Manage Users and Permissions

Manage Kubeflow users and permissions

Manage Kubeflow Users and Permissions


  • Administrative access to a properly configured Konvoy cluster via kubectl

Because a single Kubeflow user needs to interact with Kubernetes resources across their own Kubeflow Profile namespace, D2iQ recommends appropriately configured ClusterRole objects. As with all matters regarding security, we encourage you to thoroughly review permissions set by our predefined ClusterRoles in conjunction with your security team.

NB: The following tutorial assumes you have already connected an OIDC provider to your Konvoy/Kommander cluster via Konvoy’s built-in Dex integration. If you have not yet done so, please review the relevant documentation for Konvoy konvoy-oidc or Kommander kommander-oidc before proceeding.

Kubeflow Predefined ClusterRoles

Kaptain comes with a set of predefined Kubernetes ClusterRoles designed to simplify the workflow of administrators who manage permissions of users.

Predefined ClusterRoles for Kubeflow tenants are as follows:

  1. kubeflow-admin - Appropriate for administrators of the Kubeflow instance.
  2. kubeflow-edit - Appropriate for data scientists, data engineers, MLOps engineers, or other Kubeflow tenants.
  3. kubeflow-view - Appropriate for those who should have view-only access to the Kubeflow instance.

For a chart of the permissions granted to each ClusterRole, see the Permissions Charts.

Onboarding new users


Kaptain provides an abstraction called Profile which is assigned to a user and bound to a namespace along with additional resources such as namespace-scoped service accounts, RBAC RoleBindings, Istio ServiceRole and ServiceRoleBinding. Kubeflow grants users with namespace admin permissions for their namespaces.

Automatic profile creation

When an authenticated user logs into the system and visits the central dashboard for the first time, they trigger a profile creation. This is referred to as a “Registration Flow.” However, for security reasons, automatic profile creation is disabled by default.

  • To enable automatic profile creation when installing Kaptain, run this command:

    kubectl kudo install --instance kaptain --namespace kubeflow --create-namespace ./kubeflow-1.4.0_1.3.0.tgz -p registrationFlow=true
  • To enable automatic profile creation later on, ensure all kudo plans have been completed, and then set the registrationFlow parameter to true:

    kubectl kudo update --instance kaptain -p registrationFlow=true --namespace kubeflow

    NOTE: Refer to KUDO documentation to obtain additional information on the kudo plans.

    After running this command, log out and back into the kubeflow dashboard. You are prompted to create a profile.

  • To disable automatic profile creation, set the registrationFlow parameter back to false:

    kubectl kudo update --instance kaptain -p registrationFlow=false --namespace kubeflow

Manual profile creation

For a finer-grain control and per-namespace resource quota management, profiles for the new users can be created before onboarding them.

Step 1 - Create the Profile YAML manifest

In your terminal shell, run:

cat << EOF > user-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name:  "<name of profile>"
    kind: User
    name: "<Email of user>"
  resourceQuotaSpec: {}

Step 2 - Edit user-profile.yaml with details for the new user

Edit the to the name of the profile you want to add.

NOTE: This name should be globally unique across your Konvoy cluster, otherwise you may overwrite another profile.

Edit the to match the email address associated with the user’s OIDC account.

Step 3 - Edit user-profile.yaml to configure resource quota (optional)

Edit the spec.resourceQuotaSpec to specify user namespace resource quota. Example:

      cpu: "100"
      memory: 500Gi
      pods: "50"

Check ResourceQuotaSpec for the resourceQuotaSpec format.

If resource quota is enabled in a namespace, users must specify requests or limits for compute resources like cpu and memory; otherwise, the pod will be rejected by an admission controller and will not be scheduled.

It is possible to set the limits (min/max) or default resource values for pods in a namespace by defining a LimitRange policy.

With a LimitRange set for a namespace, a dedicated admission controller will set the default request/limit for pods in that namespace.

It is recommended to set a LimitRange when resource quota is enabled to enforce defaults and limits for all Pods and Containers that do not set compute resource requirements.

The following policy sets the default resource values for any pods in the namespace that do no specify resource limits:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: cpu-mem-limit-range
  - default:
      cpu: 800m
      memory: 512Mi
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 256Mi
    type: Container

Step 4 - Apply user-profile.yaml to your Konvoy cluster

In your terminal shell, run:

kubectl apply -f user-profile.yaml

Your output should look similar to this:

kubectl apply -f user-profile.yaml<name of profile> created

Modifying Permissions of existing Users

Adding Permissions for a Kubeflow Administrator

Step 1 - Create the ClusterRoleBinding YAML manifest

In your terminal shell, run:

cat << EOF > add-kubeflow-admin.yaml                                        
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: "<name of user>"
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: kubeflow-admin
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: "<Email of user>"

Step 2 - Edit add-kubeflow-admin.yaml with details for the new user

Edit the to the name of the user you want to add.

NOTE: This name should be globally unique across your Konvoy cluster, otherwise you may overwrite another user's permissions.

Edit the to match the email address associated with the user’s OIDC account.

Step 3 - Apply add-kubeflow-admin.yaml to your Konvoy cluster

In your terminal shell, run:

kubectl apply -f add-kubeflow-admin.yaml

Your output should look similar to this:

kubectl apply -f add-kubeflow-admin.yaml                      <name of user> created

Adding Permissions for a Kubeflow User

Step 1 - Create the ClusterRoleBinding YAML manifest

In your terminal shell, run:

cat << EOF > add-kubeflow-user.yaml                                        
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: "<name of user>"
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: kubeflow-edit
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: "<Email of user>"

Step 2 - Edit add-kubeflow-user.yaml with details for the new user

Edit the to the name of the user you want to add.

NOTE: This name should be globally unique across your Konvoy cluster, otherwise you may overwrite another user's permissions.

Edit to match the email address associated with the user’s OIDC account.

Step 3 - Apply add-kubeflow-user.yaml to your Konvoy cluster

In your terminal shell, run:

kubectl apply -f add-kubeflow-user.yaml

Your output should look similar to this:

kubectl apply -f add-kubeflow-user.yaml                      <name of user> created

Permissions Charts

kubeflow-admin permissions


kubeflow-edit permissions


kubeflow-view permissions
