
Configuration settings for Kaptain

This page lists Kaptain configuration properties that can be adjusted during the initial installation or by updating the existing instance of Kaptain. These parameters are typically set in values.yaml.

NOTE: For the properties that require user credentials, ensure that the admin or a person with sufficient administrative rights has modified the initial or default user passwords.

Kaptain Chart Values

Key Type Default Description
global.clusterDomainName string "cluster.local" Kubernetes cluster domain name
global.userIdHeader string "kubeflow-userid" Name of the HTTP header containing the information about authenticated user
global.userIdPrefix string "" Prefix for the ‘userIdHeader’ header value
global.workspace string "kommander"
ingress.enabled bool true Enable ingress
ingress.enableSecretRotation bool true Enable cronjob for automatic rotation of certificate secrets
ingress.externalDexClientId string "" Dex client ID to use when authenticating with external cluster
ingress.externalDexClientSecret string "" Dex client secret to use when authenticating with external cluster
ingress.oidcGroupsAllowList string "*" List of groups that are allowed to pass authorization
ingress.oidcProviderEndpoint string "" External OIDC provider endpoint URL
ingress.oidcProviderBase64CaBundle string "" CA bundle of the OIDC provider endpoint URL encoded in base64
ingress.kubeflowIngressGatewayServiceAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for Kaptain’s default gateway
ingress.customDomainName string "" Custom domain name used to access Kaptain, for example,
ingress.base64CustomCertificate string "" base64-encoded contents of a custom certificate file (.crt) to use with the provided custom domain name
ingress.base64CustomCertificateKey string "" base64-encoded contents of a custom certificate private key file (.key) to use with the provided custom domain name
ingress.namespace string "kaptain-ingress" Namespace to install Kaptain Ingress resources
ingress.kommanderClusterObjectName string "host-cluster" The name of the KommanderCluster object
ingress.kommanderTraefikCertificateName string "kommander-traefik-tls" The name of the Kommander Traefik certificate
ingress.secretRotationSchedule string "0 0 * * *" Schedule for triggering the secret rotation cronjob
core.enabled bool true
core.namespace string "kubeflow"
core.notebook.defaultImage string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-tensorflow-2.9.1" Default image to use when creating a new notebook server
core.notebook.images[0] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-tensorflow-2.9.1" JupyterLab with Tensorflow and Spark pre-installed
core.notebook.images[1] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-tensorflow-2.9.1-gpu" JupyterLab with Tensorflow, CUDA and Spark pre-installed with GPU support
core.notebook.images[2] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-pytorch-1.11.0" JupyterLab with Pytorch and Spark pre-installed
core.notebook.images[3] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-pytorch-1.11.0-gpu" JupyterLab with Pytorch, CUDA and Spark pre-installed with GPU support
core.notebook.images[4] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-mxnet-1.9.1" JupyterLab with MXNet and Spark pre-installed
core.notebook.images[5] string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-jupyter-spark-3.3.0-mxnet-1.9.1-gpu" JupyterLab with MXNet, CUDA and Spark pre-installed with GPU support
core.notebook.tolerationGroups list [] Pod toleration group configurations for Notebook servers
core.notebook.affinityConfig list [] Pod affinity configurations for Notebook servers
core.notebook.enableCulling bool false Enables scale down idling notebooks to freeing up the allocated resources.
core.notebook.idleTimeMinutes int 1440 Period of time a notebook can stay idle before it gets culled (scaled down)
core.notebook.cullingCheckPeriodMinutes int 1 Notebook status check period
core.disableAntiAffinity bool false Enables single-node installation. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS! Disabling anti-affinity allows installing Kaptain on a smaller number of nodes (less than 3) or on a single node. This installation mode must be used for evaluation purposes only. No data integrity guarantees in case of a hardware failure!
core.registrationFlow bool false Enables automatic profile creation
core.tensorboardImage string "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.2.0-tensorflow-2.9.1" Image to use for a Tensorboard in Kubeflow
core.dashboard.uriPathPrefix string "/dashboard/"
core.dashboard.prometheusPort int 9090
core.dashboard.refreshIntervalSeconds int 10
core.dashboard.gunicornWorkers int 3
core.dashboard.gunicornThreads int 3
core.dashboard.logLevel string "debug"
core.workflows.executorImage string ""
core.workflows.containerRuntimeExecutor string "emissary" Argo Workflows Executor
core.workflows.artifactRepository.bucket string "mlpipeline" Bucket to store artifacts
core.workflows.artifactRepository.keyPrefix string “artifacts/{{}}/yyyy/mm/dd/{{}}” Bucket prefix
core.workflows.artifactRepository.endpoint string "kaptain-minio.kubeflow" S3-compatible storage endpoint
core.workflows.artifactRepository.insecure bool true Disable SSL
core.workflows.artifactRepository.accessKeySecretName string "minio-creds-secret"
core.workflows.artifactRepository.accessKeySecretKey string "accesskey"
core.workflows.artifactRepository.secretKeySecretName string "minio-creds-secret"
core.workflows.artifactRepository.secretKeySecretKey string "secretkey"
core.db.user string "cm9vdA==" MySQL Username
