Install Kommander air gapped

Install Kommander in an air gapped environment

This document shows how to install Kommander in an air gapped environment. Using the air gapped Konvoy installation documentation as the basis, this shows how to get Kommander running on top of an air gapped Konvoy cluster.


This document uses the following terms:

  • Management cluster - Konvoy cluster running Kommander
  • Attached cluster - Konvoy or non-Konvoy cluster attached to the management cluster
  • Docker registry - a registry containing all Docker images that clusters access and download during installation

Before you begin

Before installing, make sure your environment has the following basic requirements:

  • a Docker registry containing all the necessary Docker installation images. This also includes Kommander images. The konvoy_air_gapped.tar.bz2 tarball has the required artifacts.

  • connectivity with clusters attaching to the management cluster:

    • both management and attached clusters must connect to the Docker registry
    • management cluster must connect to the attached cluster’s API server
    • management cluster must connect to load balancers created by some platform services. For example, Thanos, part of the Prometheus platform service, connects to those load balancers.
  • all the prerequisites in air gapped Konvoy installation in case of Konvoy clusters.

Control plane nodes

Control plane nodes of Konvoy clusters should meet the minimal requirements outlined in air gapped Konvoy installation.

Worker nodes

Worker nodes must meet the minimal requirements outlined in air gapped Konvoy installation.

Operating system and services for all nodes

All nodes must meet the same minimal requirements outlined in air gapped Konvoy installation.

Define the inventory file

Installing air gapped Kommander does not require any changes in the inventory.yaml file.

Configure the Kubernetes cluster

The cluster.yaml file provides the configuration details for creating your Konvoy cluster. Installing Kommander in an air-gapped environment requires extra configuration. Make sure the cluster.yaml has all the changes outlined in air gapped Konvoy installation documentation. On top of that, you need to edit your cluster.yaml as outlined below to meet the following requirements:

  1. Make sure Kommander can use the self-hosted charts repository running on top of the Konvoy cluster. It can not connect to the default one through the public Internet.
  2. Make sure Kommander can find and access the private Docker registry. The registry_ip variable in the code snippet below references the IP address of the available private Docker registry. You can omit the username and password lines if your registry does not require authentication. This example assumes the registry uses a custom CA certificate which has to be injected into Kommander as an Addon value.
  3. Reconfigure the Kommander controller to work in an air gapped environment.

Your cluster.yaml file should look similar to the following for Kommander Addon configuration (ensure to replace KONVOY_VERSION with the specific version that you retrieve from your management cluster’s cluster.yaml spec.version field):

- name: kommander
  enabled: true
  values: |2
          enabled: true
          chartRepo: http://konvoy-addons-chart-repo.kubeaddons.svc:8879
              tag: KONVOY_VERSION
              feature-gates: Airgapped=true
        versionStrategy: mapped-kubernetes-version
            1.17.11: master
        imageRepository: "${registry_ip}:5000/mesosphere/konvoy"
        chartRepo: http://konvoy-addons-chart-repo.kubeaddons.svc:8879
        dockerRegistryCaBundle: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          ----END CERTIFICATE-----
          docker-registry-url: "https://${registry_ip}:5000"
          docker-registry-username: 'admin'
          docker-registry-password: 'password'

If you wish to disable the Docker registry certificate verification, set docker-registry-insecure-skip-tls-verify to true in the utilityApiserver's extraArgs. We encourage you to keep the certificate verification enabled to validate all TLS connections to the registry.

This Docker image includes code from the MinIO Project (“MinIO”), which is © 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc. MinIO is made available subject to the terms and conditions of the [GNU Affero General Public License 3.0][]. The complete source code for the versions of MinIO packaged with Kommander 1.4.0 are available at these URLs:
