Install GitLab Enterprise on Konvoy

Learn how to install GitLab Enterprise on a Konvoy cluster

This guide describes how to install GitLab Enterprise on Konvoy via the GitLab Helm chart, with services exposed over HTTPS, using a self-signed wildcard certificate.

This was tested on Konvoy 0.6 running on AWS, using version 2.1.2 of the GitLab Helm chart.


GitLab’s services are exposed via name-based virtual servers. You will need to choose a domain name for each of GitLab, the GitLab registry, and Minio. This guide will use gitlab.gitlab.local, registry.gitlab.local, and minio.gitlab.local, respectively, and configure DNS by modifying the local /etc/hosts file. You may instead use different domain names, and you may use external DNS to resolve them. For more on configuring GitLab’s domain names, see here.

This guide will deploy GitLab with services exposed over HTTPS, using a self-signed wildcard certificate. You may instead use certmanager and LetsEncrypt to generate signed certificates, or provide your own. For more on configuring TLS, see here.


  1. Create gitlab-rails-secret according to

  2. Configure the cluster’s internal DNS to resolve your GitLab domains to the Traefik ingress controller. Run kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/coredns and add this to CoreDNS config:

        rewrite name gitlab.gitlab.local traefik-kubeaddons.kubeaddons.svc.cluster.local
        rewrite name registry.gitlab.local traefik-kubeaddons.kubeaddons.svc.cluster.local
        rewrite name minio.gitlab.local traefik-kubeaddons.kubeaddons.svc.cluster.local
  3. Configure your local environment to resolve Gitlab’s domain to an external IP for the Traefik ingress controller. Run this command to add an entry for gitlab.gitlab.local to your /etc/hosts:

    echo -e "\n# GitLab on Konvoy\n$(dig +short $(kubectl --namespace=kubeaddons get service traefik-kubeaddons --template='{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).hostname}}') | head -1)\tgitlab.gitlab.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  4. Create the file gitlab-values.yaml containing this chart configuration:

        # Our chosen domain that will contain `gitlab`, `registry`, and `minio` subdomains.
        domain: gitlab.local
        # Don't configure certmanager, since we aren't installing it.
        configureCertmanager: false
          # This annotation causes Traefik to create a corresponding frontend for each ingress.
          "": "traefik"
      # This secret will contain certificates for the GitLab domains.
      # The GitLab runner will not accept self-signed certificates unless they are included in this secret.
      certsSecretName: gitlab-runner-certs
      # Don't install certmanager, since we're using a self-signed certificate.
      install: false
      # Don't install an nginx ingress controller, since we're using Traefik.
      enabled: false
  5. Add the GitLab Helm repo, and install the GitLab Helm chart with your configuration values:

    helm repo add gitlab
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab -f gitlab-values.yaml
  6. Create a secret named gitlab-runner-certs that contains certificates for the GitLab domains. This is necessary for the GitLab runner to accept self-signed certificates.

    kubectl get secret gitlab-wildcard-tls --template='{{ index .data "tls.crt" }}' | base64 -D > gitlab.crt
    kubectl create secret generic gitlab-runner-certs --from-file=gitlab.gitlab.local.crt=gitlab.crt --from-file=registry.gitlab.local.crt=gitlab.crt --from-file=minio.gitlab.local.crt=gitlab.crt

    NOTE: You may skip this step if you are using valid signed certificates. If you skip this step, you must deploy the GitLab Helm chart without the gitlab-runner.certsSecretName configuration parameter.

  7. Wait for GitLab to finish deploying.

  8. Open https://gitlab.gitlab.local in a browser.


Admin credentials

The admin username is root, and the password is stored in the secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password. To retrieve the admin password, run:

kubectl get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password --template='{{ .data.password }}' | base64 -D

Git SSL verification

By default, GitLab CI jobs will verify certificates when checking out a Git project. Verification will fail if GitLab is using a self-signed certificate. To disable SSL verification, add this configuration to your project’s .gitlab-ci.yml:
