Konvoy provides a subcommand to generate a diagnostic bundle with data collected for the last 48 hours of the life of the cluster.
To generate the diagnostic bundle
Change to the directory that contains the state files for your Konvoy cluster state.
Generate a compressed archive containing diagnostic information by running the following command:
konvoy diagnose
This command creates a bundle in the working directory with a file name that represents the timestamp for when the file was created.
Verify the file was created using the current timestamp as the file name by running the following command:
If the file was successfully created, the directory listing returns output similar to the following:
The compressed archive contains detailed information about each node in the cluster, including information about the state of the system on each node and log files for each relevant running component.
Extract the contents of the compressed archive to see information about the files it contains.
For example:
$ tar -xvf 20190705T114114.tar.gz bundles/master_172.17.0.3.tar.gz bundles/worker_172.17.0.2.tar.gz bundles/cluster-data.tar.gz bundles/helm.tar.gz ...
As you can see there is a
archive. That file contains cluster-wide data such as pod logs and details about API resources. Node bundles contain node-specific information:$ tar -xvf bundles/master_172.17.0.3.tar.gz iptables-save.txt ctr-version.txt containerd.service.log containerd.service.status.txt journalctl.log kubelet.service.log ansible_facts.json timedatectl.txt kubelet.service.status.txt dmesg.txt