
Work with, obtain, and manage licenses for Kommander clusters

Purchase a License

You can evaluate Kommander running two clusters, the Kommander host cluster and one additional cluster, for free. If you want to add more clusters, you need a valid license.

To obtain a valid Kommander license, contact your sales representative at After purchase, download the license file from the support website using your login credentials to a place accessible by Kommander.

Enter a Valid License Key

After you have downloaded the license, an administrator must add it to Kommander.

In the Kommander UI, do the following:

  1. Select Global in the workspace header drop-down.
  2. In the side menu, select Administration > Licensing.
  3. Select + Add License.
  4. Paste your license content in the textbox and select Add.

If there is an error submitting the license, you can add the license directly through kubectl.

Entering a valid license via kubectl

You can add a license directly using kubectl.

  1. Create a secret, replacing MY_LICENSE in the below command with your D2iQ-provided Kommander license:

    kubectl create secret generic my-license-secret --from-literal=jwt=MY_LICENSE -n kommander
    kubectl label secret my-license-secret kommanderType=license -n kommander
  2. Create a license object:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: License
      name: my-license
      namespace: kommander
        name: my-license-secret

In the above example, your license is named ‘my-license’.

You should then be able to return to the license page in the UI to see your valid license display.

Delete a license

To delete a license from Kommander, you have to delete the Secret and License objects. In this example, the secret is named “my-license-secret”.

  1. Validate that the secret exists in the kommander namespace:

    kubectl describe secret -n kommander my-license-secret

    Expected output:

    Name:         my-license-secret
    Namespace:    kommander
    Labels:       kommanderType=license
    Annotations:  <none>
    Type:         Opaque
    jwt:  455 bytes
  2. Delete the secret from the kommander namespace:

    kubectl delete secret -n kommander my-license-secret

    Expected output:

    secret "my-license-secret" deleted
  3. We do the same with the License object. Validate that it exists in the kommander namespace:

    kubectl describe license -n kommander my-license

    Expected output:

    Name:         my-license
    Namespace:    kommander
    Labels:       <none>
                    {"apiVersion":"","kind":"License","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"my-license", "namespace":"kommand...
    API Version:
    Kind:         License
      Creation Timestamp:  2020-03-25T14:57:31Z
      Generate Name:       license-
      Generation:          1
      Resource Version:    17895
      Self Link:           /apis/
      UID:                 35ee9254-4094-40eb-a2d8-4687c5d212d9
      License Ref:
        Name:  my-license-secret
      Cluster Capacity:  500
      Customer Id:       mesosphere-developer
      End Date:          2020-10-02T14:00:09Z
      License Id:        mesosphere-developer
      Start Date:        2019-10-02T14:00:09Z
      Valid:             true
      Version:           1.0
      Type    Reason                Age                  From              Message
      ----    ------                ----                 ----              -------
      Normal  LicenseUpdateSuccess  7m7s (x2 over 7m7s)  LicenseSignature  License updated successfully
  4. Delete the license from the kommander namespace:

    kubectl delete license -n kommander my-license

    Expected output: "my-license" deleted

You have now successfully deleted a license.