Automated storage options in cloud providers

Default storage providers in Konvoy

When deploying Konvoy using a supported cloud provisioner (AWS), Konvoy automatically configures native storage drivers for the target platform. In addition, Konvoy deploys a default StorageClass for dynamic persistent volume (PV) creation. The table below lists the driver and default StorageClass for each supported cloud provisioner.

Cloud Provisioner Driver Default Storage Class
AWS aws-ebs-csi-driver awscsiprovisioner

When a default StorageClass is specified, persistent volume claims (PVCs) can be created without needing to specify the storage class. For instance, to request a volume using the default provisioner, create a PVC with the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pv-claim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 4Gi

To start the provisioning of a volume, launch a pod which references the PVC:

    - mountPath: /data
      name: persistent-storage
  - name: persistent-storage
      claimName: my-pv-claim

Multiple Storage Classes

The default StorageClass provisioned with Konvoy is acceptable for most workloads and offers a good cost to performance ratio. If your workload has different requirements, you can create additional StorageClass types with specific configurations.

In some instances you can change the default StorageClass. Refer to this procedure:

Driver Information

All default drivers implement the Container Storage Interface(CSI). The CSI provides a common abstraction to container orchestrators for interacting with storage subsystems of various types. Each driver has specific configuration parameters which effect PV provisioning. This section details the default configuration for drivers used with Konvoy. This section also has links to driver documentation, if further customization is required.

NOTE: StorageClass parameters cannot be changed after creation. To use a different volume configuration, you must create a new StorageClass

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) CSI Driver

Konvoy EBS default StorageClass:

kind: StorageClass
  annotations: "true" # This tells kubernetes to make this the default storage class
  name: ebs-sc
reclaimPolicy: Delete  # volumes are automatically reclaimed when no longer in use and PVCs are deleted
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer #  Physical volumes will not be created until a pod is created that uses the PVC, required to use CSI's Topology feature
parameters: ext4
  type: gp3 # General Purpose SSD

Konvoy deploys with gp3 (general purpose SSDs) EBS volumes.

On Premises and other storage options

In an on premises situation, accessible storage can be used for PV and PVCs. Using the Kubernetes CSI and third party drivers, you can use your local volumes and other storage devices in your data center. Possible storage and third party driver options are:

NOTE: Support licenses are available for the Portworx and Purestorage products. Refer to their company support sites for more information.