Define Control Plane Endpoint

Define the Control Plane Endpoint for your cluster

The control plane should have three, five, or seven nodes, so that it can remain available if one, two, or three nodes fail, respectively. A control plane with one node should not be used in production.

In addition, the control plane should have an endpoint that remains available if some nodes fail.

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In this example, the control plane endpoint host is, and the control plane endpoint port is 6443. The control plane nodes are,, and The port of each API server is 6443.

External Loadbalancer

We recommend an external load balancer be the control plane endpoint. To distribute request load among the control plane machines, configure the load balancer to send requests to all the control plane machines. Configure the load balancer to send requests only to control plane machines that are responding to API requests.

Built-in Virtual IP

If an external load balancer is not available, use the built-in virtual IP. The virtual IP is not a load balancer; it does not distribute request load among the control plane machines. However, if the machine receiving requests does not respond to them, the virtual IP automatically moves to another machine.

Single-Node Control Plane

A control plane with one node, which should not be used in production, can use its single node as the endpoint; neither an external load balancer, nor the built-in virtual IP, needs to be used.

When the API server endpoints are defined, you can create the cluster.

Known Limitations

NOTE: Be aware of these limitations in the current release of Konvoy.

  • The control plane endpoint port is also used as the API server port on each control plane machine. The default port is 6443. Before you create the cluster, make sure that the port is available for use on each control plane machine.