core.db.password string MySQL Password
core.db.port int 3306 MySQL Port string "kaptain-mysql-store-haproxy" MySQL Service name in the cluster
core.db.nodes.count int 3 Number of MySQL nodes in the HA MySQL cluster
core.db.nodes.diskSize string "30Gi" Disk size of a single database node in the MySQL cluster
core.db.nodes.memory string "2G" Memory per single database node in the MySQL cluster
core.db.nodes.cpu int 2 CPU per single database node in the MySQL cluster
core.db.proxy.count int 2 Number of proxy instances for the HA MySQL cluster
core.db.proxy.memory string "1G" Memory per single proxy instance in the MySQL cluster
core.db.proxy.cpu int 1 CPU per single proxy instance in the MySQL cluster
core.db.backup.enabled bool false Enables backup for the MySQL cluster
core.db.backup.bucket string "" Backup bucket name for the MySQL cluster
core.db.backup.region string "" Backup bucket region name for the MySQL cluster
core.db.backup.secretName string "" Name of the secret with access credentials for the MySQL cluster backup bucket
core.db.backup.endpointUrl string "" Custom endpoint URL for the MySQL cluster backup bucket
core.minio.servers int 4 Number of MinIO server pods to deploy in the pool; 4 is the minimum allowed
core.minio.volumesPerServer int 2 Number of Persistent Volume Claims to generate for each MinIO server pod in the pool
core.minio.storageCapacity string "5Gi" Capacity of a single volume in MinIO server pool
core.minio.volumeStorageClass string "" StorageClass name to be used for PVCs in MinIO server pool
core.pipelines.bucketName string "mlpipeline"
core.pipelines.cacheDb string "cachedb"
core.pipelines.dbConMaxLifeTimeSec string "300s"
core.pipelines.mlmdDB string "metadb"
core.pipelines.pipelineDB string "mlpipeline"
core.pipelines.defaultPipelineRunnerServiceAccount string "default-editor"
core.pipelines.objectStoreHost string "kaptain-minio"
core.pipelines.objectStorePort int 80
core.pipelines.workflowsTTLSecondsAfterFinish int 86400 The TTL for Argo Workflow (a single run of a pipeline) to persist after completion (default: 24 hours)
core.pipelines.enableMultiUserSupport bool true Enables multi-user support for Pipelines
core.mlflow.bucketName string "mlpipeline"
core.mlflow.bucketPrefix string "mlflow"
core.mlflow.objectStoreHost string "kaptain-minio"
core.mlflow.objectStorePort int 80
core.mlflow.objectStoreProtocol string "http"
core.mlflow.dbName string "mlflow"
core.redis.enabled bool true Enables Redis cluster
core.redis.clientPort int 6379 Redis TCP port used to serve clients
core.redis.clusterBusPort int 16379 Redis cluster bus port
core.redis.password string base64-encoded Redis password
core.redis.replicas int 6 Number of replicas in the Redis cluster (minimum required: 6).
core.redis.replicaVolumeSize string "20Gi" Volume size of a single Redis replica
kserve.enabled bool true Enables KServe
kserve.namespace string "kserve"
kserve.agent.image string "kserve/agent:v0.9.0" string "mesosphere/kubeflow:storage-initializer-0.9.0-bf22216d" string "awsAccessKeyID" string "awsSecretAccessKey"
kserve.controller.deploymentMode string "Serverless"
kserve.controller.gateway.domain string ""
kserve.controller.gateway.localGateway.gateway string "cluster-local-gateway.knative-serving"
kserve.controller.gateway.localGateway.gatewayService string "cluster-local-gateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"
kserve.controller.gateway.ingressGateway.gateway string "kaptain-ingress/kubeflow-gateway"
kserve.controller.gateway.ingressGateway.gatewayService string "istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"
kserve.controller.gateway.ingressClassName string ""
kserve.controller.image string "kserve/kserve-controller:v0.9.0"
kserve.controller.resources.limits.cpu string "100m"
kserve.controller.resources.limits.memory string "300Mi"
kserve.controller.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
kserve.controller.resources.requests.memory string "300Mi"
kserve.servingruntime.modelNamePlaceholder string "{{.Name}}"
kserve.servingruntime.tensorflow.image string "tensorflow/serving"
kserve.servingruntime.tensorflow.tag string "2.6.2"
kserve.servingruntime.mlserver.image string ""
kserve.servingruntime.mlserver.tag string "1.1.0"
kserve.servingruntime.mlserver.modelClassPlaceholder string "{{.Labels.modelClass}}"
kserve.servingruntime.sklearnserver.image string "kserve/sklearnserver"
kserve.servingruntime.sklearnserver.tag string "v0.9.0"
kserve.servingruntime.xgbserver.image string "kserve/xgbserver"
kserve.servingruntime.xgbserver.tag string "v0.9.0"
kserve.servingruntime.tritonserver.image string ""
kserve.servingruntime.tritonserver.tag string "21.09-py3"
kserve.servingruntime.pmmlserver.image string "mesosphere/kubeflow"
kserve.servingruntime.pmmlserver.tag string "kserve-pmmlserver-v0.9.0-3994c63-cve-patch"
kserve.servingruntime.paddleserver.image string "mesosphere/kubeflow"
kserve.servingruntime.paddleserver.tag string "kserve-paddleserver-v0.9.0-3994c63-cve-patch"
kserve.servingruntime.lgbserver.image string "kserve/lgbserver"
kserve.servingruntime.lgbserver.tag string "v0.9.0"
kserve.servingruntime.torchserve.image string "pytorch/torchserve-kfs"
kserve.servingruntime.torchserve.tag string "0.6.0"
kserve.servingruntime.torchserve.serviceEnvelopePlaceholder string "{{.Labels.serviceEnvelope}}"
kserve.servingruntime.alibi.image string "mesosphere/kubeflow"
kserve.servingruntime.alibi.defaultVersion string "kserve-alibi-explainer-v0.9.0-5b00d22-cve-patch" string "mesosphere/kubeflow" string "kserve-art-explainer-v0.9.0-5b00d22-cve-patch"

For a full list of attributed 3rd party software, see