Generate a Kubectl Token

Troubleshoot your LDAP access


Generating a kubectl token is typically the way end users access Konvoy and Kubernetes. Most end users interact with Kubernetes from a command line perspective. Generating a kubectl token is also a great way to confirm and help troubleshoot your LDAP access. You can determine if specific values are returned by the external identity provider. The following procedure shows how to generate a kubectl token.

Before you begin

You need certain software configurations and settings before you start this procedure. This procedure requires the following items and configurations:

Follow this procedure to create your kubectl token.

  1. Go to the Kommander operations portal in your web browser.

  2. Select the Generate Kubectl Token button.

  3. Select the Konvoy cluster you want to authenticate against. Main is the cluster where Kommander is maintained.

  4. Select the LDAP Log in option. This name is based on the Name field used when configuring the identity provider.

  5. Enter LDAP username and password. LDAP returned values and instructions should be displayed. Ensure that the Groups for your account are displayed. See the figure below for similar output.

    Setup LDAP