Configure Kaptain to use a Kommander management cluster for authentication.
- A Kommander management cluster.
- A managed Konvoy cluster, into which Kaptain will be installed.
- The managed (Konvoy) cluster is attached to the management cluster (Kommander). (You will need to create a cluster via Kommander to have a managed Konvoy cluster.)
Kaptain configuration requirements
To use the Kommander Dex instance for authentication with Kaptain you will need to collect the following information:
- Dex Client Identifier (ID) of the managed cluster
- Dex Client secret corresponding to the Client ID
- External OIDC provider endpoint from the management cluster
- External OIDC provider CA bundle
Get Dex Client Id
To get the external Dex Client ID, run the following command on the managed cluster (Konvoy):
kubectl describe configmaps -n kommander-system traefik-forward-auth-kommander-kubeaddons-configmap | grep client-id | cut -d '-' -f4-
Get Dex Client Secret
To get the Dex client secret, run the following command on the management cluster:
kubectl get secrets -n kubeaddons \
"$(kubectl get -n kubeaddons <Dex Client ID> --template={{}})" \
--template='{{index .data "client-secret"}}' | base64 --decode
Get external OIDC provider endpoint and CA bundle
Get the management cluster’s OIDC provider endpoint as https://<management-cluster-url>/dex
To get the OIDC provider CA bundle, run the following command on the management cluster (Kommander):
kubectl get secret traefik-kubeaddons-certificate -n kubeaddons -o jsonpath="{\.crt}"
Install Kaptain
Create or update a configuration file named parameters.yaml
that includes the following properties:
externalDexClientId: dex-controller-<Dex Client ID>
externalDexClientSecret: <Dex Client secret>
oidcProviderEndpoint: <OIDC provider endpoint>
oidcProviderBase64CaBundle: <OIDC provider CA bundle>
The resulting configuration file should look similar to the following:
externalDexClientId: dex-controller-dextfa-client-managed-cluster-admin-managed-cluster-dkzzq
externalDexClientSecret: kkyhCc0W94WDJezbzsN7Ykif3DrwNuT40p3TWOKlDtdgjfJm1ItrJaqzRqQD7pUn
oidcProviderEndpoint: https://<Management-cluster-URL>/dex
Install Kaptain with the provided parameters, by running the following command against the managed cluster:
kubectl kudo install ./kubeflow-1.3.0_1.2.0.tgz \
--instance kaptain \
-P parameters.yaml \
--namespace kubeflow \
To update an already installed Kaptain instance, run the following command on the managed cluster:
kubectl kudo update --instance kaptain --namespace kubeflow -P parameters.yaml
Verify the installation completed successfully by running the following command:
kubectl kudo plan status --instance kaptain -n kubeflow
Add the redirect URL to Kaptain authentication service in the management cluster
Once Kaptain is up, get the redirect URL from Kaptain’s authservice by running the following command on the managed cluster:
kubectl exec -it -n kubeflow authservice-0 -- sh -c 'echo $REDIRECT_URL'
On the management cluster add the Redirect URL to the redirectURIs
list of the Dex client resource:
kubectl patch -n kubeaddons <Dex Client ID> \
--type "json" -p '[{"op":"add", "path" :"/spec/redirectURIs/-", "value": "<Redirect URL>"}]'
Log in to Kaptain using the management cluster’s Dex instance
Discover the Kaptain endpoint:
- If you are running Kaptain on-premises:
kubectl get svc kubeflow-ingressgateway --namespace kubeflow -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"
- Or if you are running Kaptain on AWS:
kubectl get svc kubeflow-ingressgateway --namespace kubeflow -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}"
When accessing Kaptain via https://<Kaptain endpoint>
, you will be redirected to the login page of the management cluster’s Dex instance.