Release Notes Konvoy 2.1.1

View release-specific information for Konvoy 2.1.1

D2iQ® Konvoy® version 2.1 was released on December 30, 2021.

NOTE: You must be a registered user and logged on to the support portal to download this product. For new customers, contact your sales representative or before attempting to download Konvoy.

Release summary

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience, fix reported issues, integrate changes from previous releases, and maintain compatibility and support for other packages used in Konvoy.

Supported versions

Kubernetes Support Version
Minimum 1.21.6
Maximum 1.21.x
Default 1.21.6

New features and capabilities

DKP Major Version Upgrade

Konvoy and Kommander 2.1 represent a major version upgrade that moves forward DKP architecture to give you access to D2iQ’s next generation centralized Kubernetes and smart cloud native applications. It incorporates ClusterAPI as a major re-architecture in its management of production Kubernetes clusters. ClusterAPI, or CAPI, enables declarative creation, configuration, and management of clusters. Declarative mode is a Kubernetes best practice that simplifies lifecycle tasks, making them more consistent and more repeatable. 2.1 enhances your existing clusters to use a new architecture.

Easier Air-gapped deployments

Konvoy 2.1 comes with an easier way to deploy in an air-gapped environment. Rather than one large package that includes the requirements for all air-gapped environments, D2iQ now provides air-gapped bundles for individual needs.

Other Feature Additions

  • Added the ability to provision a cluster using an advanced YAML editor.

Fixes and Improvements

  • DKP delete fails in AWS

    Fixed an issue where the dkp delete command could fail with a SIGSEGV when attempting to delete a DKP cluster from AWS where you have permanent credentials. (COPS-7109)

  • DKP installer fails to follow respective AWS --region or Azure --location flags

    Fixed an issue where the AWS --region or Azure --location installer flags were not being enforced in the target cluster. (COPS-7101)

  • DKP move command not moving some items

    We corrected an issue where the PreprovisionedInventory object and SSH key secret were not moved to the target cluster when making the cluster self-managing.(COPS-7079)

Component updates

The following components are upgraded to the listed version:

  • Cluster API Preprovisioned Provider v0.4.0
  • Konvoy Image Builder v1.5.0

Known Issues

  • For clusters that were installed with existing infrastructure/VPC, upgrading from Konvoy 1.8.x to 2.1.1 is NOT supported. This applies when Konvoy 1.8.x was installed before an existing infrastructure/VPC was installed. A fix for this issue is in development for the next patch release.

Additional resources

For information about working with native Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.