Verify Project Logging Stack Installation

How to verify the project logging stack installation for multi-tenant logging

You must wait for the Project’s logging stack HelmReleases to deploy before configuring or using the Project-level logging features, including multi-tenancy:

Run the following commands on the management cluster:

  1. Execute the following command to get the namespace of your workspace

    kubectl get workspaces

    Copy the value under WORKSPACE NAMESPACE column for your workspace. This may NOT be identical to the Display Name of the Workspace.

  2. Export the WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE variable:

  3. Execute the following command to get the namespace of your project

    kubectl get projects -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}

    Copy the value under PROJECT NAMESPACE column for your project. This may NOT be identical to the Display Name of the Project.

  4. Export the PROJECT_NAMESPACE variable:


    Run the following commands on the attached cluster:

    Ensure you switch to the correct context or kubeconfig of the attached cluster for the following kubectl commands:

  5. Check the deployment status using this command on the attached cluster:

    kubectl get helmreleases -n ${PROJECT_NAMESPACE}

NOTE: It may take some time for these changes to take effect, based on the duration configured for the Flux GitRepository reconciliation.

When successfully deployed, you will see output that includes the following HelmReleases:

NAMESPACE              NAME                 READY   STATUS                             AGE
${PROJECT_NAMESPACE}   grafana-logging      True    Release reconciliation succeeded   15m
${PROJECT_NAMESPACE}   loki-distributed     True    Release reconciliation succeeded   11m

Then, you can view project log data within multi-tenant logging.