Upgrade Konvoy for DKP Essential

Upgrade your Konvoy environment within the DKP Essential License.


The following infrastructure environments are supported:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Pre-provisioned environments


To upgrade Konvoy for DKP Essential:

  1. Upgrade the Cluster API (CAPI) components
  2. Upgrade the core addons
  3. Upgrade the Kubernetes version

If you have more than one Essential cluster, repeat all of these steps for each Essential cluster (management cluster).

NOTE: For pre-provisioned air-gapped environments, you must run konvoy-image upload artifacts.

For a full list of DKP Essential features, see DKP Essential.

Upgrade the CAPI components

New versions of DKP come pre-bundled with newer versions of CAPI, newer versions of infrastructure providers or new infrastructure providers. When using a new version of the DKP CLI, upgrade all of these components first.

IMPORTANT:Ensure your dkp configuration references the management cluster where you want to run the upgrade by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, or using the --kubeconfig flag, in accordance with Kubernetes conventions.

Run the following upgrade command for the CAPI components.

dkp upgrade capi-components

The command should output something similar to the following:

✓ Upgrading CAPI components
✓ Waiting for CAPI components to be upgraded
✓ Initializing new CAPI components
✓ Deleting Outdated Global ClusterResourceSets

If the upgrade fails, review the prerequisites section and ensure that you’ve followed the steps in the DKP upgrade overview.

Upgrade the core addons

To install the core addons, DKP relies on the ClusterResourceSet Cluster API feature. In the CAPI component upgrade, we deleted the previous set of outdated global ClusterResourceSets because prior to DKP 2.2 some addons were installed using a global configuration. In order to support individual cluster upgrades, DKP 2.2 now installs all addons with a unique set of ClusterResourceSet and corresponding referenced resources, all named using the cluster’s name as a suffix. For example: calico-cni-installation-my-aws-cluster.

WARNING: If you modified any of the clusterResourceSet definitions, these changes are not preserved when running the command dkp upgrade addons. You can use the --dry-run -o yaml options to save the new configuration to a file and make the same changes again upon each of the upgrades.

Your cluster comes preconfigured with a few different core addons that provide functionality to your cluster upon creation. These include: CSI, CNI, Cluster Autoscaler, and Node Feature Discovery. New versions of DKP may come pre-bundled with newer versions of these addons. Perform the following steps to update these addons.

IMPORTANT:If you have more than one essential cluster, ensure your dkp configuration references the management cluster where you want to run the upgrade by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, or using the --kubeconfig flag, in accordance with Kubernetes conventions.

Upgrade the core addons in a cluster using the ‘dkp upgrade addons’ command specifying the cluster infrastructure (choose [aws, azure, preprovisioned]) and the name of the cluster.


export CLUSTER_NAME=my-azure-cluster
dkp upgrade addons azure --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}


export CLUSTER_NAME=my-aws-cluster
dkp upgrade addons aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}

The output for the AWS example should be similar to:

Generating addon resources
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/calico-cni-installation-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/calico-cni-installation-my-aws-cluster upgraded
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/tigera-operator-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/tigera-operator-my-aws-cluster upgraded
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/aws-ebs-csi-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/aws-ebs-csi-my-aws-cluster upgraded
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/cluster-autoscaler-my-aws-cluster upgraded
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/node-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/node-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded
clusterresourceset.addons.cluster.x-k8s.io/nvidia-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded
configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded

See also

DKP upgrade addons

Once complete, begin upgrading the Kubernetes version.

Upgrade the Kubernetes version

When upgrading the Kubernetes version of a cluster, first upgrade the control plane and then the node pools.

NOTE: If an AMI was specified when initially creating a cluster, you must build a new one with Konvoy Image Builder and pass it with --ami.

  1. Upgrade the Kubernetes version of the control plane.

    dkp update controlplane aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --kubernetes-version=v1.22.8

    The output should be similar to:

    Updating control plane resource controlplane.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=KubeadmControlPlane default/my-aws-cluster-control-plane
    Waiting for control plane update to finish.
     ✓ Updating the control plane
  2. Upgrade the Kubernetes version of each of your node pools. Get a list of all node pools available in your cluster by running the following command:

    dkp get nodepool --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  3. Replace my-nodepool with the name of the node pool.

    export NODEPOOL_NAME=<my-nodepool>
    dkp update nodepool aws ${NODEPOOL_NAME} --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --kubernetes-version=v1.22.8

The output should be similar to:

Updating node pool resource cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=MachineDeployment default/my-aws-cluster-my-nodepool
Waiting for node pool update to finish.
 ✓ Updating the my-aws-cluster-my-nodepool node pool

Repeat this step for each additional node pool.

For the overall process for upgrading to the latest version of DKP, refer back to DKP Upgrade