dcos storage volume list


List volumes.

dcos storage volume list

List volumes.


List volumes.

dcos storage volume list [flags]


  1. Create two volumes and list them:
# First, we create two volumes to list.
# Create a SSD-backed volume from a 'fast' volume profile.
dcos storage volume create --name my-volume-1 --capacity 100G --profile fast

# Create a volume backed by HDDs from an 'archive' volume profile.
dcos storage volume create --name my-archive-1 --capacity 200G \
  --profile archive

# Now, we list the volumes.
dcos storage volume list
NODE                                     NAME          SIZE     PROVIDER  STATUS
c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S1  my-volume-1   100000M  lvm-1     ONLINE
c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S2  my-archive-1  200000M  lvm-1     ONLINE
dcos storage volume list --json
    "volumes": [
            "name": "my-volume-1",
            "capacity-mb": 100000,
            "profile": "fast",
            "status": {
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S1",
                "asset-id": "lk3j23456",
                "requires": [
                        "type": "PROVIDER",
                        "name": "lvm-1",
                        "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S1"
                "metadata": {
                    "vendor": "io.mesosphere.dcos.storage.csilvm.plugin_71rlep8aFEMaunDqpCCvL1",
                    "volume-id": "csilv8m2904qqmxmu"
            "name": "my-archive-1",
            "capacity-mb": 200000,
            "profile": "archive",
            "status": {
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S2",
                "asset-id": "j3465745674",
                "requires": [
                        "type": "PROVIDER",
                        "name": "lvm-1",
                        "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S2"
                "metadata": {
                    "vendor": "io.mesosphere.dcos.storage.csilvm.plugin_71rlep8aFEMaunDqpCCvL1",
                    "volume-id": "csilv395gyidn7u9yg"
# List only the my-volume-1 volume.
dcos storage volume list --name my-volume-1 --json
    "volumes": [
            "name": "my-volume-1",
            "capacity-mb": 100000,
            "profile": "fast",
            "status": {
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S1",
                "asset-id": "lk3j23456",
                "requires": [
                        "type": "PROVIDER",
                        "name": "lvm-1",
                        "node": "c67efa5d-34fa-4bc5-8b21-2a5e0bd52385-S1"
                "metadata": {
                    "vendor": "io.mesosphere.dcos.storage.csilvm.plugin_71rlep8aFEMaunDqpCCvL1",
                    "volume-id": "csilv8m2904qqmxmu"


Name Description
--json Display the list of volumes in json format.
-n,--name stringArray Only show the named volume. May be specified multiple times.
--node string Only list volumes created on this node. Use an empty value to list all volumes that have not yet been assigned to a node (e.g. '–node='`)

Options inherited from parent commands

Name Description
-h,--help Help for this command.
--timeout duration Override the default operation timeout. (default 55s)
-v,--verbose Verbose mode.