Install Kaptain on an air-gapped cluster

Install Kaptain on an air-gapped cluster

Air-Gapped Installation

IMPORTANT: The air-gapped installation procedure is still in beta, so the process may change in the future.

Kaptain supports installation on an air-gapped (a.k.a. offline or private) Konvoy cluster. Before installing Kaptain, please follow the Konvoy Air-Gapped Installation Guide to set up the air-gapped Konvoy cluster. The cluster admin is responsible for configuring the Konvoy cluster.yaml correctly and ensuring container images have been pre-loaded to the private registry before spinning up the cluster.

The installation steps for Kaptain on an air-gapped cluster are as follows:

  • Download kaptain_air_gapped.tar.gz that will contain the required artifacts to perform an air-gapped installation.

  • Unpack kaptain_air_gapped.tar.gz and copy the following files and folders into the Konvoy working directory (<konvoy_artifacts_dir>):

    • <kaptain_artifacts_dir>/images.json to <konvoy_artifacts_dir>/extras/images/kaptain/
    • <kaptain_artifacts_dir>/images/* to <konvoy_artifacts_dir>/extras/images/kaptain/
    • <kaptain_artifacts_dir>/kubeaddons-kaptain <konvoy_artifacts_dir>/
  • Add the Kaptain addon repository to the cluster.yaml file and update other addon repositories to use Kaptain’s Docker image which includes Kaptain specific addons:

    - configRepository: /opt/konvoy/artifacts/kubeaddons-kaptain
      configVersion: stable-1.20-1.3.0
        image: mesosphere/kubeflow:kaptain-addons-stable-1.20-1.3.0
        - name: knative
          enabled: true
  • Load, re-tag, and push all images to the private registry by using the Konvoy CLI:

    konvoy config images seed
  • Spin up the Konvoy cluster:

    konvoy up
  • When the Konvoy cluster is ready, install Kaptain.