Review detailed Kommander API reference information

This document is automatically generated from the API definition in the code.

Table of Contents


Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec KommanderProjectRoleSpec false
status KommanderProjectRoleStatus false

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Field Description Scheme Required
items []KommanderProjectRole true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
projectObjectVerbs []string false
rules []rbacv1.PolicyRule false

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Field Description Scheme Required
roleInProjectRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false
roleInWorkspaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec KommanderWorkspaceRoleSpec false
status KommanderWorkspaceRoleStatus false

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Field Description Scheme Required
items []KommanderWorkspaceRole true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
rules []rbacv1.PolicyRule false
workspaceObjectVerbs []string false

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Field Description Scheme Required
clusterRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false
roleInWorkspaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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Project is a logical top-level container for a set of Kommander resources.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec ProjectSpec false
status ProjectStatus false

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Field Description Scheme Required
lastTransitionTime Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. metav1.Time false
message A human readable message indicating details about the transition. string false
reason The reason for the condition’s last transition. string false
status Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. corev1.ConditionStatus true
type Type of project condition. ProjectConditionType true

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ProjectList is a list of Project objects.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []Project true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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ProjectRole is the Schema for the workspaces ProjectRole API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec ProjectRoleSpec false
status ProjectRoleStatus false

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ProjectRoleList contains a list of ProjectRole.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []ProjectRole true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
rules []rbacv1.PolicyRule false

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Field Description Scheme Required
federatedRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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ProjectSpec describes the attributes on a Project.

Field Description Scheme Required
namespaceName NamespaceName specifies the optional namespace name to use for the project. This field is immutable, only settable on create. string false
placement v1beta1.PlacementSelector false
workspaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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ProjectStatus is information about the current status of a Project.

Field Description Scheme Required
conditions Represents the latest available observations of a project’s current state. []ProjectCondition false
namespaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBinding is the Schema for the VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBinding API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBindingSpec true
status VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBindingStatus false

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VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBinding.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []VirtualGroupKommanderClusterRoleBinding true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
clusterRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true
virtualGroupRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true

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Field Description Scheme Required
clusterRoleBindingRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBinding is the Schema to be used in the API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBindingSpec true
status VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBindingStatus false

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VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBinding.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []VirtualGroupKommanderProjectRoleBinding true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
kommanderProjectRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true
virtualGroupRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true

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Field Description Scheme Required
roleBindingInProjectRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false
roleBindingInWorkspaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBinding is the Schema to be used in the API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBindingSpec true
status VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBindingStatus false

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VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBinding.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []VirtualGroupKommanderWorkspaceRoleBinding true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
kommanderWorkspaceRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true
virtualGroupRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true

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Field Description Scheme Required
clusterRoleBindingRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false
roleBindingInWorkspaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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VirtualGroupProjectRoleBinding is the Schema for the VirtualGroupProjectRoleBinding API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec VirtualGroupProjectRoleBindingSpec true
status VirtualGroupProjectRoleBindingStatus false

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VirtualGroupProjectRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupProjectRoleBinding.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []VirtualGroupProjectRoleBinding true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
projectRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false
virtualGroupRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true
workspaceRoleRef WorkspaceRoleRef maybe a LocalObjectReference but the WorkspaceRole is not created in project namespace but in Workspace namespace. “Local” in LocalObjectReference means “Local to project’s workspace” since there can only be one workspace the project is in. corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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Field Description Scheme Required
federatedRoleBindingRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBinding is the Schema for the VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBinding API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBindingSpec true
status VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBindingStatus false

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VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBinding.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []VirtualGroupWorkspaceRoleBinding true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
placement v1beta1.PlacementSelector false
virtualGroupRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true
workspaceRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference true

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Field Description Scheme Required
federatedClusterRoleBindingRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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Workspace is the Schema for the workspaces API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec WorkspaceSpec false
status WorkspaceStatus false

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Field Description Scheme Required
lastTransitionTime Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. metav1.Time false
message A human readable message indicating details about the transition. string false
reason The reason for the condition’s last transition. string false
status Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. corev1.ConditionStatus true
type Type of workspace condition. WorkspaceConditionType true

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WorkspaceList contains a list of Workspace.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []Workspace true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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WorkspaceRole is the Schema for the workspaces API.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec WorkspaceRoleSpec false
status WorkspaceRoleStatus false

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WorkspaceRoleList contains a list of WorkspaceRole.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []WorkspaceRole true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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Field Description Scheme Required
aggregationRule rbacv1.AggregationRule false
rules []rbacv1.PolicyRule false

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Field Description Scheme Required
federatedClusterRoleRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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Field Description Scheme Required
clusterLabels map[string]string false
namespaceName NamespaceName specifies the optional namespace name to use for the workspace. This field is immutable, only settable on create. string false

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Field Description Scheme Required
conditions Represents the latest available observations of a workspace’s current state. []WorkspaceCondition false
namespaceRef corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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