
What are Addons and how are they managed

Addons are applications managed by the Kubeaddons controller. The controller is installed as part of a Konvoy cluster. To manage implicit dependencies between applications, the custom resources Addon and ClusterAddon are used. These resources define the application installation location, the application dependencies, and suitable providers for an application.

Addon and ClusterAddon records are then installed using the Kubernetes API. The kubeaddons controller manages the reconciliation of those definitions to install applications in the correct order.


Konvoy installs the kubeaddons controller as part of konvoy up during the deploy addons stage. If you remove the kubeaddons controller deployment and need to reinstall it, you can run konvoy deploy addons.


A set of addons is added to your cluster.yaml file as part of konvoy init. Addons are sets of applications, configured and tested to work together, that provide monitoring, logging, alerting, and backups.

Additional addons can be configured from other repositories such as our enterprise or community addon repositories, or your own custom repository.


Addons are configured as part of the ClusterConfiguration record in the cluster.yaml file. Addons are part of a git configRepository tagged as a configVersion. Each of the items in the addonsList is an addon in that repository which has three possible keys: name, enabled, and values.

The name matches a name in an Addon record in that repository.

enabled specifies if that addon is enabled and should be installed. A value of false indicates that addon should not be installed. This is similar to omitting the addon from the list, but is used as a placeholder to make identification of possible addons to enable easier. Addons that are enabled by default should remain enabled as other addons may depend on them.

values are used to override values that are passed to helm charts. This field is not currently used for kudo operators and has no equivalent.

kind: ClusterConfiguration
  name: "1.3"
  creationTimestamp: "2020-01-15T02:01:07Z"
  - configRepository:
    configVersion: stable-1.20-4.3.0
    - name: cert-manager
      enabled: true
    - name: external-dns
      enabled: false

In this example, cert-manager is installed with the D2iQ recommended configuration set in the kubernetes-base-addons repository on github as of the stable-1.20-4.3.0 release. external-dns is not enabled, but can be enabled if needed.


More advanced capabilities are also available.

Override helm chart values

For a bare-metal cluster (konvoy init --provisioner=none), metallb is enabled and a configuration template is provided. If you add a list of addresses for metallb to use, it assigns those addresses to your LoadBalancer type Services.

    - name: metallb
      enabled: true
      values: |
          - name: default
            protocol: layer2
            # configure addresses for your network
            addresses: []

Add an addon from the Enterprise repository

  - configRepository:
    configVersion: stable-1.20-4.3.0
    - name: cert-manager
      enabled: true
  - configRepository:
    configVersion: v0.0.3
    - name: zookeeper
      enabled: true

Advanced Application of Kubeaddons

The Kubeaddons operator can be used to pattern and install your sets of software for your internal use, or for public consumption.

Create an addon repository for your applications

Create a git repository that can be reached from a pod inside your cluster. You can read more about that in our Addon Repositories tutorial.

Repository Structure

See the D2iQ base addons repository for an example and documentation of the repository structure.

Addon Record

Use an Addon record to define customized defaults and dependencies. As shown in the example below, the metadata is where you define the name, namespace, labels, and annotations. Labels are used for dependency checking. Annotations are optional, but can be used for displaying the addon in the kommander catalog.

The spec is where the custom resource is defined.

Use the cloudProvider list for defining the cloud providers enabled or disabled by default. If omitted or empty, the Addon is enabled for all cloud providers. You can also define values as part of a provider. Values are added to the cluster.yaml file if that provider is selected.

Define dependencies using the requires key. In this example, kibana will not initialize correctly if elasticsearch isn’t running when it starts. To satisfy this requirement there is a matchLabels entry that matches an addon whose label has the value elasticsearch. The controller waits to install the kibana addon until the matching elasticsearch addon is installed and in a ready state.

kind: Addon
  name: kibana
  namespace: kubeaddons
  labels: kibana
  annotations: "6.8.0-1" "6.8.2" "/ops/portal/kibana" "" ""
    minSupportedVersion: v1.15.6
    - name: aws
      enabled: true
    - name: azure
      enabled: true
    - name: docker
      enabled: false
    - name: none
      enabled: true
    - matchLabels: elasticsearch
    chart: stable/kibana
    # repo:
    version: 3.2.5
    values: |
        tag: "6.8.2"

Helm (V3)

The above example is for a helm chart. This is expressed using the chartReference map. The chart and version keys reference the helm chart name and version. Use the optional repo key to point to a custom repository. If repo is not specified, the default helm chart repo is used. Override the default chart values using the values key. Changes made here are merged with the chart’s values.yaml file when applied using helm.

Kudo (preview)

NOTE: Kudo support is in a preview state.

To define a kudo addon, replace the chartReference definition with a kudoReference.

    package: kafka
    version: 1.0.0

Similarly to helm, you select the name from the repository with the package key. Select the repository with the repo key. Specify the version with the version key.

There is no way to override the kudo operator’s params at this time.