Control Plane High Availability

Make Konvoy control plane nodes highly available

Konvoy ships with a highly available control plane, in case of a multi-master Kubernetes deployments.


High availability is provided through the cloud provider’s load balancer. The load balancer takes care of health checks and distributing traffic between the control plane nodes. It is provisioned by Konvoy. Two configuration options are available for each supported cloud provider (below is an example for AWS):

kind: ClusterProvisioner
      apiServerPort: 6443
      internal: false

apiServerPort defines the port on which the cloud provider’s load balancer should listen for incoming requests.

internal defines whether the created load balancer should be available only from within the Virtual Private Cloud where the cluster resides or should it also be reachable from public Internet.


In on-premises deployments, Konvoy ships with Keepalived. Keepalived provides two main functions - high availability and load balancing. It uses the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to provide high availability. VRRP allows you to assign a virtual IP (VIP) to participating machines, where it is active only on one of the machines.

VRRP provides high availability by ensuring that virtual IP is active as long as one of the participating machines is active. Konvoy uses Keepalived to maintain high availability of the control plane.

To use Keepalived:

  1. Identify and reserve a virtual IP (VIP) address in your networking infrastructure.

  2. Configure your networking infrastructure so that the reserved virtual IP address is reachable:

  • from all hosts specified in the inventory file
  • from the computer that is used to deploy Kubernetes

The configuration is complete if the virtual IP address is in the same subnet as the rest of the cluster nodes. If the address is in a different subnet, you may need to configure appropriate routes to ensure connectivity with the virtual IP address. If the virtual IP address shares an interface with the primary IP address of the interface, you must disable any IP or MAC spoofing from the infrastructure firewall.

The following example illustrates the Konvoy configuration to use if the reserved virtual IP address is

kind: ClusterConfiguration
      controlPlaneEndpointOverride: ""
        interface: ens20f0 # optional
        vrid: 51           # optional

NOTE: If you run multiple clusters on the same L2 network, you must specify a unique VRID value for each cluster to prevent network issues. In the above example, only use 51 one time, and then choose another value for each additional cluster.

The IP address specified in spec.kubernetes.controlPlane.controlPlaneEndpointOverride is used for the Keepalived VIP. This value is optional if it is already specified in inventory.yaml as part of all.vars.control_plane_endpoint. You can set spec.kubernetes.controlPlane.keepalived.interface to specify the network interface for the Keepalived VIP. This field is optional. If not set, Konvoy automatically detects the network interface to use based on the route to the VIP.

You can also set spec.kubernetes.controlPlane.keepalived.vrid to specify the Virtual Router ID used by Keepalived. This field is optional. If not set, Konvoy randomly picks a Virtual Router ID for you.

If you are not setting any optional values, set spec.kubernetes.controlPlane.keepalived: {} to enable the default values.

External 3rd Party Load Balancers

There may be instances where you already have a 3rd party load balancer you want to use, or are required to use, due to policy. To use a third-party load balancer you must disable the load balancer configured by Konvoy.

Keepalived is enabled by default for on-premises deployments. You can disable it by removing spec.kubernetes.controlPlane.keepalived from the cluster.yaml. Disabling Keepalived is done where there is an on-premises load balancer, which will be used to maintain high availability of the control plane kubernetes api service.

The following example illustrates the Konvoy configuration to use if the 3rd party load balancer front-end IP address is

kind: ClusterConfiguration
      controlPlaneEndpointOverride: ""

If you are deploying to an alternative cloud provider not supported by D2iQ, you may want to provision and use that cloud provider’s load balancer.

When creating an external 3rd party load balancer, D2iQ recommends the following best practice settings:

  • Create a front-end that is addressable via IPv4 and DNS.
  • Create a back-end pool that targets the control-plane hosts.
  • Create a TCP port 6443 front-end to target the TCP 6443 back-end.
  • Create a health probe with the following:
    • Checks via HTTPS
    • Interval 5 mins
    • Report unhealthy after 2 tries
    • URL /healthz
    • Allows for TLS certificates installed on the control planes.
  • Stateful persistence between the client IP address and protocol.
  • Idle timeout of about 60 minutes.