Machine resource is deleted, the corresponding Node resource is also deleted.
Observe that the Machine resource is being replaced using this command:
kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get machinedeployment
NAME PHASE REPLICAS READY UPDATED UNAVAILABLE my-azure-example-md-0 ScalingUp 2 1 2 1
There are 2 replicas, but only 1 is ready. There is 1 unavailable replica, and the
phase means a new Machine is being created. -
Identify the replacement Machine using this command:
export NAME_NEW_MACHINE=$(kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get machines \${CLUSTER_NAME}-md-0 \ -ojsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.phase=="Provisioning")]}{"\n"}') echo "$NAME_NEW_MACHINE"
If the output is empty, the new Machine has probably exited the
phase and entered theRunning
phase. -
Identify the replacement Node using this command:
kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get nodes \ -o=jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.cluster\.x-k8s\.io/machine==\"$NAME_NEW_MACHINE\")]}"
If the output is empty, the Node resource is not yet available, or does not yet have the expected annotation. Wait a few minutes, then repeat the command.